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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "Do you bother with this kind of thing in a PnP game? No, of course not, no sane DM is going to waste everybody's time shuffling numbers around - if it's not ignored entirely in favor of something that the players and DM both are actually interested in, it's just handwaved away with a "We drop off our loot while we're in town", And while the latter's fine on the tabletop, where the DM can just say "Okay, you do that, then what?" and it's over, it's not okay in a cRPG where dropping it off, or whatever other system is in place for it, actually involves taking time to physically travel there and navigate the UI. " That's hilarious because every pnp game I've played ALWAYS has weighted coins. ALWAYS. Not even a single exception to the rule.
  2. "They would cut themselves off from maybe 40% of their public. " Wow. Numbers being pulled out of someone's behind. L0L
  3. I know the shotput thrower would break me in half. L0L
  4. DA2 and ME3 are two of BIO's better games. Certainly better than overrated stuff like BG1 or KOTOR.
  5. I doubt it will reach 10mil. It'll awesome if it reach 5. I say 3-4mil is a reasonble goal for a porject this size. And, 5 would be SUPER DUPER AWESOMESAUCE.
  6. "the stink of bioware is all over this project. 1) Only 5 companions. That means you need to take them all with you if you have a 6 person party. Worked in PS:T but that was a RPG unlike any other. 2) Only 5 classes. Unless there are 'kits' like BG this limits the diversity of the party and NPCs. Best option is like Diablo with skill paths to differentiate the players. Oh joy. 3) They are not even man enough to call it a stronghold. They call it a house. Maybe we can have tea parties there. 4) They say companions can stay relax at said house. This implies a crappy 'camp' mechanic, small party sizes and ****ty everyone gets XP even if they are not in the active party. 5) The whole soul crap is gong to be incredible forced. Without knowing anything about it besides it having something to do with the magic system I can tell it's going to be a construct shoved down our thoats. 6) The magic system is going to be stupid. See number 5." What does BIO have to do with this? They've never done a kickstarter, and their last magic system for DA was actually pretty robust in spite of the lame mana crap.
  7. "to let us know what the average diffident white nerdy 15-25 male thinks about women. " Wow. You are getting to be as sexist and racist as him. And, oh, I'm not a 15-25 year old nerdy male. I'm a 35 year year old lazy punk. Female in pic on top. She would be capable in striaght up physical combat. But,a sword fight? I think she would be awful at it. She doesn't really seem super athletic. Just big and muscular. Sword fighting is more than being big. Heck, the most famous fantasy sword swingers tend to be pained as way more fit than that and for good reason. P.S. Now.. we are getting some pics of actual athletic women who could kick but in sword fighting.
  8. Don't listen to him. His username says it all. I'm all for wmoen warriors wearing chain bikinis (and I don't care if male warriors wear Conan type rags to show off their bodies either); but this is guy a goofball. L0L There have been examples of strong women in leadership roles in real life. *shrug* My aunt would kick his butt (not in a fight) but she is a strong leader who likes to boss people around and is good at it. L0L <>
  9. "Nope, I just have a different opinion than you, and I'm voicing my suggestions for the game. " Sure. Suggest away but be prepared to be ridiculed, laughed, mocked, and smited for it. Such hateful bigotry deserves to be looked down upon.
  10. Wow. Mr. 'Nigro' is obviously a troll. Posting stuff just to get a negative reaction. Cool.
  11. "For me, that was a major problem with both ME's approach to dialogue" Eh. ME's dialogue wouldn't have been as awesome if it wasn't for voiced PC dialogue.
  12. Have their been many RPgs - where your PC is not pre determined - that forces you to wear chainmail bikinis? I can't think of one.
  13. I think he could have abilities like giving bonus to companions, perhaps x amount of gold available to him per month through his family's busienss/coffers, an exrat companion or two based on level. Story/character wise he could be invited (or easier invited) to royal parties and the like that can lead to quests and stuff. He can have a mix of warrior and roguish abilties (not theivery but some 'bardish' ones). And, has the option (depending how class system works) dabble in light magic.
