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Aarik D

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Everything posted by Aarik D

  1. Hello Gairnulf, Do you have a save before the fight to see if I can reproduce the bug you are experiencing? Thanks a bunch!
  2. Hello Sylph_14, How are you this fine day? At this point in time, we will not be implementing a way to disable the group AI toggle or change its location, as it is a new feature in 2.03. However, if the demand is great enough, we will take everyone's feedback into consideration. Thank you for your support.
  3. Hello Greyhair, I apologize for the inconvenience, but the issue you are experiencing is due to having a 32bit OS. Please read this thread and you will find your solution. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/72049-workarounds-for-several-known-issues-4-07-15/ Thank you for your support.
  4. Hello Rinkata, Welcome to the forums! Bucklers typically do not have an arm strap like bigger shields do, they are meant to be held by hand. However, this is an acceptable amount of clipping. I will make a suggestion to the dev team, but I cannot guarantee that any changes will be made. Thank you for your support and feedback.
  5. Hello Gairnulf, Thank for pointing this out to us. Fortunately we are aware of the issue, however we wont be fixing the issue since it will only last until the end of the 31st. Thank you for your support and please accept our apologizes.
  6. Hello dendaersnubben, Welcome to the forums and I apologize for the inconvenience. Every system handles the game differently from low end rigs to powerful ones. Have you tried verifying your game cache in steam? Give that a try and see if that helps improve your performance. We are always working on improving optimization on the game so please bare with us while we continue to do so. Thank you for your support.
  7. Downloading and using Galaxy is always optional but it does make updating the game a lot easier, and if you are having an issue with the game, the repair/verify option is really useful. But you do not *need* it. Its just something GOG would like their users to start using. I would suggest contacting GOG support about the issue since we won't be able to do anything on our end.
  8. Hello Messier, I'm sure you probably installed both patches, so I would suggest running the patch again, it seems the patcher didn't install the Pillars of Eternity\PillarsOfEternity_Data\assetbundles\prefabs\objectbundle\spirit_bane.unity3d GOG would like users to start using Galaxy to make updating the game a lot easier, this is optional of course. Thank you for your support.
  9. Hello everyone, It does look like your animal companion is not getting the ability in the character sheet, but it does seem that they are still applying to the animal companion. I have updated the bug into our database. Thanks a bunch!
  10. Well as I can easily reproduce this on every load, yes, every save is 'before' losing the item. I've already attached the affected save game. Hello nano, Thank you for all the information. When I loaded up your save I can see an item missing, but I require a save that still have the items so I can reproduce the issue. I can add a bug in the database but without having an actual save to reproduce the issue, fixing the bug will prove to be difficult to solve. We did have this issue back in 2.0 but this has been since fixed. If you were to play the game again with a fresh save in 2.03, you shouldn't run into this problem again. While this is not a solution, if you are not opposed to using the console for cheats, you can add the lost items into your inventory. Thank you for your support.
  11. Great! Glad updating the game fixed this issue for you. Enjoy the game! Cheers!
  12. Hello Wighar, Welcome to the forums! Just to let you know, your first 5 posts on the forums have to be approved by a moderator or a dev. So it will not show up until we approve the posts. This file is a safe file. Those are the .dll for the Galaxy Client achievements. Thank you for your support. P.S. v.2.03 is now live on Steam!
  13. Hello nano, Welcome to the forums and I apologize for the inconvenience. Do you have a save you can upload before you lose the item? What are the locations where you lose these said items? Are they unique items, magical items? How long ago did you have this issue? Do you recall what build it was when you started the game? Have you verified your game cache in steam to see if that fixes the issue? Thanks.
  14. Hello addik, Welcome to the forums and I apologize for the inconvenience. As Nicholas has mentioned, sometimes you wont be able to load/save games due to not having enough free space on your hard drive. ( I was just writing this as you made your post. Haha) If that is not the case, please check your versions of DirectX, PhysX, and Microsoft visual C++. You can do this manually or run Windows Update. Believe it or not, but restarting your computer might fix this issue. Thank you for your support.
  15. Hello Warius, I will put in a bug to see if anything can be done to fix this, but without actually knowing how this actually happened, this will take some time and will be difficult. I will play through your older save and see if it happens again. For the time being, if you are not opposed to using cheats, you can use the console command to bring your items back, or play through your older save. Thank you for your support.
  16. Hello theBalthazar, If I am understanding correctly, if you have any character portrait over the magnifying glass, and you click on the portrait, the magnifying glass takes priority? If that is the case, this has been fixed in the beta and will be in the live 2.03 patch. Thank you for your support.
  17. Hey Gairnulf, Thanks for uploading those files. I have confirmed your bug and added it to our database. Thank you for your support and assistance.
  18. Hello Aurelio, I have brought it to their attention. I'm sure they are already looking into it. Cheers.
  19. Hello Gairnulf, Could you please upload a save file and an output log via dropbox so I can take a look? Thanks a bunch!
  20. Hello again, Our Linux tester loaded up your save and didn't have any of the issues you are experiencing. It could be a hardware issue on your end. A user on the forums has created codes on how to fix some of these issues. Take a look and see if that works for you. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/82667-rendering-issues-on-linux-now-theres-a-work-around/?hl=%2Blinux+%2Bhack Thanks
  21. Hellow Warius, Welcome to the forums and I apologize for the inconvenience. Do you recall what you did during that time frame to see if I can reproduce the issue? What locations did you go to, what quests did you complete, etc. Thanks a bunch!
  22. Hello Andrea, Thanks for pointing this out to us. I have confirmed your bug and added a report to our database. Thanks a bunch and keep up the great work!
  23. Hey Andrea, Thanks for pointing this out. Dungeon Delver is suppose to grant +1 bonus to Stealth and Mechanics, not +2. But those bonuses aren't being applied anyways. Thanks and keep up the great work!
  24. Hello larimow, Are you using any mods? The game should not prompt you to confirm your party when you enter the fortress. The only places you can access the party management window is when you are at your Stronghold and at Inns. Also using the console command. I loaded the new save you uploaded and I can see that Aloth is not in the party. Do you have a save where you hava Aloth in your party before you enter the fortress or any save with him in your party? I could be an old one so I can see if I can reproduce your issue. ] Thanks.
  25. Hey Andrea, We're still looking into whats going on here. But it appears to be isolated with your save. Another tester has reported that using the same items and enchants on a fresh save has the appropriate amount of damage.
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