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Everything posted by Blarghagh

  1. I do believe that was the plot of some game involving farm animals. Or was that a movie? Meh.
  2. If this was World of Warcraft, I'd type 'lol' and my character model would laugh at you. Seriously, what's the big deal? A few less items, so what?
  3. But there was also 'Councilmember Simon Says: Don't fight the Mandalorians!' and Revan and the PC did, so I don't imagine them listening to the Jedi code a lot.
  4. Or you just get more xp from different things.
  5. Perhaps it's a 'cannot remove item' like Boo was in Baldur's Gate.
  6. I'm Dutch. Which means I'm from the Netherlands, a.k.a. Holland. Some people seem to think Dutch people come from Germany. Which means that they are, in fact, morons.
  7. It's seems to me that he has an arm made out of electricity, and a cyborg arm.
  8. Lets take a look at the games themselves: KotOR: Good game, interesting story, game mechanics. Not perfect, but good. Halo: An overrated bad game that Tycho compared to crucifying his privates. Even if Halo 2 is twice as good as Halo, and TSL not even half as good as KotOR, TSL will still be better.
  9. So you're saying there can't be any roleplaying from single people? Odd, because most roleplayers I know are single. Including me(by choice).
  10. Bastila, because I'm obsessed with girls hair, and her hair is awesome.
  11. :D You did? Cool! I always acted so bloody noble during the Leviathan. Did you also revealed that you were after the Star Forge? I did. You can shrug it off saying Karath already knew all the answers of the questions he was asking.
  12. I beat it four times the first time I installed it and I've beaten it another two times quite recently after getting too hyped about kotor II not to get some kotor in my bloodstream. That makes six.
  13. True, but it's not hard to beat Malak's voice. I just liked the metallic quality of it. I don't like Malak's voice. He should have kept it the way he has it in all those tv spots and trailers. Yes, that's Malak's voice actor.
  14. I voted for Darth Malak, but not because of the character himself. Darth Malak reflects Darth Vader in his appearance, metallic voice, length and partly his personality. I consider Darth Vader to be one of the greatest villains ever. Therefore it makes sense that I pick Malak instead of this walking ball of flesh.
  15. That's what I mean. He says Atheists apply religion wrong, or, eating the soap. We don't apply religion at all, so we don't use the soap at all(that is a weird sentence). Therefore there can only be one type of people incorrectly applying religion and that is religious people. His analogy is majorly flawed because his vision of atheists is.
  16. I don't think either The Phantom Menace or The Attack of the Clones really sucked. They just failed to live up to expectations. I found them both to be quite enjoyable even with their flaws. They are also quite fun to analyse, in my opinion. In any case, both are still a lot better than most of the other garbage we are fed. Especially considering these are PG.
  17. This story makes no sense. What does it mean? Does it mean atheists such as myself have no morals? It can't be about applying religion incorrectly, because atheists don't apply religion to being with, therefore the only people able to apply religion incorrectly are religious people. Anyway, I will not comment on the end of the human race, but our humanity seems to have ended long ago. In fact, I'm not even sure if the human race as a whole ever was humane. Only individuals are.
  18. I don't think Manorwar are power metal, they are quite traditional actually. Just because they have a sword and sorcery theme doens't make them powermetal. When it comes to this band swords and axes go hand in hand with an engine and a pair of wheels... Power Metal has had several definitions over the ages. Manowar was called Power Metal because it was pure, undiluted, powerful heavy metal, and that's all Manowar is about, really. The power of true metal. The same goes for Hammerfall.
  19. It probably won't beat ESB, but I'm hoping it'll be good. I'm also hoping Yoda's fart gets cut.
  20. Hmm. So far, what characters, out of twelve, do we have, and how many do we have left?
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