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Aarik D

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Everything posted by Aarik D

  1. Hello again, Which log are you referring to? The Stronghold log or the output log?
  2. I'll keep an eye out for it during my playthrough. If you could provide a video, that would be great! Thanks a bunch!
  3. Hello Erickei, Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Fortunately we are aware of the issue and working on a fix. Clicking on the button will Recall your character, so it is functioning correctly, but the UI is not. Thank you for your support.
  4. Hello Abradoks, That is a great suggestion, I will forward it to the devs to see what they think about it. Cheers.
  5. Hello Abradoks, Thank you for pointing this out. I went ahead and added the bug into our database. Could you please include an output log so I can add it to the report? If you are having troubles locating the file, please refer to the link in my signature. Thank you for your support.
  6. Hello Abradoks, Do you know what is happened when this bug occurs? Is it after a fight, opening menus, when the level up icon appears? Any additional information would be very helpful on identifying how this bug occurs. Thank you for your support.
  7. Fantastic! If anything comes up again, please let me know. Remember when upgrading to a new OS, make sure you have everything with the proper windows 10 drivers. Cheers!
  8. Great! Let me know if that works out for you. Cheers.
  9. Not a problem Abradoks and thank you for adding screenshots of the issue. When I say I tested in an internal build, this means I'm testing on a build that has bug fixes already included in them. If the issue is happening on the Live steam build 2.02.0749, and its not happening on my end which could be for example build 2.02.756, chances are the issue has already been fixed. I will keep an eye out for these issues today while running some tests. Thank you for your support.
  10. Click on the second link in Aurelio's post and there will be a video on how to force your system to use the nvidia card.
  11. Hello thebigJ_A, Could you please give an example where this issue is occurring? Or is it the description that the OP has mentioned. Thanks a bunch!
  12. Hello again GreenRage, I'm not sure if you have tried these options, Close out the steam client completely and run it as an Administrator. Do you have Steam Cloud enabled? Disable that and see if that works as well. Here is a thread from quite awhile ago with the same issue. It may have some insight on the issue as some users were able to solve it. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/72216-saved-games-disappear/ Thank you for your support and patience.
  13. Hello Nicholas, On Issues 1 and 2, I have not been able to reproduce in our latest internal build. They may have been fixed already. Issue 6, I did not see any issues here on our internal build. I was able to scroll up and down in the dialogue window after shrinking it, I also checked the combat/event log just in case. Issue 7, I did not see any vignette around the combat/event log during those events. In the future, please keep each post to one bug/issue. It gets very cluttered in trying to manage and organize each issue, especially when multiple users posts on the threads. I am more than happy to answer all your issues even if you make 30+ posts. Thank you for your support!
  14. Hey everyone, Please check this folder and see if there is an additional folder within the CurrentGame folder. There shouldn't be one, so if there is, please delete that folder and try loading your saves again. C:\Users\%Username%\AppData\LocalLow\Obsidian Entertainment\Pillars of Eternity\CurrentGame\
  15. On top of Aurelio's suggestions, run Windows Update, it may have some critical files/software updates you may require.
  16. Lets try something here. 1. Restart your computer 2. Open the Galaxy Client 3. Click on Pillars of Eternity 4. Click on More 5. Manage 6. Verify/Repair. Once that finishes, play the game and see if that works for you.
  17. Hello Sarah, As Heijoushin has stated, this bug was fixed back in May, we are currently on build 2.02.0749, please make sure that your game is up to date. If you are already on the current build and this is still occurring, please upload a save and an output log via dropbox so I can take a look. Thank you for your support.
  18. Hello Astralia123, Welcome to the Forums! I would try Aurelio's suggestions and see if that works. Make sure you update both graphics card. Thank you Aurelio for looking into this already. I appreciate your assistance. Cheers.
  19. Hello Reinkaos, Welcome to the forums. The issue you are experiencing has already been posted. Here is the link for your convenience. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/81579-the-nest-above-the-clouds-quest-doesnt-end/?hl=nest In the future, please perform a search before posting a bug so there aren't any duplications. Thank you for your support.
  20. Hello blinkicide, Do you happen to have a save with the issue at hand you could upload via dropbox? It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support.
  21. Hello sarah, Do you happen to have save before the fight you could upload via dropbox? It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support.
  22. Hello Sunbro, Sorry for the confusion. I just checked the date when this bug was fixed and it was a later build thats not up on steam. The fix will be in the next coming patch. Thank you for your support.
  23. Hello Zizifothsi, Try running the game or the client as an administrator and see if that works. Thank you for looking into this Aurelio. I appreciate your assistance.
  24. Thank you Andrea, I have a save that is before the Thaos fight. I have been unsuccessful on reproing the bug, but I am still testing it out. Cheers!
  25. Hello Sunbro, We had a retro fix for games made in 2.0, but your save appears to have been made back in April. Make sure that you are updated to 2.02 and then perform a quick save/load action. It should correct it. Thanks a bunch!
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