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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. That's an old screenshot from when I first installed the game - but yes, I haven't progressed any further since that day and my character is still standing around in the tutorial. :blush10:
  2. I don't really understand. Do they own the land or not? The articles keep saying they bought the land but ... and are they actually bothering anybody? Is it a health hazzard with their one compost heap loo? I don't see an objection enough to evict them - if they own the land. If they're more like, renting it, well, that would be different. They may not be perfect with their low-impact lifestyle but I don't really care myself - what's the issue about the land? Just that it's not zoned for residential or something?
  3. It's just like in real life ... I still haven't gotten very far in the game ... or any game for that matter. But I was amused by the height thing when I first created a character a while back.
  4. I would have gone back into that room to continue the fight instead of crawling away through tunnels thinking I'm a failure just because I fell to the ground. That method of explantion for the position of the first movies still baffles me. But yes, I probably would have run away to a place still close enough for me to easily keep tabs with what's going on etc.
  5. If I were George, I'd be retired and living on my own private island, over-run with kitties. But in terms of the SW movies - I think he should stop there. Move on, make new movies and worlds.
  6. Lucas was trying, I think, to make Vader a tragic figure of some sort. It didn't work; at least not for me. Don't like my eyeball? (it's actually my eye) It does lose it's punch when it's so small. I have lots of cat avatars ... I'm sure I'll go back to one before too long.
  7. I think I've seen that original drawing posted before, but I wouldn't have recalled until someone posted it. I actually think it's less funny - I can't really say why, except perhaps because of the lack of the modern references - that I find amusing/relate to. I don't relate to swings in trees very much ...
  8. Watchman's: It's amazing how well a single pixel dot can show up ...
  9. That's not how I felt at all ...
  10. The Prestige. Very slow to start, and I wouldn't call it a really good movie. But by the end I found it almost disturbing in a compelling kind of way - a rather dark ending too. One of the 'secrets' was pretty easy to figure out from the start tho, even w/the red herrings.
  11. I'd love a program that had both sorts of options, but so far I haven't found one. One could use the showy type as a starting site and link to the 'full gallery' with a "see more" link, which is probably what I'll do, but it's not quite the same. It's almost frustrating enough to want to learn programming so I can make my own. har.
  12. Which is why I always played as a female. Tho I did try to play as male a couple times ... never got far tho.
  13. I'm wondering, if you were browsing photos/images, do you have a preference for the more layer-categorized, searchable, loads of features type of galleries that are often not very aesthetically pleasing (blocky & tabled) - ie like my KotorGallery or many other image sites - or something more elegant/simple but not as easy to browse/find specific pictures/subjects, ala photo blog software like this photography blog? (warning, the site isn't very dial-up friendly) The galleries are easily searchable, often have intermediate sized pictures and thus easier on dial up users, and handle huge numbers of files a lot better, imo, but I like the nice presentation of the 'photoblog' ones. This isn't about the OEgallery, btw. I'm just going nuts trying to decide which sort of thing will be better for my personal stuff. Feel like I've installed/tried a dozen programs this week. bloody forum lag...
  14. LadyCrimson


    I bet that looked really good ... wonder if it'll play at the Imax down here. :D
  15. I think somewhere I lost the notion that customer service during the buying process should be good in most retail cases. As long as they're polite when I get to the counter (which it sounds like the guy definitely wasn't in Hurlshot's case) and respect my "go away I don't need help right now" responses I'm cool. It is different when I actually have a problem w/the merchandise tho - that's when I want the better service.
  16. I can't make the volume on XP alone go low enough, using headphones, to "barely" be able to hear the initial sound. I put Windows vol. as low as it can go before it shuts off completely, and it was still loud & piercing. Had to use another program to reduce by another 18 'dB' to make it almost silent. Then w/the test, I can hear every tone - the first one is the quietest to me, the last one loud and hurts my ears even w/the initial low volume. They should have a couple more low tones on that 'test'. If I have any hearing loss at this point, it's in the lower registers...the high tones have always driven me nuts.
  17. Similar...I went there a lot largely because they were the best option close to home, w/the most games. I don't personally have anything against their service; I usually run in and out so fast, without talking, I never notice. Most of the guys in the one by our house were polite enough, but again, I don't talk much when I buy, so...The past few years, since I don't have a console to buy for, they've lost my interest completely. I go to Fry's these days even tho it's a further drive and more hassle overall. Best Buy is ok, but the ones close to us don't have a lot of games either - their DVD section is pretty big tho, and we bought our TV there.
  18. Most of the little things I've already done, and most of the bigger things become less likely - or less desired - all the time. I'm kind of in the middle as far as 'dreams' - sometimes I like talking about wild what-ifs/maybes, but I won't be upset if they never happen. For myself, contentment comes from the the small day to day stuff. But let's see... Stay married to the same person till I die: to be determined, but it looks good Owning a house: we've been frustrated by this one for about a year, but we're currently trying to negotiate to buy this house we've been living in/renting for around a decade. Funny how that works. We'll see. Spend a summer in the Alaska wilderness (with lots of expensive camera/video equipment of course): Unlikely, but not too impossible. Become a professional nature photographer who travels all over the world for photos: Dream - I'm not that motivated Own 5000+ acres and build big cat sancturaries: Dreamin' and then some
  19. Sorry, I don't know the answer to that, and even if I did, it was 20 years ago and it'd be outdated info by now. She had a group and someone in it had a plane, they had different landing zones they'd go to every week, that sort of thing.
  20. I'd say Biggs was a pretty minor character, particularly in the original non-messed-with films where it felt like he was just suddenly there at the end, but he was still someone you remembered and empathized with in some minor way. I can't say the same for most of the minors in the new trilogy, even if they did have names. Except I did feel sorry for poor Supreme Chancellor Valorum. I think that's mostly because I love Terrance Stamp, tho.
  21. You just need a graphic editor then save as a gif - usually there will be some gif optimization/compression options in the menus somewhere where you can set the transparency to the background color when you save, along with a shading-tolerance level - so just make sure the background color for the smiliey isn't too close to any color that's actually in the smilie...
  22. My cousin did parachuting for a year or so. She loved it and did it often, freaking out her parents a bit.
  23. Don't listen to the radio all that much anymore, but I still like Alice @97.3 I think they've changed their genres format a little but it's still the station most likely to play something I'll like the sound of. When they put out their first annual compilation CD's I bought them all. Don't know if they still do that. Their morning DJ's used to be kind of obnoxious, but I haven't listened then in a long while so don't know if that's changed or not.
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