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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. So Accept, did you take that picture yourself in a fit of spring-park frolicking maddness or Google it? It's a nice picture of trees and grass.
  2. I don't think it matters at all, for essentially the reasons withteeth stated. When it comes to faith, people believe what they want to believe.
  3. That's actually an interesting idea. I think I would have found it more watchable that way. But that would have been an entirely different story - more like a middle trilogy, not a beginning. I think one of the things I really wanted to know more about at the end of the first was the circumstances leading up to/surrounding Obi-Wan being "betrayed" by Lukes father to become Darth Vader. So Lucas tried to answer that, but...meh. Also, imo the first movie should have had Anakin being a small kid for only a short period of the movie, or maybe half the movie, than jumping ahead in time to him being older.
  4. I honestly don't quite remember. I have a habit of re-starting RPG's repeteadly while trying to figure out what character I want to use, so what came 'first' always gets muddled. I finished the game once mostly Dark (it kept going up and down a while), but went almost pure Light every other time. I still think Dark is a bit more fun, but Light was easier to deal with in terms of most NPC's.
  5. Flags of Our Fathers. I like Clint as a director, but this one falls a little flat - mostly the characterization is a bit lacking, so I'm left with the "don't care much" feeling during supposedly big or touching moments. It's good enough, tho, that I'll be curious when the 2nd film comes out.
  6. As much as I like fantasy stuff, I wouldn't mind a RPG set in a more 'normal' world, either. Or if it does have the sci-fi/fantasy elements, the story is more centered around how a sudden entrance of sci-fi/fantsay/horror stuff affects the "normal" world, rather than it being or becoming the world, if that makes sense. Or, if you take the alien invasion theme so many FPS like to use as an excuse to shoot a million aliens, a game using the aliens perspective rather than the human one. I have a hard time really defining what I'd like, tho ... a lot of books/movies w/a fish-out-of-water theme would be hard to translate into a RPG, I think. Footfall (Niven and Pournelle novel) might be an interesting backdrop for a game theme, where you could switch back and forth between human and alien viewpoints/roles, but again, hard to translate into a RPG probably.
  7. I've seen some w/Vista who seem to run Kotor2 ok. I suspect like with any major O/S change it'll vary between users and other equipment they use.
  8. I've always wondered why the game was designed like that, in certain spots.
  9. Thread slightly pruned. The joke went on a bit too long/off-topic ..
  10. The Departed. Considered all the hoopla it's had, it didn't seem all that. The ending 1/4 had a good pace and drama to it, and of course most of the acting was top notch. I might give it .. 6.5/10 perhaps. But then, I'm probably in that minority who doesn't care for Martin Scorsese films all that much.
  11. Kingdom of Heaven. This is one of those movies that was "only ok" when I originally saw it. Upon re-watching, it played a lot better and I'd give it a much higher mark than I did originally. It was funny to see Lucias (sp?) from HBO's Rome in a small role during the 1st 30 minutes of the movie. I didn't know the actor when I first saw it, of course, so I was, like "oh oh! That's the guy from Rome". heh
  12. If I understood right ... you don't get Disciple in the same spot as Handmaiden. He's on one of the 4 "main" planets; you have to discover him. Dantoonie I think? The one w/the crystal cave.
  13. Watching Return of the Jedi inbetween minor chores. It looks nice in HD, but I wish HBO would stop playing the six SW films over and over every day and play some new stuff.
  14. Update: Gallery2 sucks too much server CPU to be acceptable in my book, and the other large opensource gallery won't allow for hotlinkable thumbnails vs. the full size image, the way I prefer to do. I'd really like to be able to give users control over creation/administration of their own albums but for the moment I'm sticking w/the current gallery pending further research.
  15. I've never really seen myself as taking a "side" in this game, even when I choose one.
  16. Your post makes it sound like you have a downloaded (ie, not purchased) copy of the game. This isn't the place to be asking for advice on such. If I'm in error and you meant you downloaded the patches, feel free to PM me for further discussion.
  17. Doom should definitely have been on there, even if not in the top 10. I guess Half-Life replaces it in their eyes ... bah.
  18. A couple sound familiar, but I think most of the people I talked to a lot on the threaded boards didn't transfer over - or if they did, they changed their name. Or I forgot their name. Heck, I don't even remember what I was calling myself back then. heheh
  19. There were a lot of recognizable people in guest spots or cameos in TNG. Kirk is more amusing, but yeah, Picard still wins.
  20. I remember that episode, and thinking Okana was rather charming. If I'd remembered at the time, he would have made a good candidate for those "what actor could play Atton" threads of the past.
  21. True enough. It's just on other lists I've seen, D2 is often used, probably because it's still played by a regular fanbase, and many think it surpasses the first as a genre game - which it probably does.
  22. Ditto. Or my photography learning time. But...no. My limitations are still mostly my back. Other hobbies are better for and more kind to it. I don't think I'm a grown-up yet, myself.
  23. I dunno...I kinda think if there's a Diablo on that list, it might be Diablo2, not the first one.
  24. Agreed. I loved the first season. After that I steadily lost interest...it's still a fun show but not compelling enough to make me watch it regularly.
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