Oh, please go back and whine to your feminazi friends. The males in the game in question are a weak old man who can barely stay alive without implants, an alchoholic, criminal, sexist fool with an evil secret and DISCIPLE. So far, you're getting off good. At least you get Handmaiden, who is a strong female character. All we got is Bao-Dur, who only knows one word: 'Angst'.
Besides, all the guys have huge pecks and muscles and a nice V shape and you're not complaining about that. We can have our boobies. Unless you're a lesbian and don't like guys, you have no right to complain, and if you are one, then you wouldn't be complaining anyway.
Of course, and how about "No, I won't put on that dancing outfit even if you want me to." Personally, I think that's a big improvement over "Let's press our slimy, mucous covered lips together and share our saliva in the cargo hold." And I actually spent the game missing Bastila's huge knockers, so don't go defending Bastila after you make a comment like that. It's just hypocrisy.