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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I love the blue cat(?) Oh Face animation bit.
  2. Depends on the grocery store, and what you're buying.
  3. After the experience of horrible 4images support when I needed it, I'm considering switching gallery software, which would be somewhat easier to use/configure - and would let users have/create their own 'albums' if they wished, as opposed to just uploading to pre-made ones. But that would mean some downtime and re-registering w/the new program; there aren't too many using the gallery right now tho, so I kind of figure it wouldn't bother anyone much... but thought I'd ask first? It wouldn't happen for a little while at any rate.
  4. We have an accountant who deals with most of it - and while hubby works largely for one company and goes to their offices at least a few times a week, he does a lot of work from home; his stuff takes up our whole living room. But yeah, gets tricky and you have to be cautious.
  5. Not sure if someone's linked to this within another thread somewhere already, but ran across this month or two old article while researching image gallery software. The only image gallery I think they list is Gallery2, which is the one I'm already checking out, but it's kind of an interesting resource read. Some I've heard of, some I haven't, some I agree with, some I don't. Wordpress never excited me, for example.
  6. So it says it's converting to .doc but when you actually try to open up/edit the converted file in Word, it doesn't work so well? Something like that?
  7. Yeah, I belive that to be true, also. There's a lot of things that can be used as a business expense. We deduct one of our rooms as an office for hubby, and a percentage of auto expenses and such. Just not plain 'old clothes.'
  8. I don't mind income taxes - it's the high prices I mind. California...social security+federal+state taxes combined equal about 40-60% of your annual income - Social Security is almost as much as the actual Federal taxes. On state and Federal, rates varies on how much you earn, deductions if any, etc. There's generally no food-grocery tax but there are still food items or food services (like getting a pizza) that have taxes. Plus minor recycling fees and the like on some things added to the price.
  9. I've been accused of creating things that are too 'busy' a lot. It usually happens because I have an idea, then notice something (the reflections) and start concentrating on that w/out changing the original idea much and... I think overall I do better with more spontaneous subjects/shots that don't have a lot of forethought put into them, because I don't have time to become overly obsessed, but I'd need a serious telephoto to get the images I'd want w/out having to crop out empty space. Sigh.
  10. I know jack about RSS, so hopefully I'm not completely wrong...but Googling and looking at your page source I'd say the feed has some xml issues - ie, your server/software/whatever is having problems with the forum feeds entity definitions - or lack thereof ... or something ... I don't know terminology. So you have all those < /b > < br etc. being written in your pagesource rather than the actual symbol < br > that's in the XML feed, and so on; thus your page "sees" entity names and to it that means "draw a < " instead of recognizing it as a codetag to make a line break or bold or () symbols, if that made any sense at all. If something like that's actually the case, it's possible you won't be able to fix it on your end, but there I don't really know. Your portal software may have an idea/solution from past users having similar problems with linking to outside feeds.
  11. So some of it's writer-research? I can understand that. That's partly how I first developed such an interest in ancient weapons and battle tactics, myself. Not that I write anymore ... but it's amazing how much research you can end up doing in order to make certain things in a novel be believable.
  12. Cowardly party members...they like to run off and hide.
  13. New World. It's a pretty movie, for sure. Kind of slow yet melodramatic. The periodic character voice-over monologues are distracting and unneccesary tho.
  14. No water bottles ... been trying to learn still-lifes with a homemade lightbox. It's kickin' my arse, this lighting stuff. :/ In-camera white balance is annoying to configure. And I need a taller table, this hunching over thing is killing my back, which makes me feel like this:
  15. Standard single, dual-wield I don't like purple or green that much, otherwise don't care. Dark, but Light is easier on the eyes... Atton/Disciple toss up, T3 runner up because he's so cute. The jungle looking one 8/10, mostly because of the unsatisfying ending
  16. @ Sand - August huh? Well, it's usually clear and warm then, so maybe so. That'd be cool. Maybe I'll have a bigger lens or two by then.
  17. Poseidan - as bad as I'd heard, although not so bad I couldn't sit through it to mock it along the way. Wolfgang...I'm disappointed in thee. I've never seen the original one all the way through, but comparing what I have seen to the new one...they're both equally boring. Although there was one bit toward the end of the new one that I wasn't expecting.
  18. Well, I missed it. It was partly sunny most of the day then clouded up by evening. Thus I had to rely on photo forums to get my "look." Of course someone had to do one of these:
  19. Yeah, the photog forums are all abuzz with that... If I had a good telephoto I'd try to take a picture, assuming it wasn't cloudy. It's been rainy of and all week. If it's not cloudy tonight, I could try anyway...hehe. Wish we had the telescope properly set up for the camera.
  20. Excellent series, IMO. His Mordant's Need 2-book novel/series is pretty good too.
  21. I Ran - Flock of Over-Teased-Bad-Hair Dudes (Seagulls...)
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