  14. I don't think stat differences between the genders are needed. It shouldn't matter either that the 'average' male is stronger than the 'average' female in real life. Totally irrelevant - espiciailly since adventurers purely on their name are anything but average to start with. *shrug*
  15. I'm not being aggresive. I'm just stating my preference as well.
  16. "Heck no! This is a world of magic and such and my bog of holding weighs the same wether it has 1 gold coin in it or 1 million gold coins in it. Money having weight is just one of those annoying things that just get's in the way of fun. " Weighted coins makes things like bag of holding even cooler and more valuable. "Long story short, inventory weight management mechanics doesn't add any "entertainment" to the package for the vast majority of players. If it doesn't make the game more enjoyable to the majority of players there is no real reason to include it." Nonsense. Plus, stop speaking for others. Stick to speaking for yourself. Don't pretend to know what Timmy Of The Block wants or finds fun. I personally find weighted coins and varied coins FUN. they makes games MORE enjoyable.
  17. yeah, I agree. They should exither be around or not be. None of this 'comeback' nonsense.
  18. "You say Dragon Age, I say Planescape Torment." Irrelevant. Just pic whatever game you like and go from there. Besides, half the PST npcs were awesome but the other half sucked ballz. L0L Firefool L0L
  19. "Multi-language support is a must for every major Kickstarter project. It's about accessibility." No. Not really a must. Obsidian is a NA company where majority of people speak and write english. They can be really successful just fine selling their game to that audience a lone. Multi language support is a nice bonus to expand potential market but it is NOT a must. Your definition of 'must' is weird.
  20. Some other classes would be runecasters, totem druids, beast trainers, ruler (or some other leader type class with a fancy name that could give a bonus joinable npc slot based on level, and bonuses for leading groups, etc.), and crafter. "Battle Skald singing big songs to buff up his party and frighten his enemies". DnD already has this as well. I like it.
  21. Yup. I like dragons. As long as they are treated with the respect they deserve, and are worthy adversaries (or allies0 both in and out of combat it be sweet. I'd like a dragon dominated city state ruled by one. The dragon in question - depending how the world handles them - doesn't need to have to be a 'tyrant' either. Imagine a silver dragon running a city. It would be sort of utopia but with its own issues of some sinister group looking to overthrow said dragon plus a LG silver dragon no doubts views thing different than a LG human or a LG dwarf so there cna be conflict there too. "Can we maybe just not have dragons in a fantasy game? Please?" Many fantasy games don't have dragons. *shrug* Dragons are awesome and they makes (if handled right) awesome by being in them.
  22. Depending on how the kickstarter goes, they can start with having full voice overs for major joinable companions, and the PC then add on major characters. Of course, has Obsidian themselves stated, while fully voice dialogue is cool with it your dialogue gots to be locked in earlier as it will be rather difficult and time consuming to get voice actors to come back later on to redo voice overs or add new stuff and depending on contract with said talent along with time issues that can screw things up as well. Voice acting can add A LOT of stuff to a game (Irenicus would not be nearly as memorable w/o the voice actor as one example) but it comes withs own hardships as well.
  23. The idea seems cool in theory but in practice with games that use them; it just doesn't work as well as other system. A simple spelling mistake can screw things up, and it would take a lot for them to program keyword reactions. While the usual IE style dialogue tree has its limits as well at least the player going in can easily tell what their limits sre and don't have to waste time on silly stuff as spamming random words for ****s and giggles.
  24. At 1.8mil (which looks to be easily reachable), they'd have 5 races and 7 classes to play with... So: Dwarf, elf, human + 2 others to have 'fun' with and surprise us. Classes can be warrior, rogue, spellcaster type (depending how clerical vs arcane magic works) + 4 others so again lots of room to fool around with cool uncommon classes yet still keep the basic fantasy stuff and there since their goal seems to be go back to the 'fantasy hey day' of the IE. I'm worried about limited number of companions though. They'd have 8 at 2.2mil which seems like a reality low number. This also likely means it's gonna be party of 4 (which I doubt mind personally) but others might. MUST HAVE DWARVES THOUGH WITHOUT QUESTION!!!
  25. Tale; That's true. Good point. But, that would make the game economy system a little more complex which, for me, is a good thing.
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