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Everything posted by Blarghagh

  1. Juhani's was a test, though. It was engineerd that way. Honestly, I think Juhani could be cut out as an NPC and left as nothing but a quest you have to do for the Jedi, and I wouldn't care. She was the one NPC character I couldn't stand. And Bastila only turned much later in the game. I hardly think she counts as 'the darkside jedi', especially because if you play lightside, she wouldn't be on your team to begin with, and the story was originally written from the point of view of a lightside male. About Traya, Atris, for a moment, WAS Darth Traya. Just on the receiving end on the thing she represented. That was, until the Exile showed up and kicked her ass.
  2. She told me, yes. Which surprised me, because I thought T3 had done this.
  3. I don't know if Yuthara Ban was intended as a character for Kotor 1, but we do know that she had a lot to do with the planet Sleheyron, which was cut. I do know that there are three Jedi NPC's in Kotor 1. Bastila, Jolee and Juhani. A Sentinel, a Consular and a Guardian. Juhani, however, could be killed the moment you met her. That makes me think that the original Guardian character could have very likely have been everyone's favourite purple Twi'lek, Yuthara Ban. She sure as hell was more developed than Juhani. Not too mention, that way we'd have a balance. Bastila is the good Jedi NPC, Jolee the neutral, and Yuthara the evil one. Makes a lot more sense than having Juhani, and if it wasn't originally this way, it should have been.
  4. I can't believe I'm hearing this from a writer. If you start writing a story, do you have your readers know the main character's entire history right away? The reason why the book 'Fight Club' worked so well was that you knew nothing about the main character. Not even his name. First and foremost, Revan in KOTOR did NOT have amnesia. He had a history implanted in his brain. If you're a scoundrel, for example, he was said to have been a smuggler. We know NOTHING about the character in KOTOR up until the revelation that he's Darth Revan. This is bad writing. If we did know about the character's history, it would have given the revelation so much more weight. That's just as much a major flaw on Bioware's side, but you seem to be praising them for it. You're saying that this story, which was written as that, a story, has a better story than a story that was written as a game. I'm sorry, I think that's bull****. In this game, you got to know about the main character throughout the story, as it would be written in a book. It may not be good in a game, but it should definately be a plus from a writer's perspective. Your perspective I would call the 'possesive perspective', since you seem to be obsessed with the fact that this character is your character. It's not. It's The Exile, a character that's been written by Obsidian Entertainment, just as Revan was a character that was written by Bioware Corp. Just because you were allowed more customisation in this game than, say, Beyond Good & Evil or Final Fantasy, does not make it your character, just as much as this is an interactive story, not 'your' story. Just because 'you' didn't remember the Mass Shadow Generator doesn't mean The Exile didn't. It's definately not Deus Ex Machina, because it didn't 'resolve' anything. In fact, it's still not been resolved. The focus was on the master - apprentice relationship, not Bao-Dur's invention. On characters, Atton did not 'want to become' the good guy. Up until the moment he killed that female Jedi, he thought he was the good guy. If you play a lightside character, you show him what being a good guy is. This makes him realize that he did it wrong, and he should try again. Just because it's not spelled out for you like it was in the original, doesn't mean it's bad. It just means you need an imagination of your own. Most of the relationships in this game are written to be subtle and allow for you to imagine things yourself, so you can have a unique view of the story. Besides, Kreia was already a Sith Lord. If Atton was one too, there'd be two characters with the same story hook. If you think that's good writing, you'd belong with the bad writers at at fanfiction.com. Let's note that The Exile is not 'a natural born leader', he makes force bonds. He attracts force sensetives, which is why people such as Atton and Mira stay with him, and why they are so easily turned into jedi. These people are going to make up the new Jedi Order, that's what they're there for. The ending has been discussed, things were cut out. The story was written well enough, this is no fault of the writers. Just not everything that was written made it. I'm on my second playthrough, on my first planet. Obviously, you do not need to play through the game four times to understand the story. You just need to pay attention. If you needed to play through four times, you are stupid. I regret that I had to make such a flame like final comment, but that's just what I think. You have to be stupid or have the attention span of a gnat if you had to play through four times.
