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Everything posted by Blarghagh

  1. I thought he(she?) meant that 'Manga-crap' was a company. Which I think it is, actually.
  2. Eh? Funny, I think that's a fitting punishment. Of course, that's just my teenage male mind.
  3. 'Properly'? Elitist alert. Seriously, what the hell is 'properly'. There's so many western, non-manga styles to choose from.
  4. Again, there's no use to that. He plays it in his head, whether or not cards are available.
  5. It's not like he had a choice, though. They nearly destroyed the world in a last ditch effort to kill Archimonde. Kil'jaeden is equel or stronger to Archimonde at least, and somehow he doesn't seem like someone who takes 'no' for an answer. I mean, what happened when Ner'Zuhl gave him a no for an answer? He peeled his flesh off and encased his spirit in a piece of ice. Besides, their goals are compatible. If the undead took over the world, Illidan's fall would have been for nothing.
  6. And this has to do with the topic, how? This is not a Blizzard game. In fact, I don't even consider Diablo to be a Blizzard game. It was a Condor game.
  7. No, Kreia works better. With Bastila, he wouldn't be listening because he'd be distracted by boobies.
  8. Bwahaha! That's why most of the Naruto fan fiction is Shounen-ai(gay romance)!
  9. At some point, I found a Mukatai Adept Robe in my quarters on the Harbinger.
  10. About four minutes. Then I decided it was too ugly to look at.
  11. Not the particular shade in KOTOR, but they are grey. I have no camera, but you can probably find some at google.
  12. This doesn't explain how the Exile would feel her pain, since dead people don't feel pain. Do dead people even force bond? I see dead people.
  13. All the same, I like the product now, finished or not, and I don't really like how this edit looks. That's just my opinion. Besides, I HAVE grey eyes. They exist.
  14. Realistic and movie-like? Isn't that an oxymoron? Anyway, I don't really like the whole dark side thug scene. I prefer to be subtle and manipulate people, so grey eyes fit my goals fairly well.
  15. I liked the grey eyes. It was unnerving and unnatural but subtle enough so that you're unable to put your finger on it right away. I think these look too 'look I'm evil you should hate me'.
  16. I think the models look fine as they are, but Disciple's is just... weird. He has a fat face and bunny teeth. Atris' eyes look a little weird in that one(like she spaced out), but it still rocks. I wish I could draw that well. Of course, I've been trying hard to get rid of the whole manga style, so that's a bit of a conflict of interest. Maybe I should just go back to drawing manga.
  17. One little rule that always helps me remember how it goes is 'Even numbers end in 0.' If I forget how it works I just go from there and it usually comes back to me.
  18. Fan fiction, abandoned concept, but not in the movie. I hope. Otherwise I will cry at what this world has become.
  19. I meet the criminals in Czerka, but the quest is still active and I never see them again.
  20. I just finished fighting Vrook and I must say I don't know what the big deal was. I died once, then I just started running circles around the area until he stopped chasing me, switched to ranged, flung an adhesive grenade and shot him dead. Grant: So far, Hanharr is able to cut through anything in my game. Two Sith Tremor Blades, Wookie Fury and Master Flurry = dead enemies.
  21. Perhaps the next sequel could be like Legacy of Kain - Defiance? You would play as Raziel and Kain at alternating points during the story.
  22. More punk than gothic, but I like it anyway. MALAK IS SO EMO BLARGHLAL.
  23. Don't you mean the school boy who gets naughty with the teacher? "I think we should press our slimy, mucuous covered lips together in the cargo hold."
  24. Favourites: Atton - A well thought out character with an interesting backstory and a cool personality. Also, he's bloody hilarious. HK-47 - He's a hoot. He would have been THE favourite if the droid factory quest was still in. His off-the-wall insults and destructive personality are still the funniest thing ever. Mira - Though I would have liked the bounty hunter class, she is still one of the funniest characters with the most attitude, and I find the thing between her and Hanharr interesting. Also, hot redhead. T3-M4 - A lot more useful this time around, and with an interesting personality. I enjoyed his quirks, despite not knowing what he said. Also, how powerful he is surprised me. Mandalore - While not as interesting or well-written as he was when he was still Canderous, I always felt that Mandalore was Canderous rightful place now, so I love him simply for the fact that he proved me right. Also, he has a major coolness factor. Also, he is a monster with a gun. He can destroy anything. *hugs Mandalore plushie* Undecided: Kreia - Kreia was undoubtedly a great well-written, well-thought out, well-acted character. I have to say she is the best character in the game. Just because this is so, this doesn't mean I have to like her, and while her lecturing is realistic, I can do without it. I get enough of that outside gaming. Bao-Dur - I REALLY wanted to like this character. And I do like him to an extent. I like his backstory, his arm is cool, his voice is cool, his special class is cool, Remote is cool, how much he owns when he becomes a Jedi is cool. Everything he is oozes cool. But no amount of 'Yes, General?' 'Never mind's is going to get me to enjoy bringing him along. He barely ever says anything. This is a big deal for someone who enjoys character interaction. Handmaiden - She was my favourite character the first time around. But after I finished the game with her once she started to bore me intensely. I do not know why. Disciple - I know many guys hate Disciple, and I did too, but I found that, if you give him a face-concealing mask, he's not really that bad. I can't stand looking at him, and he's boring if you're light side, but I found influencing him to become darkside is pretty cool. He's also not the worst character stat-wise. Hanharr - I liked Hanharr a lot, mostly because with his Wookie Fury skills he could basically cut through anything. But as darkside as I was, I only kept losing influence with him. I coupled this with the fact that I thought Mira was more interesting, and how annoying I found his voice-work(I preferred listening over reading, so his roaring got on my nerves), I eventually just decided to start over, do Nar Shaddaa first as neutral, get Mira and THEN go full darkside. Dislikes: Visas Marr - I found her slightly interesting for a short while, but even moreso than Handmaiden, I began to get bored by her soon. She was also far too submissive for my tastes, and while that made sense, she just didn't show enough spirit for me to like her. Since I didn't like her much, being forced to take her with me on the last real quest involving party members only increased my dislike of her. G0-T0 - A particularely useless character in my opinion. I found his story to be mostly uninteresting with the exceptions of a few portions, the twist of telling you that he is the actual Goto was predictable, his personality bored me because he only really had one thing motivating him anyway which made his actions seem predictable. His special skills are useless, because the only portion really dealing with droids is the part on his yacht which is required to get him. Also, his voice grated on my nerves endlessly. All in all, I'm mostly positive towards the characters in these game. With the exception of two characters, most of them are good, though some suffer from 'could have been so much cooler' syndrome. Did I miss anyone?
  25. Mira, because this particular combination of dark green and pinkish red is a thorn in the eye.
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