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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Yup. There should be skills/abiltiies/options for trip, disarm, called shots, and the like in battle. This should be obvious.
  2. Topic fail. There must be dwarves even if they change them up bit but keep the basics. Dwraves make any game better by virtual of existing. Plus, Obsidian REALLY wants me to pledge and I will only pledge if playable dwarves (fantasy kind) are in the game. DWARVES! DWARVES! DWARVES!
  3. "Eventually all the kids will move on, and only the smartest, most dedicated fans will remain to work with Obsidian and give their expert feedback. " This has got to be sarcasm. It just has to be because I simply can't take what I just read seriously. L0L
  4. But it's not armour. It's clothes.
  5. They should make the game they ultimately want but listening to what fans want isn't a bad thing. Obviously, in the end, they need to filter the good ideas from the bad based on their perception not yours or mine. If someone posts an idea that Obsidian likes that you don't tough luck for you. If you post an idea that Obsidian dislikes tough luck for you. Suck it up, and don't whine about it.
  6. "Do away with mana, instead introduce cooldowns. The bigger the spell, the longer the cooldown." Nah. All that does is that you spam your best spell at start of each battle and either win right away or you need to wait tilt hey combat. Hurts tatics. 'Vatican' magic is the best magic system found to date. It makes you think before spamming spells unlike the punkish mana system. "Regardless of the system, a magic user should always be able to use magic. They should never have to resort to crossbows or darts or anything like that. " Nah. Magic should have the ability to drain a spellcaster or be limited in how often one can use it between rests because you are using energy to create something out of nothing (mystical energy) so shouldn't be as easy to use/master/spam like common equipment or real world based skills. Espicially in a game like PE where magic is powered by one's soul.
  7. "i feel thats to difficult with a 4 man party..." How 'bout a 0 man party when you play with 4-6 females?
  8. I will only pledge if I find out dwarves are in the game. My plan is to pledge in the $140 category but dwarves must be in or no dice. I'm 100% serious about his too as shown in my dwarves thread. Outside of the DA series, there's been a real lack of good and fun games with playable dwarves in them.
  9. Why not simply have a mixed of both 'sexy' and 'unsexy' armour based on the race, culture, and technical ability of the being crafting/wearing said armour and clothes. Realisticly, just like in real life, people are varied and their tastes are varied so some women (and men) like to dress as sexy as possible no matter the situation, others are prudes no matter what, and other are in the middle and dress to suit the situation and their needs.
  10. 4-6 is the ultimate number. Any less and it's barely a party, and any more is just plain ridiculous and more likely the characters likely get shallow and more like the combat gets stupid.
  11. "1 million dollars and the recognition that Neverwinter Nights sucks is the secret God tier of Kickstarter pledges: design your own character race. " If I had the money, I'd just like about the NWN thing. Heh. DWARVES MUST BE IN. I need to know so i can pledge! DWARVES MUST BE IN!
  12. "What is a hit point, anyway? What does it mean to lose a hit point? Does that mean that you have been hit? Or are hit points some vague combination of your character's natural strength, their focus, their luck, armour, and agility? Of course if all those things are unified, you can't have separate block and dodge and damage reduction via armour and all that nice stuff because they're already covered as hit points. And that's what I prefer, but it's not something you really see. Like, ever. Instead, hit points represent some noexistent "vitality" thing that lets one character survive one axe to the face and another survive ten axes to the face because HIT POINTS RARGH." That's not how DnD hp work. How it works is clearly explained in the various PHBs down the years. Anyways, on topic: Yeah, resting should be limited to only be allowed 1 8ish hour shift per day, and if you rest in widlerness/hostile places, there should be a high risk of being disrupted which not only makes you udnerattack, it also hurts your chance to 'memorize' spells/regain magic points, and receieve minuses for being too tired. There should be a mix of 'traditional' races like dwarves 9THERE HAS TO BE DWARVES!), and unncommonr ace. Obsidian should also try to throw in at least 1 or two of their own created races. Magic needs to be used for than just combat. If classes are being used, they should at least have limited access to other classes skills at 'increased cost' ie a warrior may dabble in a handful of rogue abltiies or become expert at pickpocketing but it should come at the price of not being able to 'max' out warrior abilities. Obvious I expect the traditional spells to exist but there should be some surprising uses for magic too. Variied equipment like weapons and armour are a must. Time sensitive quests should exist when needed but not too overdone. Traditional monsters are cool but surprise us with some too. Also, multiple starting points based on race/class/background would be awesome.
