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Everything posted by Blarghagh

  1. Ah, so when you get a prestige class she also senses you.
  2. I asked this question before but it wasn't answered: if you stay neutral and not get Visas after you, how exactly does the Ravager quest work?
  3. So, if you're grey, how does the Ravager work?
  4. Chiding Statement: If I made this thread I would probably try to put a blaster to my behavior core and pull the trigger.
  5. Orlando Bloom is the reason I think all teenage girls are actually lesbians. He looks more like a girl than some girls do. Also, even Denzel Washington was suggested for Bond, so don't put too much faith in rumours.
  6. Actually, no one has asked that before...it's a welcome question! For sketches, the time varies; simple ones (singular characters) can take maybe 5-10 minutes to complete, while scenes can take btween 1/2 hour to 1/2 a day depending on the complexity. WOW. I take three hours to sketch one person and it doesn't come out even half as good. Aimo, you're amazing.
  7. Or rather he HAS played it and got fed up by never getting good influence with Kreia while he was getting good influence with the rest of the party members? No, Tim Buckley hadn't played the game at the time this strip was drawn. He admitted it himself on http://www.absath.com/ and http://www.ctrlaltdel-online.com/ Yeah, I'm a big fan of his. I also like Chugworth's take on it.
  8. I agree, that one's totally hilarious. I showed it to my friend and we were both going 'Pazaak!!!' at random times a day. And it was hilarious each time. Or maybe we're just easily amused.
  9. Well, she direct posted several herself in this thread, if I did one I figured she wouldn't mind much. So many cool girl heads and almost no cool guy heads. It's sad, really.
  10. Gee, is it possible someone got married outside their country of heritage?
  11. Yeah, but you can just go 'you're going to jump in the center pit' on anyone who attacks you. If center pits are available. [dark side points gained]
  12. I like deadlines. Especially the whooshing sound they make as they go by. My advice, as always, is COMPROMISE. Don't eat for a month and turn out a GREAT but not perfect game.
  13. Why do people want to charge up video game characters loading ramps if you can just say "You're going to let me charge up your loading ramp" to the real thing? Force Persuasion.
  14. Here's one from her site that she hasn't posted yet. I really like the different interpretations of the Exile. My personal favourite is the one with the cool braids. Mostly because, in game, she looks the most innocent to me and is therefore the most fun to corrupt when going darkside.
  15. Mira Atton Exile Visas Disciple Handmaiden Those are my guesses. About the comic - I was unaware the puppy dog eyes trick worked on females. I've only had it used against me.
  16. I voted Jolee and Yuthara since Jolee is hilarious and Yuthara is hot.
  17. On the contrary, it's quite a lot of fun to make fun of the ignorant. But it doesn't quite fit this discussion, let's get back on topic before the mods close this topic too. Aimo - you rock.
  18. You still fight the Drexl that is just there for no reason.
  19. Sorry if this has been asked before, but can I ask you how long, on average, one of these sketches takes?
  20. Even if, I believe someone, I think it was Disciple, mentions Vandar dying on Katarr.
  21. Make sure she's from Norway.
  22. Shades, that little ghost from U*four*ia.
  23. I failed math with a 30% score last year, at 77% now.
  24. I was using a term from Maddox' http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.com/ Somehow I didn't expect anyone to take it so seriously.
  25. Feminazis? I say Sion should have been female.
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