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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "I don't think that's snarky at all. NWN 1's story was so ... ummm ... cartoonish and bland " Yeah, because BG's story was so non cartoonish and nonbland/typical fantasy. (for the record, I prefer BG to the NWN OC but if youa re gonna criticize something make sure to make sense)>
  2. "5. Does anyone actually use Minsc? He's annoying as hell and he's not a particularly powerful character. And you don't have to move the rat out of the pack. You can leave him there if you want. It's obvious that you have never played BG2 with SCSII installed and that you have no idea what you are talking about. " For someone who brags about BG series and its mod you obviously are ignorant of npc popularity. I'm no Minsc fans (in fact I find him annoying at best and a cheater at worst); but he is the most popular character in BG chronicles with maybe just maybe Viconia a few points behind.
  3. Sorry. But a mage is about magic. Magic, by definition, should be beyond mortal abilties. Check any pnp game with magic - can pretty much cover any situation with magic. As it should be. This desire for classes to be equal in power is silly. Of course, CRPG gamers are known for their silly desire for 'balance' and 'equality'. So, might as well nerff mages and not make them mages at all.
  4. I agree. I hope they have summong spells, and I hope they are extremely varied. and not just limited to the usual animals/elementals/demons stuff. Take a gander at the DnD pnp summoning tables and stuff liek that. Make it truly random or based on class/.alignment(or whatever equivelant due to soul)/race/gender or whatever. But, make sure they are varied.
  5. Your list shows exactly why mod changes to core things in games are lame. Let's take #10. Why should cowled wizards even detect spells cast indoors? The point fot hem is to stop magic battles occuring in public. They don't give a crap what happens in someone's private domain hence the license. The main reason why BG series mods suck is the writing is prue garbage, the combat thrown in is usually pathetic, and things get changed for stupid reasons. You are right those options are optional hence I opt not to use such garbage.
  6. "Second, you're assuming that weighty gold existed for a legitimate reason. " Gold should have weight for the same legitmate reason all equipment should weigh - that's the way it should work. But, hey, for convience let's not have swords and armour weigh anything either. It's just an inconvience, afterall. Real role-players -hardcore or not - should support weighted coins. It's the logical and most fun thing to do.
  7. That's because Sawyer isn't as ahrdcore a player as people think he is. True hardcore games have weighted coins.
  8. You don't need a credit card. I got mine with my bank/debit card. I think it would defeat the purpose of paypal if you needed a credit card.
  9. BG2 mods suck. And, the active 'community' for it is probably lucky to reach 1k let alone 10k. If youa re gonna use a game as an example for successful communities due to mods, your best bet is to point out NWN since that was the main point of that game while BG2 'mods' are tacked on and not the point - not to mention they suck. To claim BG2 mods are equal to the main game is INSANE. I wouldn't mind if PE has modability but it certainly isn't needed.
  10. This is a fantasy game. let's have some 'fantasy' pets not RL ones like dogs or cats. Want a dog as a pet? How about a choice between a hell hound or a blink dog. Let's make the pets fantastical to fit the fantasy.
  11. "Diablo 1 had multiplayer (which was trash)" Why lie? The best part of Diablo 1 was its MP. Played it with my brother and it was awesome. It was maybe 1/4th the fun solo.
  12. "nd gnomes, since they are is almost no difference between them and dwarves then it comes to anything besides stats." You nothing about gnomes and dwarves. NOTHING.
  13. I thik it's baloney. The BIo dcos have dealt with bashing from the net since the first game they created nearly two decades ago. That's not why they quit, and Ray Myzuka has alreayd blasted such bull**** on twitter. Nontheless, we shouldn't be tkainga 3rd party's word unless the docs claim the same. They stated why they left. That should be enough. Not that it matters b/c if they aren't making games they are unimportant to us gamers. They are irrleevant. Same thing when Cain went on sabbatical. He was completely useless to me. Now, that he's making games again, he matters again. I doubt fan whining or bashing forced them out. That's silly talk. Period.
