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Everything posted by Blarghagh

  1. They could do so much with the Mission character now that she's grown up. My vision would be that after KoTOR things went from bad to worse for her and she is now a bitter, disillusioned warrior by neccesity. I can see it now. The scarred blue Twi'lek, bitchslapping anyone who crosses her. Her new philosophy in life? Instead of whining about the world not caring, she returns the favour. You can either show her that there is still good in the world(LS) or completely break her last bit of will and make you into a loyal servant(DS). Possibly story hooks? Meeting that bastard Griff. Spare him? Or convince Mission to rip him into shreds? I think even some good players will chose that second one. Maybe Jedi-trainable? I always though Bastila's line hinted at that. You know, 'she's stronger than she appears'.
  2. Completely ignoring the fact that St. Anger is a far cry from trash metal anyway. It definately sounds more like nu-metal. Besides, if it were any band but Metallica, St. Anger would have been a praised hit.
  3. You see, in Austin Powers, this was funny. Mostly because he didn't claim to like Marijuana before he said it, making it completely oxymoronic. (Way to perpetuate the stereotype, TN)
  4. Likes: 1- Girls with curly hair. 2- Holding said girls. 3- A specific girl with curly hair. 4- Being with said girl. 5- Communism. Dislikes: 1- "You deserve someone better." 2- "I don't want to break your heart." 3- The friend zone. 4- Unemployement and/or lack of money. 5- George Bush.
  5. I lost it during the Grey Havens. Of course, I lost it during Dragonheart when Draco died, so when I lose it doesn't mean much.
  6. I don't see why so many people despise Nickelback. I mean, they're not perfect but I wouldn't say they're bad either. Despite the fact that Someday and How You Remind Me are pretty much exactly the same song.
  7. The scene where Treabeard and the Ents start to march on Isengard. It gives me goosebumps every time.
  8. People were complaining about people who signed up post-Sith Lords being announced. So I introduced myself as one of them because it was the best way to rub the vets the wrong way.
  9. Good taste! Mine at this moment is... geez... I think Metallica with "Nothing Else Matters"... But this changes quite often. It totally depends on my mood. Right back at you! Nothing Else Matters is one of my favourite songs ever.
  10. Right now, Straylight Run. And their song 'Existentialism on Prom Night'. Of all time, probably Guns n' Roses, with 'Paradise City'.
  11. He's been stuck at that airport all my life. Wow. That must be annoying.
  12. It's not that he needs a beating, it's just that his face looks like it would enjoy one.
  13. So one of the greatest graphic novel geniuses of our time does not deserve a thread, while the **** that ruined many of our childhoods does? **** that. - Thanks to Adrian Ramos of CYS. R.I.P. Will Eisner
  14. Off-Topic // Were you talking to me? If so, I'm anti-Bush and I work for The Noosepaper. The other person in these boards using the picture does not, in fact, work for The Noosepaper, but I don't mind free publicity. // Off-Topic.
  15. Is it me, or does Jake Lloyd now look very punchable? I want to punch him. Seriously. Not for ruining Anakin or anything, I never expect much from child actors, but just because his face looks like it needs a good beating. You know, kinda like Angel Face from Fight Club.
  16. It's because your character, being a tear in the force, attracted some of the most force-sensitive people in the galaxy. I also think it's less hard to master a lightsabre in this day and age, you know, since energy shields have made Swords and Vibroblades an integral part of battle again.
  17. Whose that on the back row next to chewbacca? Is that the new villain?
  18. Funny, usually I don't kill the main character of the game I'm playing. I did kill Bastila in KotOR.
  19. I call it the off-screen story. You know? Things that happen that aren't worth dedicating a cutscene to?
  20. Uhuh. I'm a Drent myself. I'm not too fond of Girl. I thought it was too pop-ish. I liked her almost metal like work in Graduated Fool though.
  21. Blof is good. Anouk is pretty popular outside Holland as well I think. Acda & de Munnick is awesome. Kane sucks. Never liked Andr
  22. 1.it was a joke... 2.have you ever watched south park...? 1: Oh, okay. Apologies then. Sarcasm really doesn't come through well on screen. 2: Couple of times, but not often. I don't watch much television besides films.
  23. Well, I was sure they were going to mentioned at some point before the two page mark, but I didn't see them, so: THE BLOOD BROTHERS. I was surprised that people who had Evanescence on their list still felt they had to redeem themselves by putting '(pre-whatever album)' by Metallica.
  24. I don't find thatt at all surprising. I know many people who are male that play female characters in games, although they do it because they wanted to see if there are variations in the storylines for the games. Or like something to look at.
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