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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. A story can have an ambigous or unclear ending and still be satisfying on it's own, imo. That said...hmm...in my opinion, I think Might & Magic 7 and 8 might fall into what you're calling Category 2. Most games I've played fall into that category.
  2. The first video on their list is pretty....silly.
  3. Still looks more like a small plane than a car, but pretty nifty. 275-375mph... midnight snack run in record time.
  4. :D I like the commanding yet mischievous gaze and the star on the tip of his tail.
  5. That's interesting, Gorth - is it the lack of elbow room, so to speak, by chance? My hubby's that way...kind of crowd phobic or something, both indoors and outdoors in his case. Doesn't enjoy going to amusement parks or anywhere you have to walk thru crowds/stand in lines etc. because of it.
  6. I found IWD a lot of fun - IIRC it even had a few random items generated here and there. The limiting factor to me was it felt a lot more forced in terms of route/maps so I didn't want to replay it much.
  7. Pidesco, you stole my list! ... except for The Shining. Other than that, as an adult I don't find most movies frightening at all, beyond a startle moment or two. But I like good horror movies even so...I'm not sure why. ... non-movie wise, when I was very young I was horribly frightened of swimming pool drains. I had this repeated nightmare about a big pretty pool with tiled tropical fish decorations which would come alive while the drain turned into a black hole. But I loved to swim regardless and was a Tadpole in my rec class or something. ... then a few years later, I got trapped in a waterhole until someone pulled me out. Mid-teens got pulled into the ocean by undertow and bounced around a bit, nothing too serious but scary. Ever since, fear of drowning remains big enough that I don't really like to go in the water over my head that much. I don't freak out or anything and can swim fine, I just avoid it. :fear:
  8. With the exception of Battlefield Earth, I'd agree. :D I watched The Edge again, mostly for the ludicously hilarious bear antics.
  9. The screens are pretty, tho their trailer nearly blew out my eardrums w/headphones on. Any clue on sys requirements? I couldn't find it on that page. I have a feeling I might like this series.
  10. You noticed that too? I think there was a game or two where that didn't seem to be the case, but it's a pretty prevalent thing. It amuses me more than bothers most of the time, but definitely non-sensical and a can take you out of the moment sort of thing.
  11. I don't mind Fex Ex quests as long as they're not the only quests. I prefer a mix. Unless it's an action-RPG, where I then expect nothing but. Don't like forced parties either - if a character needs to be with me for a certain quest, I'd rather they are tagged on to my original party for the duration, rather than replacing. I'm not sure about maze maps - most dungeon crawl environments have always seemed like mazes to me; some annoy me, some don't.
  12. There's been no official word on it being even currently in the works, let alone a release date. I'm sure as soon as there is (if there ever is), and reaches a point where such information is agreed to be made public, it'll be announced in all the usual channels/ways. Here's the link to that article that mentioned "LA won't leave Kotor franchise behind." The rest of Googling for links I'll leave up to you. http://www.next-gen.biz/index.php?option=c...6&Itemid=32 If you'd like to discuss what you hope/want to see in a Kotor3, you can do that in this ongoing thread.
  13. To the original question, no, it doesn't personally matter to me, as long as their issue stances and past political actions/history doesn't conflict with what I believe in. There are all kinds of variations and belief-flexibility to stated religions. While religious beliefs - or any belief system - may influence actions, it's not rational to judge an individuals potential for that alone.
  14. Bold emphasis mine. There's defintely more than one way to address the problems. I've been grumbling about overpopulation etc. for years. Overpopulation/poverty, after all, stresses resources etc. ever more. I'm guessing that it's easier to target technology (restrictions), from a worldwide political standpoint, than overpopulation; thus they try to start with the things that may have the least resistance from both the general public and political opponents. Given human nature (so far), it might even be more sensible to focus on space and colonization rather than reductions, if that makes sense. Not that I think that'll actually happen anytime "soon."
  15. The post title was catchy - I clicked. #302 is priceless...
  16. It's a decent point - but the key to any fantasy medium, be it game, movie, or novel etc. is that the nonsensical gives us an illusion that makes us look beyond the fact that it isn't reality. I think he's just trying to rationalize why he doesn't like to play RPG's anymore. It's a little unsettling to like something for so long and then suddenly not, sometimes - we look for reasons. One can see the silliness of something and still be entertained. Done well, it doesn't neccesarily equal boredom. Done badly...well, that's why the Bargain Bin gets full and why I hope there won't ever be another Lucas SW film.
  17. That's my general view of why change is often slow in coming, if it ever does. I think after a certain point, historically it's common to have a civilization decline/disappear (or be conquered) rather than be able to adapt to major change. 50 years, 100 years, 10 centuries, for most it's too remote to trigger an emotive & urgent need to act. To the human brain, the present/daily living is more pressing than the future. Some do have that kind of motivation, of course. But not enough to spark big effects. One of my mother's friends does the backyard composting thing - that combined with her minimalist lifestyle meant she no longer needed the city garbage service and tried to cancel it. Apparently she had to struggle because they didn't believe she didn't produce any garbage and thus could be exempt from her share of disposal fees. To me that's admirable and I applaud her for it...but at the same time, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be willing to do the things to duplicate it myself. I do agree w/Sawyer that environment issue doesn't need to be "proved" before being acted upon - at the rate we consume things combined with population the past 100-150 years, it'd be naive to think we won't need a lot of changes sooner than we'd like to think, regardless of global warming...even if it means some eventual government "interference" and possibly some loss of what we now consider to be our inalienable rights, or whatever. *glib ending remark* Just probably not in my personal lifetime...
  18. Watership Down. Never as good as the book, but I like it a lot better than Bambi.
  19. If anyone sees Breach over the weekend, tell me how it is. :D
  20. Fighting 'flows' mostly in real-time, except...in order to give commands for what attacks you want to use, you'll pause the game frequently. Or, if you're like me, incesstantly. So if you're wondering if the game is action/shooter-paced...no it's not, imo.
  21. I'm more of a photo than a graphic person, and usually just make my own...but I still like searching through pbase.com regularly for people's photos.
  22. I have no idea what the realistic needs or criteria for game-company design teams are, but those are indeed very nice drawings. I'm not sure I like his actual faces all that much, but most of the landscapes make me feel like I could step into them.
  23. I found Darth Maul the most fun, but his role is small and not that important in the history of things. Kind of a tossup between Vader and Sidious to me. Vader mostly because of memories of thinking how awesome he was, when I first saw the movies...Sidious because his insane "Hahahaha-ing" in RotS had me rolling. Well, ok, plus he was pretty cool at strategy & manipulation and all that.
  24. I have a feeling their definition of "realistically" might not be the same as mine. Still, I've always been fond of any games that at least attempt to have better physics than average.
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