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Everything posted by Blarghagh

  1. So the complete opposite big-breasted heroines being wrinkled bad old hags is also sexist. You provide a compelling arguement.
  2. I dig chicks with glasses. What's wrong with glasses?
  3. But T3 beeps so sexily. EDIT: Yes, I know, I'm ****ing scary. Stop bothering me about it and let me go back to reading crappy fanfics.
  4. Nobody's an untalated drawer. You just need to work on it. I like to think I'm pretty good now and I started out being unable to draw proper stick figures.
  5. I thought his voice sounded pretty impressive in Harry Potter. And in Dogma. Of course, in Dogma he was was the voice of god.
  6. *bursts into laughter*
  7. Replace ep 4 with ep 6 and I'm the same as you.
  8. And if I get angsty girls tell me to stop whining or kill myself.
  9. No, actually, I'm pretty sure only the leader is affected by them, and you can only choose Jedi to lead it. That's why many people who don't convert their party have Visas leading it.
  10. Does anyone else get the irony?
  11. Oh, please go back and whine to your feminazi friends. The males in the game in question are a weak old man who can barely stay alive without implants, an alchoholic, criminal, sexist fool with an evil secret and DISCIPLE. So far, you're getting off good. At least you get Handmaiden, who is a strong female character. All we got is Bao-Dur, who only knows one word: 'Angst'. Besides, all the guys have huge pecks and muscles and a nice V shape and you're not complaining about that. We can have our boobies. Unless you're a lesbian and don't like guys, you have no right to complain, and if you are one, then you wouldn't be complaining anyway. Of course, and how about "No, I won't put on that dancing outfit even if you want me to." Personally, I think that's a big improvement over "Let's press our slimy, mucous covered lips together and share our saliva in the cargo hold." And I actually spent the game missing Bastila's huge knockers, so don't go defending Bastila after you make a comment like that. It's just hypocrisy.
  12. It's a bug. I had it once where every item would give me 1 component.
  13. Yeah, the Sith Armor when upgraded is really amazing. Which makes me think it's hilarious I keep getting four or five before I get off Telos.
  14. Did T3 even have a soundset in KOTOR 1? I never used him there.
  15. I'm pretty sure if you kill Sion you always get a Dark Jedi Master robe though.
  16. In the kotor files, they all had caps. In the kotor II files, they are lowercase. These are caps.
  17. Podracer wasn't that bad. Super Bombad Racing, that's where they really screwed up.
  18. Is that robe or an armored style robe? (Cataphract Robes ) I changed out of the miner uniform when I got something like that. I was also disappointed Kreia's clothes didn't change to the minor uniform. Normal robe, but it did, I believe, +2 STR, CON and DEX. Might be wrong about that, but it did +2 for three attributes, I remember that much. I was pretty impressed that I found it on the Harbinger, though.
  19. Haha, I just imagined limecat jumping about ala Yoda with two Lightsabers. Limecat is not pleased.
  20. No, and all of them.
  21. I think it depends on the character.
  22. I thought he(she?) meant that 'Manga-crap' was a company. Which I think it is, actually.
  23. Eh? Funny, I think that's a fitting punishment. Of course, that's just my teenage male mind.
  24. 'Properly'? Elitist alert. Seriously, what the hell is 'properly'. There's so many western, non-manga styles to choose from.
  25. Again, there's no use to that. He plays it in his head, whether or not cards are available.
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