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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Yeah, they did great with the conclusions to some of the character's historical stories. Drama, sympathy, grace. I'm still unsure about the "new" Octavian.
  2. I think there's certainly a market for a non-fantasy RPG, especially after years of not much else. Might be a little hard to get around the conditioned notion of RPG has to = fantasy that a large population of casual gamers may have, at first, perhaps, but definitely a market.
  3. I prefer fantasy. It doesn't neccesarily have to be filled with dragons and fairies or a D&D based environments, but I really like magic classes of some sort so that steers me towards fantasy. Which includes Kotor, with The Force.
  4. I find that picture of Ben more frightening than the possibility of an asteroid.
  5. Diablo1, because it's easy to play in short 1-level-bursts. Plus it's fun. I think my computer is fast enough now that the slow-walking problem isn't so annoying. Everything's a bit faster...
  6. I read once that a computer once came packaged using a Windows graphics driver rather than the manufacturers video driver for some reason. Strange things can happen w/computers. But yeah, I realize it's unlikely. The card itself, far as I can tell, is a middling performer far as onboard goes. Not a whole lot said about it, really. I'm not sure where to check for drivers that kind of card. But I'd probably start by searching nvida's site for 7500 references. Or you could spend another $100 on an inexpensive non-integrated card to see if that solves the issue. There's always that chance that the game for some reason isn't liking the onboard. Have you tried running dxdiag (or Vista equivalent...) and reading through the listed system specs and such for anything that looks out of place?
  7. If you Google most pc games, you'll generally find pages and pages of "buggiest game in the world" testimonials. Unlike consoles, every PC is built a bit differently, from hardware to drivers to installed software that all interact in unpredictable ways, So a majority may have no/little problems and thus be silent, while those that do, tend to be vocal. Which isn't to say games don't have fairly universal bugs sometimes, as well. They do. Most of the common bugs and little glitches in Kotor2 that I'm aware of aren't game-stoppers - and you may not experience any of them. No one can really say. The Official patches are the one you mentioned at lucasarts, and it's related Media Patch, which just improves the music and movies; nothing to do with gameplay. If it's not authored/approved by lucasarts, it's not Official, and it's player created.
  8. If you're used to xbox controls and don't pcgame too often, it might feel a little odd in that sense...but once you get used to the hotkeys I doubt you'd have any problem there. I'm not sure about gameplay - I don't think it's any different, really. Which patches? Where are you looking? The Official ones or mods? The TSL Restoration Project is a fan-based project; the mods on their site are their own little fixes for some things. Many of them work for most people. PC games are often user-modded to suit people's tastes, or to fix things when they aren't Officially fixed... :dry: Installation of the game (and most pc games) are pretty simple. Just insert the disc and follow their directions - it's mostly just watching a bar fill up as files are loaded.
  9. I have no idea how Vista is set up, but does it have a MyDocuments area? Perhaps Vista puts them there, under something like, say a Kotor or LucasArt folder?
  10. Is that an on-board/integrated graphics card? Did you actually download/install the most recent drivers? Pre-built computers don't always have the "latest" by default.
  11. Batman - the Adam West version based on the old series. It was on TV/hi-def. The Joker never looked so colorful before. I could see a mustache through the white pancake makeup! At first, I laughed myself silly at the corny cheeseball of the whole thing - a "Bat Ladder" sign attached to the bottom of a ladder, a rubbery shark biting on Batman's leg and not even making a toothmark in the blue tights, all that. I think I wore out my humor chesse-o-meter after that tho - the rest seemed plain ol stupid. But nostalgic.
  12. I looked at that one; it'a neat, but too much for my tiny brain.
  13. Noticed the name, didn't think about it. But... Maybe the first 3-5 come from the maker of the game.
  14. I haven't knocked down the wall in one shot either. Just points for hitting it. What I really want to know is: how did that one person get a score of 100,000?
  15. I don't know the cause of your black screen etc. porblem, but I've seen others occasionally post with similar glitches. Far as I know, you're probably going to have to re-load an older save and see if that fixes it.
  16. I still can't get the given link to work on it's own - have to cut and paste it. Funny how that works. It's the same stuff from the article in this link (2nd page), which has been discussed a couple times before in other threads. So I'll close this one and point towards the K3 discussion thread for future musings of it's validity.
  17. So far I've only gotten a max distance of 486, accuracy and power around 650, for a total paltry score of around 1790.
  18. The link doesn't work. I'll leave it open for now so you can fix it maybe? Moving to SWUniverse.
  19. Since my ability to spend long hours gaming has been at least temporarily prevented, I've been more into the mini-game/puzzles that don't take long to play/you can play on a browser. Hard to find good ones tho, so I thought when I come across one I'd share/discuss it here. Feel free to add your own links if you find a one! ---------------------------- More of a simulation than game but still fun. http://www.globalspec.com/Trebuchet/]The Treb Challenge - gain points for making your trebuchet toss a rock, based on real physics (supposedly). I'm essentially a physics dunce, so my first attempt at figuring out how to even make the trebuchet toss a stone further than it's original setting was pretty much a dud. But I still found it kinda fun. The site also has a 'Build Your Own Rocket-Launcher' mini-game in the same vein. http://www.globalspec.com/BrainStrainer/
  20. I remembered another movie, from being a teen I think. Middle of the night, small ratty TV set, waching an old Hammer film called Demons of the Mind. The maddness of some of the scenes and the ending really creeped me out. I doubt it would so much today. I think the unknown is a part of it, and potential pain of course, but for me things that reflect my own bad experiences is also a large part fear, just like good experiences influence how I react to other situations. A bit o' lifes psych training, as it were.
  21. Durlag's Tower was awesome! BG1 - it's a lot of fun, just not as sophisticated. I personally liked the "wilderness" exploration aspect. I get tired of cities.
  22. Xan's the man. Or the elf. Or something.
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