  13. Fantasy game,. huh? If dwarves are in in this, I pledge to pledge money to your kickstarter.
  14. "The greed on both sides is nauseating. " The players are not the greedy ones. The sport has been as successfula s its ever been but the owners are demanding huge pay cuts for the players, and less control by players for their own career. They are also the ones threatening a lockout. No player has ever talked about a strike. This is 100% the owners' fault. "to make them (both players and owners) understand WHO they are playing for. " They are playing for themselves. they owe 'fans'/customers nothing. The arrogance, selfishness, evilness, scumbuggery of customers is hilarious. It's just as bad as the owners. I will ALWAYS side with the awesomely entertaining players who work their buttz off, risk their physical health, are basically hjighly paid controlled modern day servants/slaves than billioanire greedy lack of self control owners, and piece of crap fans who think players should bow down and kiss their stinky royal feet.
  15. "Rolemaster is a system where you can pick the rules that suit you the best, depending on your taste." So... it works like DnD and any other pnp system taht ever existed? okay then. More seriously, I've played RM. It's fun, and it works like any other. Good stuff bad stuff, it's all cool.
  16. I ahve never played a game that didn't have rules. I have one simple rule. If something has no rules it's not a game. Period.
  17. "Why not DA2? ...And are they planning to expand the DA franchise or is it dead" DA3 has all but been officially announced. "or is EA going to disolve Bio or what? " Only an idiot would actually believe such stupidity. But, yeah, EA has gone around making dozens of BIO x divisions but will randomly close down a studio whose games sell 2-3mil+. L0LZ Internet spammers = ALWAYS WORTHY OF LAUGHING AT
  18. DA2 is just as good as DA1. Anyone who thinks there is a significant difference in quality between the two is fooling themselves.
  19. "You aren't accustomed to losing much...are you." That's because I NEVER lose... espicially on the internet... espicially when we are talking about opinions and other stinky stuff that is simply umproveable one way or the other (except I use FACTS). "ut AP...that was absolutely awesome. I think it may turn out to be one of those cult classic video games...ones that have a small rabid fanbase, but over the years can make a big cry of how awesome it is." AP is horrible. It is part of Obsidian' Unholym Trinity Of Crap along with DS3 and SOZ. Their Holy trinity of Fun is NWN2 OC, MOTB, and FO:NV. ] But, AP is pure garbage and the fact that 100 internet spammers love it THIS MUCH don't impress me. 'Cult classic' is one of those phrases that has lost all its meaning since anyone who likes something that isn't super popualr or wasn't successful when original release will tag it as 'cult classic'. The critieria for 'cult classic' is so whimiscal and self serving it ultimately becomes meaningless. "OC isn't the best ever...but definately not the worst by FAR. I think that's common ground we can both stand on. I liked OC..." You win.
  20. "but the dungeons, puzzles, and overall style is better in the IWD games." No. "Even though modified, I think IWD II captured the FEEL of D&D 3e best of ALL the games created for it (NWN, ToEE, NWN 2) to tell the truth," Hell to the no. I'm no fan of TOEE, but it crushes IWD for that. As do both NWNs. I do give credit to IWD2 though... it does better than POR2 with 3E... l0lz
  21. I don't anyone to tell me if Titanic is a great or crappy movie. I watched it. It's a fantastic movie. The sex scene alone is worth ********** ! "P.S. By the way Titanic doesn't appeal to everyone, only to 14-17 year old chicks who went mad when the movie came out if you don't remember" Not enough 14-17 year old girls in the world to power a movie into a billion+ dollars grab. Nor was it 4-17 year old girls voting for the Academy Awards or writing professional reviews of it either.
  22. "Otherwise Titanic would be one of the greatest movies ever made (hint: It's not)" It is. P.S. I never claimed the OC was the 'best ever'; but it surely beats a host of overrated trash certain people. L0L ES SERIES L0L
  23. "utter tripe (NWN OC)" NWN OC is better than most of the games you probabaly like. Utter tripe is what I'd consider most of Interplay games were. BIO has more 'artistic integrity' than obsidian who just basically copies others with their endless sequels or trying to catch up with others. Obsidian has made a couple of great games but they have made more than a few 'tripe' games. *cough* SOZ *cough* AP *cough* DS3 *cough* NWN OC = 75% DS3+ AP = 25% combined. L0L P.S. BIo cut off Interplay b/c Interplay wanted them to release NWN before theyw ere ready to and it was costing more money but BIO decided no it wasn't ready for release + interplay was stealing money from them. P.S. All companies are about money. Once you start selling soemthing youa re about money. period. This si true for the biggest to the samllest companies. It's not about only money but how much money.
  24. "Seems to me the first step would be to admit that the ME3 ending was bad, they haven't even done that. " So... you want them to iie...
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