  5. Good point about Atton, but you can assemble a lightsaber by only visiting Dantooine. Umm. No. I know this because my current character has a lightsaber and I'm still ON Nar Shaddaa, which is the first planet I went to. If you are referring to focusing crystals, the immoral merchant on Telos usually has one, as do two merchants on the Nar Shaddaa landing pad area. EDIT: Never mind. I misread your post. I thought you said 'you can only assemble a lightsaber by visiting Dantooine'. Nar Shaddaa is definately the best. You get Mira/Hanharr, G0-T0(although I could care less about him), the last two parts for finishing HK-47, the parts to create a lightsaber(if you're lucky, before you meet Visas, because if you do, I think you get a free one when you meet her). Then Dxun/Onderon for Canderous and the entire party is complete. Then, I usually go to Dantooine for the Character Crystal(male, don't get Disciple). Last, Korriban 'to face my demons', and then finishing Onderon.
  6. No, I don't get any influence at all. Not during the first conversation. Not when I told him it was okay he lost consciousness at Atris' academy. Not for helping the refugees on Nar Shaddaa. Not for letting him check my work on the land speeder. Not while I helped the stuck Mandalorian on Dxun. Not with the atmospheric sensors. Not anything. I suppose I'll have to start over.
  7. KOTOR 1. It'd crash everytime I'd want to use a console.
  8. I prefer going to Nar Shaddaa first, because if you do that, you can assemble a lightsaber faster, assemble HK faster, and you can get away with not leveling Atton, just gain influence a couple of times and you almost immediately have a free Jedi Sentinel.
  9. I have Bao-Dur in my party all the time, I talk to him, I say the things I need to say. I even did everything the influence guide on the forums says I should. But I don't gain any influence with him. At all. Does anyone else have this problem?
  10. Invulnerability You become Master Yoda himself Seriously? o_
  11. Judi Dench for Kreia is an amazingly good choice. Kudos to whoever first suggested it. Also, Kelly Hu for Visas is a no-brainer. She's a good actress, she does the voice to begin with, and she's a good martial artist. I'm going to go off on a limb here and suggest Ryan Reynolds for Atton. He was the only thing that made Blade: Trinity watchable. Ron Perlman for Canderous/Mandalore. The man is just too awesome. That's all I have so far.
  12. Yeah, because F.W. Murnau wasn't a cornerstone of the film-making industry or anything. And Lola Rennt must have been one of the worst movies of the last decade instead of the best. I'm not defending Uwe Boll here, the man's a hack and has commited more crimes against gamers than Paul W.S. Anderson and Courtney Solomon combined, but you, sir, are an ignorant, generalizing bastard.
  13. Devil's Dance Floor has been running through my head for several days now.
  14. Sounds like a Flash Gordon episode. Which, I do believe, is exactly what he's after. DESPITE people liking it or not.
  15. I only heard American Idiot and Boulevard of Broken Dreams, of which I liked the former but the latter seemed way to emo. Currently getting into: Arch Enemy. Hot girl grunting and being all sweaty to not only heavy but also melodic guitars? Sign me up.
  16. I can't, but it was pretty obvious by the anti-asylum system he was fronting. Which mostly passed, too, dagnabbit.
  17. Did it several times before. The first time I was right next to Ghandi, the others I kept getting lefter and lefter. A two axis system can only lead to gross inaccuracies though.
  18. You think conservatives are racists? Holland is trying to survive an unslaught of Muslim fundelmentalism. Probably late here, but: I didn't call him a conservative. Conservatives want things to stay the same, mostly. He wanted to kick non-dutch people out neverminding the fact that our multiculture is now part of our countries identity. That's not conservatism. That's fascism. Plain and simple, the most known politician of the last century he resembled was none other than Adolf Hitler. By the way, that 'onslaught'(which is widely exaggerated and mostly caused by whites retaliating against the non-fundamentalists pissing the fundamentalists off even more) hadn't even ****ing started when he got shot. He got shot by a white guy who just plain didn't agree with the bastard. Do your research.
  19. In which a racist politician who did nothing but get shot won. So that basically proved to me that whoever wins is the opposite.
  20. Is the DareDevil director's cut still nothing more than an elongated music video? The theatrical version certainly wasn't. That being said, any movie that has scenes that made me wince at how bad it was does not merit a second viewing.
  21. Why on earth did Doom remind me of Revan?
  22. I haven't played KotOR II yet but in KotOR I I'd have to say those Genoharadan Bastards. Even if they don't really qualify as bosses.
  23. Mace Windu. That guy watched Pulp Fiction way too ****ing often. He completely modeled his personality after Sam Jackson. Obsessive ripoff.
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