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Aarik D

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Everything posted by Aarik D

  1. Hey PX1player, Andrea is correct, this is by design. Zealous Focus is not meant to stack with other bonuses such as the spell blessing. Thank you for your support.
  2. Hello lovablebasterd, Welcome to the forums and thank you for joining us! To answer your question here is the minimum requirements to play the game: MINIMUM:OS: OS X 10.6.3 Leopard 64-bit or newer Processor: Intel Core i5-540M @ 2.53 GHz Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 6750M or NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M Hard Drive: 14 GB available space Unfortunately your specs are just below the requirements to play. I'm sorry to say but, you may encounter a lot of issues if you were to decide to purchase the game. Thank you for your support.
  3. Hello PX1 Player, Thanks for pointing this out to use. I have entered a bug for the Engwithan Medallion. As for the other 3 items. The mods are showing correctly on our end in our latest internal build. So it has been fixed internally. Thank you for your support.
  4. Hello everyone, Thanks for pointing this out to us. Fortunately we are aware of the issue and it is not currently working on Charmed allies. We are currently investigating the issue. Thank you for your support.
  5. Hello Electricleash, Andrea is correct in the part that the boots only work during combat, but the walk/run animation is a bug and fortunately we are aware of the issue. Thank you for your support.
  6. Hello PX1player, This is by design. If you hover over "Damage" in the AI menu, it will show you that this AI setting will prioritize spells that have direct damage and foe only aoe spells. Playing though your save, I've notice your wizard will use Jolting Touch after casting a few high level spells.
  7. Hey guys, Unfortunately there is nothing we can do about the corrupted saves Unfortunately you will either have to go back to an older save, start a new game, or use the console command to give yourself the items back. The only way to fix this issue is if we can get our hands on a save right before you lose the items. I apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your support in this matter.
  8. Hello Clover, Welcome to the forums and I apologize for the inconvenience. I took a look at your logs and there are a lot of files that are missing or cant be found. Since you are playing in GOG I would suggest uninstalling the game and reinstalling it. If you have GOG Galaxy, try verify/repair in the client and that should fix this issue. Thank you for your support.
  9. Great! Glad to hear it worked out for you. If the issue continues, please keep me up to date on the situation!
  10. Hey Andrea, I tested this pretty extensively and I did not get any crit > hit changes on anyone who has the Durgan Steel armor enchant in our latest internal build. So if it is happening, most likely this has been fixed on our side. Thanks and keep up the great work!
  11. Hey guys, Just got an update on the issue. First back up your save files and place them somewhere you can access them later. Then Delete the entire Pillars of Eternity Save folder. Launch the game and make a new game. See if you can save a game and load it. For some reason one of your saves have been corrupted and it is possibly corrupting your other saves. You might have to go through each save one by one to see which ones are corrupted if not all of them. I apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you guys for your patience.
  12. Ah I see what you are trying to say. Thank you for clarifying. Just to be clear, an attacker with the Durgan's Steel Armor enchant is causing that user to convert crits to hits while attacking? I will run some test to see if this is the issue. Thanks for all your help guys!
  13. Hello Achilles, Thanks for pointing this out. Fortunately we are aware of the issue and we are looking into it. Thank you for your support.
  14. Hello Kyliesuperstar, Welcome to the forums and thank you for joining! I don't believe I have come across this bug during my testing, Please verify/repair your game files and see if the issue continues. In the GOG Galaxy menus, click on Pillars > More > Manage > Verify/Repair. Thank you for your support!
  15. Hello explosionsky, Welcome to the Forums! Thank you for joining us. I looked into the issue more closely and the problem appears to be Shielding Flames is suppressing Guardians Stance. Circle of Protection is working correctly and not overriding any other bonuses. I have written up a bug and added it to our database. For the -accuracy in GS, it only applies to the fight, not the party. Thank you for your support.
  16. Hello iEdhil, Could you please upload a save file and an output log via dropbox so I can take a look? It sounds like your save has been corrupted some how. Do you have an older save you can load? Use that save and you shouldn't have that issue anymore. Thank you for your support. Edit: I deleted your other post, please do not make duplicated posts.
  17. Hey Andrea, This is working as intended. Its just they how things are being reported in the combat log. Its always *Attacker hits Player for X damage*. It would make more sense if the log also reported your character has taken damage *Player takes X damage from Attacker*. So what you are seeing is the crit is being converted to a hit as per the durgan steel enchant and Lucky Dozen from the attackers point of view.
  18. When did the 2.03 patch go live? 26th of Oct? Well anyway, I bought the game on the 30th of Oct and I don't recall there being any updates to the game since then. Then you should be good on that issue. When you uninstalled the game, did you do that through Steam or through Program Features in the Control Panel? If you deleted the game from Steam, I would suggest uninstalling the game through the Control Panel and then delete the game folder in the Steam directory. Then reinstall the game and see if that fixes your issue. Have you made an exception for Steam and Pillars in your anti-virus and firewall?
  19. Hello everyone, We have contacted GOG and the 2.02 -> 2.03 should now be up for the Mac page! Thank you for your support and patience.
  20. Hello MonarchX, No, this doesn't affect the game in any way. Its just a UI bug on the map. There is no way to remove it until we have a patch that does so. Thanks!
  21. Hey Andrea, After doing some test, it appears that they are indeed stacking and been cycling between each other when hits are converted to crits. Just food for though, when you are using mods during testing, things can sometimes get a little wonky. Thanks dude! Keep up the good work!
  22. Hello Andrea, I remember there was something affecting your save with the crit test. So that could make this test invalid. I will create a new game and see if I can reproduce the issue. Thanks a bunch!
  23. Hello deveroth, Welcome to the forums! It appears you will have to uninstall your game and download and install the 2.03 version of the game. There does not appear to be a patch for the Mac Client. As PrimeJunta has suggested. Using GoG Galaxy will cancel out all the confusions of patch downloading and it will update the game for your automatically. We will follow up with GOG and see if they are missing something on their end. Thank you for your support.
  24. Hello Theoruin, Welcome to the forums! I apologize for the inconvenience. Have you checked your save folder location to see if the files are still there? Please click on the link in my signature if you are having difficulty locating it. Could you also please upload your save folder, output log, and a system spec file via dropbox and post the link here? Did you just patch the game today or was it already patched? Try disabling Steam Cloud to see if that fixes the problem. One user said they closed out the game and steam completely and he was able to load his games. Thank you for your support. Edit: Merge threads.
  25. Hello Veho, Did you happen as a result of updating to 2.03 or after? Have you tried disabling Steam Cloud? Have you verified your steam cache? In your Steam library, right click Pillars of Eternity > Properties > Local Files > Verify Integrity of Game Cache. Run Windows Update and see if any of those critical files help with the runtime issues. EDIT: Found this on the steam forums, it might help. http://steamcommunity.com/app/291650/discussions/0/496880203081131448/
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