  14. Good. I wouldn't want them to cancel the project which they would have to do without the $140.
  15. I made an other to donate to this project if dwarves are in and since dwarves are in I plan to donate but with no silly credit card I need pay pal to be able to do so. Soo.. any idea, Obsidian, when Pay Pay will be a go for backers? Don't waste time... that's $140 you desperately need being wasted. I got the bills right beside me to ready to go.
  16. "As long as there is no Biowarian 'I win' option in each conversation to keep companions from leaving. There should be no logical way to talk an NPC into doing something against it's values and expect it to stick with you through the end. Sure some companions would be more malleable than others, but there should always be a line that when crossed can not be undone." This is justa s common in Obsidian games than BIO. And, there are plenty of times that there is no 'i win' button in BIO game convos. Why do people feel the end to make stuff up?
  17. No PC would ever stay in aparty where they were a slave to an NPC's whims. None. Zilch. Zero. It just wouldn't work unless you made the NPC unkillable and forced the PC to go along with it.
  18. They could just pick the lock (or bash it). And, tracking is not always easy. In pnp this can happen quite a bit - ie. dragon hoard. Creatures in the neighbourhood will figure out the dragon is dead and decide to check out the now empty lair so not only will you lose some loot left behind you might meet more monsters (of course if said party managed to defeat the dragon the new monster likely isn't as scary heh).
  19. They said no already so no is no. That said, they could change their mind at a later date. Anyways, personally, I don't need MP for this game. Coop MP wouldn't be a bad addition for those who wnated and comapritvely spekaing in grand scheme of things it's likely not the hardest thing to do. I doubt BIO wasted a lot of time doing MP for BG series.
  20. What a useless trolling thread. Making a post just to order other posters what to post is pure selfish evil.
  21. SOZ style is poor here espciially with npcs. I'd love ifn the npcs can interject themselves in convos but the PC shouldn't be able to 'select' them to do so. "I would love the option of sending my companions to talk to people. Say there's some drunk I need to get some information from, I would love the option of sending the bosomy rogue companion to talk to him or to send the big scary fighter to go threaten him. I would have to have proper relationships with the companions and maybe have to deal with the possibility of them not doing exactly as I would like them to do. Maybe don't even let me see the conversation, I just have to take their word for it when they come back and tell me what happened. Would add a very different relationship where you have to earn trust with companions." These are great ideas. "This would drive me nuts. I'm not playing a single character - I'm playing the party. If I'm only playing one character, then I shouldn't get to decide what skills the other characters use, what tactics they employ, what equipment they use - any of that. " PE is you create one characetr and you have joinables join your party. They are individuals with their own minds. This isn't IWD or SOZ where role-playing doesn't really exist and you are controlling a multi headed monster.
  22. "he end of the new interview with Tim Cain put a smile on my face. After reading about so many game companies not even considering single-player focus in games anymore, I've been worried about what that might mean for those of us who love those types of games. I am very happy to see that there are publishers out there who understand and respond to the need to keep such games alive. " Huh? Many games made recently are single player focused. Skyrim (which I hate), Twitcher 2, ME3, DA2, DD, and a host of others are all single player focused. This isn't anything new or original or odd.
  23. I've done it in pnp. Depends on the players and characters involved. As for a CRPG, won't really work as I don't see any player going along with it. I can see you having a NPC trying to take control and the player either kicking said PC or simply leaving the PC. This only works if the PC allows it. This kinda happens in DA when Sten heavily disagrees with the PC and fights them for control. Good idea in theory... not so good in practice.
  24. " push comes to shove we just drop everything in one room, lock it, then come back for it later so that everyone can have their full mobility" Not if someone comes by while you are gone and snatches it up.
  25. I'd be shocked if the game has 10 towns/cities let alone 20+ visitable unless they're nothing more than SOZ like.
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