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Everything posted by Blarghagh

  1. It has less to do with their underwear and more to do with their ass in general. I mean, I really prefer to play a third person lady than a third person guy, because I just don't really like staring at guy butt for that long.
  2. Consoles have sucked ever since Nintendo forsook the NES for the SNES, and it's been exponentionally getting worse.
  3. I figure it's called The Force for a reason. It's a force. Smack your hand on the table. If it didn't throw any force back, you'd smack right through it, but you don't. It forces you back, or at least stop you at some point. From some points of view, you could see that as a will not to be crushed. It forces a balance between the hand and the wood so that neither gets destroyed. The Force is something similar, but on a scale we can barely imagine. This Force is just trying to get balance in the galaxy - it's not a grand scheme of things - kindof like the balance between your hand and the table, or even your body and the floor you stand on, if your force is higher than what's being pressed, you'd fall into the ground. Hence - Anakin. He was meant to bring balance to the force, that's why the force created him. He was not created to destroy the Sith or give the light side or dark side an advantage like some weird deity, it just wants to be natural. You're making the same mistake the Jedi Council did. Just my two cents.
  4. Anakin is a ****. Sion had less of him left and he kept moving without a suit. Anakin and Obi-Wan's duel - wow, that was some good stuff. It was so darned fast. They were moving like Grievous without having spinning arms. That lizard thing Obi-Wan rode was so cool. I want one for a pet. People hate Jar Jar so much they ignore him. I've heard so many people say he doesn't even have one line. He does. As the delegates are walking together, he steps on someones foot and says 'exqueeze me'. Just makes me so much more convinced Star Wars fans only see what they want to see - especially the ones who focus on the negative.
  5. I don't feel the need to think about what I'd have done differently for Empire, because that's my favourite. Jedi, however, would have battle scenes which are not comic relief in my version, and not a lame retread of the deathstar plot - opting for a last ditch assault on Coruscant itself instead.
  6. Nutella has a dark side and a light side and keeps the universe together.
  7. Wasn't the first TMNT movie the highest grossing independent flick ever or something at some point? Actually, I think it might still be.
  8. Ah, but they trace. ACK. Stupid Kevin Smith with his quotes getting stuck in my head.
  9. Every single protestant is now an enemy of the catholic church. Kill them all. Show no mercy. What? Everybody's thinking it.
  10. I'm pretty sure LS Males are the cannon. This was done since most gamers are males and play heroes. I know this goes for KOTOR 1, not sure about 2.
  11. KOTOR III: STAR MAP Z Nah. That probably fitted KOTOR I more.
  12. Wat zijn hier veel mensen die meerdere talen spreken, zeg. And that concludes the dutch entry into this thread. Cameos rock. I adore cameos. I saw a movie based on Immortal. Had interesting images, but must have been one of the most boring movies I've ever seen.
  13. A little something I noticed - the shoulders on his jacket look a little more like paulders than leather. Still purdy, though.
  14. ... And that's about all I have to say.
  15. ...holy ****. That Mission is so damn cutesy it hurts. It's like... Count Your Sheep cute.
  16. Is that the two casts thrown into the mix together? I am, of course, in awe.
  17. Oh, hell yes. I can't believe I didn't notice the hands before someone else mentioned it. Personally, I can't draw hands for ****.
  18. No, no, no, Ban IS better than the catwoman. Even as a non-playable she's better.
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