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Everything posted by Blarghagh

  1. Orgy's first album was pretty desolate and desperate sounding. I like it. In fact, I'm going to switch from Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Details of the War to Orgy - Social Enemies right now.
  2. Rogue 44% Combativeness, 73% Sneakiness, 29% Intellect, 13% Spirituality Sneaky, ain't ya? You're a Rogue! Well now, you're not the most trustworthy person in the world, are you? Rogues are sneaky and skillful. They play an important part in every adventuring party by locating and disabling traps, scouting the area, and taking enemies by surprise. Unfortunately, most rogues will try and pick your pocket the moment you're distracted. You're probably both deceptive and competent, which means you can usually get what you want. On the other hand, lying a lot won't earn you many friends. A bit of helpful advice: No matter how temping it looks, don't try to pick the fighter's pocket. He might go psycho on you. I scored higher than 28% on Combativeness I scored higher than 90% on Sneakiness I scored higher than 3% on Intellect I scored higher than 4% on Spirituality Although really, intellect was flawed. Booksmart is not intellect.
  3. I was obsessed with dinosaurs as a kid too, from a very young age. I could pronounce Parasaurolophus and Pachycephalosaurus and not be able to say peanut butter. Good to see another dino lover. You should submit your art to dinosauricon(if that still exists, that is).
  4. Wow. You people are metal. Quay Cur - The Fiery Furnaces
  5. Broken Social Scene - Late Nineties Bedroom Rock for the Missionaries switching to Mogwai - Like Herod (Alec Empire's Face the Future Remix) INDIE ROCK FTW!
  6. As a European I'm going to state I'm being repressed by a government with Christians at the head, and that you, sir, are damn wrong.
  7. Yeah, because he didn't do that in Good Will Hunting and One Hour Photo. Gonna go for Fight Club or The Boondock Saints.
  8. Pacino was awesome in Devil's Advocate. I was shocked that Keanu held his own, but Pacino was flat out awesome. Pacino in The Devil's Advocate was the same as Pacino in The Recruit. If he doesn't have a good director to work with, he always ends up playing the same character. Overrated: Al Pacino Underrated: Unknown actors
  9. Hm. Let's see. I'm a big fan of music, and a terrible musician. Also, a terrible artist and a terrible writer. Which makes me a terrible cartoonist. I also love movies, and I'm a terrible actor and a terrible director(although in my defense, I've only had one project with a
  10. Eels - Flyswatter Although Desperate Housewives kinda ruined that song for me.
  11. In Metallica's defense, I got St. Anger a while before it came out and put it on and everyone liked it, then when they found out it was Metallica they were all like 'teh suck!' Everybody expects so much from Metallica it's almost no wonder they're disappointed. Not me, oh no, I always preferred Iron Maiden. Tool - Parabola
  12. Dennis Leary - **** Drat, can't post the title. Nic Cage would make it A-hole.
  13. I'm going to keep living in my fantasy world, I don't require Prozac and drugs to be happy there like everyone outside.
  14. I don't even recognize my country's existence, nor do I recognize anyone else's. I have no enemies to sell anything to. I recognize a bunch of buttholes who think they own a piece of something far older and more important than them. Borders for economic purposes are all well and fine, but when people start fighting over something that's not theirs in the first place it starts to show what's wrong with world.
  15. "Frankly I hate the notion that a person must unquestioningly love the country in which they live. The fact that treason is still (technically) punishable by death in countries with capital punishment makes my blood boil. The way I see it, a pledge of allegiance is just another example of this mindset. So I'm glad this ruling's been made . . . How long it'll be before it gets overturned is another matter entirely." Dude on some other forum, and I wholeheartedly agree.
  16. I don't get that whole indie cred bull**** at all. People, Modest Mouse's Good News For People Who Love Bad News isn't worse than The Moon and Antartica because it they're on a bigger label, it's worse because The Moon and Antartica is a ****ing masterpiece. It's nearly impossible to measure up to it. What did you expect? Hiding behind wackiness is a good strategy, but I like to start with wackiness and turn it into something meaningful. Anyway: Revival - Orgy Orgy is really creepy. I love it.
  17. I've never heard the original version of that song. Just the Orgy cover. *ashamed*
  18. Oh man. I though that Bloc Party record was really boring. Pavement - Speak, See, Remember
  19. Wish You Were Here(Pink Floyd Cover) - Pearl Jam
  20. Stateside? I live in Europe.
  21. TIME LINE: - EXTINCTION OF DINOSAURS - THE EXODUS => YOU ARE HERE - BIRTH OF BLACK BABY JESUS - SPANISH INQUISITION - TODAY Sorry man, but that's really, really old. EDIT: I see someone beat me to saying it was old. Oh well, I like this post anyway.
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