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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Pale Rider. I've always liked this movie for some reason. Going to the zoo, then will watch Full Metal Jacket, which I recorded last night. Unless I try watching Poseidon on HD-HBO. I heard it's terrible but I'm curious.
  2. I find my cable co.'s hard drive recording capability more than adequate to get around that. No extra charge for it beyond the cable fees, of course. Although recording hi-def does hog up the HD space a lot more and I usually delete those at the end of the week.
  3. Something the Lord Made, HBO movie from a few years ago or so. Alan Rickman was great, as always, but Mos Def makes the bigger impression. Not a bad cable movie.
  4. Closed by request. I believe this is the other thread referred to.
  5. Walsh, that was a really funny post. :D If the battery is wearing down that fast, especially if you're barely using the phone during that time, then yeah, I'd try another battery before giving up on the phone entirely. I don't know much about cells, but maybe it's possible some feature you like to use a lot sucks up more juice than average, too? I've been irritated via camera battery for the same reason. Charges fast and can last reasonably long if all I do is click the shutter, but use the tiny built-in flash 20 times or view the LCD screen too much and it's gone very rapidly. I have 2 spares with me at all times.
  6. I know I said I'd add them all on Monday; changed my mind. I've been having so much fun w/the new lens, I think I'll just post them as I get them. Which means there might be more than one for each thing on that 'list' up there. List, flist, who's counting...they're both less thn Plum trees in blossom. Colorful, if not very exciting, but it's...y'know...trees. 130kb I tried to take some of an abadonded farm area shack on the way home today, but they came out really boring, so instead I'll post this one, because I like it. Honey bee on flower - 70kb
  7. Dead Zone/Stephen King. I'm so pedestrian re: books. :D
  8. I'm trying a new sig pic. It's a tad less tall but a bit longer...it's from a picture of a farm area that I drove by earlier today. For some reason I liked it, with the truck and houses in the background.
  9. I wonder what it would look like on our 50" TV?
  10. I don't remember exactly, but probably the longest was around 30-40 hours, w/occasional bathroom and mt dew breaks. I don't remember eating much over that time, but I probably had a small sandwich or something. I know I've had marathons with Diablo2, and probably some early single-player games...like DungeonKeeper and Baldurs Gate1. During the most manic gaming phase, it was probably more average for me to game 6-8 hours every day, sometimes up to 10. That doesn't happen too much anymore.
  11. Interesting. I may check that out tomorrow just to have a looksee. I wonder if the image file itself can be accessed in the folders somewhere...ach, too tired to look this second.
  12. lol...yes, I believe it is. Probably not as much as one might initialy think, but definitely not cheap.
  13. I thought I had already stated that it's likely, and does, harm the message's ability to be heard, because of how humans - including myself - percieve these situations. It doesn't mean I can't think it's a shame that this is so. Unless I'm misreading, I sense a bit of animosity here - which I find a little surprising. Usually my occasional and generalistic statements are ignored for being/seeming irrelevant to the debate, probably rightly so. :D *shrug* It is true, however, that I very rarely involve myself in political or religious debates, here or anywhere else for that matter - there's no arguing that, nor would I want to. This is mostly because I don't enjoy such debates - I find them depressing more than invigorating and thus, for someone who battles depression, usually something to avoid - but also partly because I'm usually not informed enough to make any relevant contributions. Sometimes I'm in the mood to say something, sometimes not - and when I do, it's usually more of a general nature than specific. So if the fact I don't feel a desire or have the energy to parrot "all humans are hypocrites sometimes" in every thread where it might relate, makes me a hypocrite, well, I don't know if I'd agree with it, but I can understand why one might think so. Yes, yes, I am. As a friend of mine once said - "there's many things about our society that I loathe, while also being aware I'm part of the problem."
