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Aarik D

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Everything posted by Aarik D

  1. Hello enmebaraggesi, Welcome to the Forums and thanks for pointing out these issues. The first 2 issues have been corrected internally and I have put in an bug for Two-Handed. As for the last 3, we are already aware of them and are in our database. Thank you and keep up the good work!
  2. Hello thelee, I used all of your items in your active slot and was able to use and go through the animations. I'm sure you have done this already but please verify your game cache and see if that resolves your issue. Let me know if that fixes your issue. Thank you for your support.
  3. Hello rheingold, If you have downloaded the base game, Pillars parts 1-3 and TWM parts 1 and 2, then there is no need to download the patches. The game should already be at 2.02. Those patches are for 2.01 - 2.02. Thank you for your support.
  4. Hello clampen, Welcome to the Forums! Thanks for pointing this out. I have written a bug and added it to our database. Thank you for your support.
  5. Hello miroinette, The issue you are seeing is related to having a 32-bit system. A work around can be found here, but please note that Obsidian is not liable for any issues that might occur with those settings. There are inherent risks involved when changing settings involving your operating system and any attempts to change your system settings will be at your own risk. http://windows7themes.net/en-us/32-bit-use-bcdedit-set-increaseuserva-to-increase-ram-used-by-single-application/ Other workarounds for common issues can be found here. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/71830-pillars-of-eternity-support-faq/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/72049-workarounds-for-several-known-issues-4-07-15/ Thank you for your support.
  6. Hello QuiteGoneJin, Could you please upload a save file showing this issue via dropbox? Try verifying your game cache and see if that helps. Thanks a bunch!
  7. Hey Nicholas Steel, We have made some changes in the new 2.03 beta patch. Give that a try and see how you like it. Cheers!
  8. Hey everybody, If you find any issues or bugs with this patch, please make sure to also report those issues in the beta bugs and support section of the forums. Links for beta bugs. http://forums.obsidian.net/forum/105-patch-beta-bugs-and-support/ Cheers!
  9. Hey everybody, If you find any issues or bugs with this patch, please make sure to report them here in this section of the forums. Please refer to the link just below. http://forums.obsidian.net/forum/105-patch-beta-bugs-and-support/ Cheers!
  10. Hello Jehan, I see that you are still using OS X Mavericks, I would suggest upgrading to OS X Yosemite and see if that resolves your issue. I will submit a bug to the programmers and see what can be done.
  11. Hello Nicholas, Try installing it as an administrator and see if that works. Cheers.
  12. Hello Nocholas, This feature has been requests multiple times on the forms and a request has been submitted. Thank you for your support.
  13. Hello Nicholas, I haven't been able to reproduce this. Try the new beta patch and see if it still happening there. Thank you for your support.
  14. Hey Irenicus000, Thanks for pointing this out to us. I'll take a look into this issue and write up a bug if need be. Thank you for your support!
  15. Hello everyone, Does any one have a save before the weapons disappearing so I can take a look?
  16. Thanks for updating the wiki everyone. We really appreciate the help!
  17. Hey thebigJ_A, I'm glad you were able to fix the issue on your own! If anything happens again, let me know. Thank you for your support.
  18. Hello again, Try verifying your game cache and see if that works for you. Are you experiencing this with both external speakers and headset?
  19. Another user has experienced not being able to load save but discovered that their harddrive was full which was the cause for their issue. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/82802-i-had-a-problem-with-saved-games-not-loading-and-here-is-why/
  20. Hello Faldorn, Welcome to the Forums! This is intended, all classes have access to the multiclass talents and can choose as many as they would like as you level. Cheers!
  21. Hey Abradoks, I attempted to reproduce your issue with the HP text issue, but was unable to do so with your steps. I will do some further tinkering to see if I can get it to happen. I have confirmed your bug with Kana and added it to our database. Thank you for your help.
  22. Hello RockyPillars, Welcome to the Forums! Thanks for letting us know how you were able to resolve your issue. Hopefully this will help other people out in the future. Cheers!
  23. Hello everyone, Insolentius is correct, the spell description should not display a duration because there isn't one. This has been corrected internally. Cheers.
  24. Hello Boeroer, I apologize for the inconvenience and for your loss. What unique item was it? Do you recall how you lost the item? If you don't care about achievements, you can use the console command to get the item back. Thank you for your support.
  25. Hello Abradoks, Unfortunately we will not be making any changes to the output log. That file is something everyone is free to read, but its mostly for us to see whats going on during gameplay. Thank you for your support.
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