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About NeoHunter

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    (2) Evoker
    (2) Evoker
  1. I was just wondering about this the other day. Light Side Jedi characters will get Force Enlightenment. Dark Side Jedi chracters will get Force Crush. If my character is neutral, what would he get????
  2. I wished we could equip the characters to look like the cool Matrix characters. You know. Leather, black outfits with black shiny sunglasses....hehehe...
  3. I faced him once i and was a Light Side Jedi Watchman. Took him down pretty fast. What I did after the doors closed shut was to cast Force Enlightenment which would activate Master Valor, Master Armor and Master Speed and charged in with 2 lightsabers. Use Master Flurry once in while but really not necessary since with 2 lightsabers and Master Speed, I would have 4 attacks on him at any one time. The occasional Force Wave would also knock him back and stun him. Not very hard to kill. Besides Darth Sion, this is perhaps one of the more exciting opponents to fight in the entire game.
  4. I don't think any of them were my favourite. Both were equally nice to play if you ignore the cut out sections of the areas (KOTOR2), buggy gameplay (both of them), swoop bike upgrades that was not even in the game (KOTOR1) etc
  5. If only I had a grilfriend like Handmaiden who is not shy about wearing only black lingerie in front of you...
  6. I must say that this one of the most troublsome quests. RUnning around here and there. And you don't get to kill any bad guys in this quest until you sprung Dhagon Ghent from the jail.
  7. Well, I think I got all the Influence I could get from Handmaiden. Converted her into a Jedi Guardian, know everything about her past but I just can't seem to get her to tell me her real name.
  8. Erm..where can my character get Force Sight from Visas? I already have her in my party and I am now at Dxun again. About to visit Dantooine again to see the Jedi Masters. So far, the only way to use Force Sight is to change the leader to Visas and press the Caps Lock key to enable free look. I ddi the same on Exile but no Force Sight. Am I missing something.
  9. I don't know either. Both Visas and Mira are Jedi Sentinels and have very high Light Side alignments. Mira's one was highest though. Maximum I think. However, she failed the Willpower option andgained a Dark Side point. So I reloaded from the last saved game and tried the other option and she got Light Side Points.
  10. Handmaiden's black lingerie is more impressive. The Force is strong with that set!
  11. I recently played KOTOR2 again and reached Freedon Nard's temple on the Dxun moon. I brought with me Visas, Atton and Mira. Atton is still a Scoundrel, Visas and Mira are Jedi. When I approached one of those weird areas of Dark Side energy, only Mira could click on it. Visas could not. Why is that? Does that mean only certain members of your party can interact with this Dark Side area?
  12. I played the game twice. Once as a Jedi Watchman and another time as a Jedi Master and I found nothing there. I'm playing the PC version.
  13. I had that happen to me when I first played the game. Then the second time I played it, it was alright. Turns out Atton is not in the cell because he is in the hall with Handmaidens before the Atris hall. He was lying there. Hahaha...
  14. Damn...I forgot how great it was to have Force Persuade and I chose the last option! With Force Persuade, I can do anything! Especially in the customer service line. I can scold all sorts of vulgarities at an unreasonable female customer over the phone and then... Customer: I WANT TO SPEAK TO YOUR MANAGER! Me: <Force Persuade> You do not want to speak to my Manager. Customer: I do not want to speak to your Manager. Me: <Force Persuade> You will now go strip all your clothes and dance in the street. Customer: I will now go strip all my clothes and dance in the street. Me: <Force Persuade> Carry on. Customer: Carry on. *puts down the phone and proceeds to strip all her clothes and dance in the street* Am I evil or what?
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