  14. I like the purple mountain majestic pic. :D
  15. Oh, I wasn't feeling slighted. It's just an interesting topic to me. I've been jabbering away at my hubby about it the past week; how there's so many photos and so many amateuer photographers that it's diluting the appreciation of the artform. Not that I have any hooty-tooty attitude about it, really - people have said that about other hobbies all through history - but I think it is occuring. For me it's not so much only the results itself, but knowing how much work goes into some of them is what really makes me admire. So a picture of a penny might be kind of boring, but when I know they use rigs like the one below, or even more extravagant, + all the patience required, the boring suddenly becomes really...cool, and I go "I want to do that."
  16. I don't like hypocrisy, but imo one can take the hypocrisy bludgeoning stick a little too far sometimes. I've yet to meet anyone who couldn't be called a hypocrite in some area/fashion or another - including myself.
  17. I think with the explosion of digital cameras and everyone and my pet dog having a camera + computer (no film developing process/cost - just click and upload), everything is rather overdone these days. Not everyone has fantastic techincal/compositional talent or equipment, of course (I sure don't), but that matters less and less in terms of image/theme saturation. As with most art forms, it's not so much whether it's been done before, but how it's done.
  18. I went w/out a sig pic for a long time. Then I made a small bar one with Atton to go w/my Kotor2 gallery link . I've had variations of sig pics since, from tiny squares to smilies back to small bar like now. Possibly because I never have any quotes to quote. It's probably time to change it again. I've tried non-cat avatars before but they never seem to last very long...
  19. There's some kind of odd bug w/the gallery software that doesn't like server PHP4 upgrades. I went to PHP5 and it's working but I have to try to patch the gallery software so it may stutter a bit more until I get it done.
  20. I had to say I've been really groovin' on Tale's avatar these past few days. @ Accept - I actually like the crop you did more than the original photo.
  21. LOL - I take so many pictures of my cats it's not even funny. Course most of them are lousy, w/only sentimental value...teehee. Not specific to my topic, but I had to crow. Today I went shopping. Finally, no more crappy kit lens! YESSS! Since I like close-ups so much most of the time, I bought the Canon EF 100mm F2.8 USM Macro for my first one. It's not a L series, but it'll do... Quarter sized gold US dollar, @50% original size Cropped portion 100% original size - the bad lightning makes it look not prime but still much better, even when compressed for jpg. So pleased....so happy...*dances* Now just have to practice. I have the feeling computer things won't be my primary fun-money-sink anymore...
  22. fixd 4 u Unfortunately, he's no longer living.
  23. I understand that point of view, and unfortunately I think most people tend to lean towards it - even I have, at times. I think, however, that the message itself - conserve, find alternate energy sources, etc - isn't undermined, just his level of personal morals or what have you. I see them as seperate things. I don't know about his whole career, but nowhere in the film did I hear him paint himself as some kind of super-self-sacrificing altruist or specifically better than others. I doubt he thinks he is and it would surprise me if he wasn't aware of the ironies. Humanity so often wants people in the issue spotlight to be above reproach. This is a level of idealism that while admirable to wish for, is bound to be found wanting in one way or another. Very few people are of that caliber, if any. As already stated, imo it's often just a weapon in a sideshow of somekind, which is sad...then the message becomes more about the person in question than the issues. Politics. Meh.
  24. Common pain relievers may increase blood pressure in men (also women, but the article is on a male study) I find this personally interesting, not so much because it's surprising to me that a drug may have potential long-term harm, but because the numbers in this one study are so high. My husband has suffered from constant headaches for 20 years; first it was loads of asprin, more recently it's ibuprofen. He can go through a 750count bottle in a few months (that's around 50-60 a week). We 'discuss' this a lot... ... He pops these things like candy, I think in part because he believes that there's no lasting harm to doing so as long as he's not seriously "abusing" them via taking lots more than recommended on the label each day, on average. I wonder if this is a common attitude. Do you try to to avoid taking OTC painkillers for all but the worst aches and pains? Do you think there should be more regulations/restrictions on how non-narcotic painkillers are sold to consumers?
  25. THQ announces Conan game for Xbox360/PS3 Arnie should have a voice-cameo.
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