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Everything posted by Blarghagh

  1. The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. No contest.
  2. Hanmeden? If he needs to learn anything his teacher has one hell of a job in front of him.
  3. 'I am your father' was never a good twist anyway. Well, not to dutch people anyway. Vader happens to be our word for father, so when he spelled out the obvious like it's something new, most of us were laughing.
  4. Crushing their spirit? Does this mean we'll have 'SOD OFF!' options in dialogues this time? I mean, in Kotor you basically had a choice to talk or not talk to the characters. I couldn't talk to them for a while and then tell them to shut up. So I had to keep talking to them when I got bored with their conversations.
  5. Probably not. But it would be an interesting idea. What name would you choose? I
  6. Hmm. Male: Dewan Loass, De An Loass, Kure Ji Keshou, Nethran Kromias, Kaos Roque, Kin Tora, Bach Guhee, Owa Nkeno, Mufka Rakur. Female: Rayna True, Cois Masan, Vaeta Takar, Chala Nipu, Pheare Xim, Malka Lopara, Lodehi Vaass. No, I don't have anything better to do.
  7. I feel very out of place here for liking both KotOR and World of WarCraft. Of course, I like both because they are extremes. KotOR is story and characters, WoW is pure Multiplayer battle system.
  8. By that reasoning you can't have Sith Classes anyway because you start as a Jedi Guardian/Sentinel/Consular. Minor technicality, no one cares.
  9. Just introduce them to your main man, Edgar.
  10. Vernita Green? Geeze, you'd think people would have more imagination. Great find.
  11. In KOTOR 1, wasn't there some type of thing with the Homestarr Runner name or something? I thought I head something about that, not sure through. I believe you got names of Homestar Runner characters if you kept pressing 'random name' all the time.
  12. HAH! If you leave all the options blank you get Loser McSuck of the planet Lame!
  13. DE AN LOASS of the planet Ventolin. The Blueharvest one said I was Dewan Loass though. Probably because that one disregards spaces, and this one doesn't. I'm conflicted over which is cooler.
  14. I always used the one with the big nose, the short brown messy hair and the stubble. He reminded me of Han Solo.
  15. I voted Jolee, but now I realize that if Mission, if written well, would be the coolest to return. Even in Darkside. She did have streetsmarts and survival skills, and everyone said she was tougher than she looked, maybe she wasn't dead when we 'killed her'. Perhaps she managed to survive, and is now a scarred Twi'lek, looking for vengeance. And if not darkside, she can just be looking. Either way, she'd probably be fighting the Sith. Barzarel, do you mean Xan? I thought Xan was awesome. He was so pessimistic it became hilarious.
  16. Other. They'll be releasing snippets of information through (p)reviews.
  17. If I remember correctly Juhani was standing in the group depending on whether or not you killed her. It's an in-engine cutscene, so it's not that difficult to add/remove HK depending on a viariable(whether or not you met him).
  18. I almost mistook you for some spammer due to the double posting! Man, I feel so ashamed now. Thanks for the info Mr. Avellone.
  19. The look on his face during the trailer when he's fighting Obi-Wan is already better acting than on AOTC.
  20. Luke was whiney and I didn't really hate him. No, Anakin just wasn't convincing as a character. I think it IS because of George Lucas in this case, not because of the directing, but because of the writing. The lines Anakin had were horrible, even moreso than all other Star Wars lines save 'Ex-squeeze me'(note: I don't actually mind Jar Jar, but I hate that line) and I can't say Hayden had much to work with.
  21. Although, if someone took R2-D2 out, wouldn't we consider him evil? Just a thought.
  22. Ep 1 annie's acting was far worse, but then again, he was a kid. After seeing the movie Shattered Glass, however, I am completely confused by the bad acting Hayden did on Star Wars. The guy is actually a really GOOD actor, why the hell did he suck so much in AOTC?
  23. Man, I really need to start using [sarcasm] tags.
  24. Yet lightsiders can use Destroy Droid. Asimov is turning in his grave. Well, if he's not cremated.
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