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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Curious George. Yes, I was a big fan of those books when I was a wee lass. I even had a George plush toy. The movie itself was well animated, and after a slow first 30 minutes became more entertaining. Nothing groundbreaking, but it's kinda cute if you grew up w/George. And at least they didn't turn George into a talking monkey.
  2. Well, you have to be playing as a male Exile, for starters.
  3. Is this is for Kotor2, your friend is lying to you; you can't buy ships. I don't know about Kotor1 since I never finished it, but I suspect the same.
  4. I think it'd be more likely to just make me throw up. Lots of vitamin C, juice/water, and Theraflu-nighttime with some maple syrup in it is working well enough. I just wish it lasted longer than 4 hours.
  5. What screen? To turn off vsync? It's usually in the video card's performance/quality control menus somewhere.
  6. Myself, I'm cheap. Consoles over $300 seem like too much to me. Along with articles mentioned in the "PS3 a bargain?" thread, this short article from a couple months ago indicates Sony is aware and considering the cost issue, while claiming they're taking a loss on each machine sold to begin with.
  7. From assumed allergies to full-blown cold. I feel like Garfield saying "I hab a cobe!" Thera-flu tastes terrible. Jalepeno's help.
  8. Moved to Skeeters. I'm not a console gamer, but if I was, I don't think I'd be convinced to plop down that much cash for one. A PC may cost more, but at least a computer is a useful and (to me) vital tool beyond gaming, thus worth the expense, imo. So my inexpert guess would be it won't do as well until they drop the price.
  9. Well, that last episode was a little weak. They had to wrap up a lot in so little time tho, so I guess I can't blame them too much. They really liked to paint Antony in an unflattering light in this series, didn't they? lol I never warmed to the older Octavian. From an intelligent, ambitious but w/a heart teen, to nothing but cold-blooded ambition w/a little bit of psycho-crazy-nut mixed in.
  10. Not if you play alone a lot and aren't a mage. When you're high level, it gets better, but running the roads is real pain in the arse.
  11. Repetition is the key to Blizzard's action-RPG's. I think those I've talked to wouldn't say WoW is the best game evah, but if you like it at all, it tends to be really addicting. The travelling sucks up a lot of time, too.
  12. Braggart. Even when they were only playing in the little display properties preview window the numbers didn't go higher than around 500-800. harhar, lol P.S. They are very cool screensavers. I like the fireworks one - complete with sound.
  13. More cleaning of dust encrusted areas of the house in the late afternoon, which triggered major allergy head. I haven't stopped sneezing/sniffling for hours. If you could poke my head with a pin, it'd explode.
  14. 16 Blocks. Caught on cable while eating dinner. Strange little movie. The rapper dudes character was annoying, in an exasperating yet tolerable way. I couldn't tell if it his talkin' all the time was supposed to be funny or not - I didn't think so. Had a preposterous plot, of course - even moreso than most action movies. But kinda entertaining anyway. At least for free.
  15. They all run on my computer too; I don't think the pc even sweated. Hyperspace gets 45-60fps and the rest were in the 100's, with occasional bursts of 200's depending on what it was drawing. My mo'bo/pc may not be all shiny but apparently it's just fine. I don't really see how the files together being 11MB makes it a resource hog - each individual .scr file isn't that large ... but I don't know how screensavers work/pull resources so ...
  16. I think the 2nd ("game over") and 3rd are night-time pics so they're just dark. The other two are moodily dim but seem bright enough to me. My brightness is set to 50 & my contrast is 100(max) on my monitor (not vid card) - not that tells you much, since you don't know what monitor I'm using. :D
  17. Hmm, very interesting, thanks. Hubby was fairly sure it should've seen the primary but I didn't ask him why. He has a computer with the same motherboard as mine so if he has it working on his (I don't know for sure, I'd have to ask) it oughta work on mine. I can see where a limitation like that might arise tho. And yes, my mo'bo is ancient in computer terms, if not in years. Darn tech.
  18. When they were sitting on the grass in the hills I was definitely feeling nauseous.
  19. I picked up a big fantasy anthology when out the other day, from 2004 I think. Short stories. These days I prefer short stories to novels (for fansty/sci/fi); I wish they'd write more of them. Kind of a dying art, seems like. Everything has to be in 8+ novel series now ...
  20. I just woke up, so my day so far is blurry and indistinct. After summer-like weather, it's supposed to get cold and rainy again. It's hard to take pictures in the rain. I need a mini-umbrella lens attachment.
  21. Yeah, it does. I just put in a big 2nd drive and it's fine. I don't know what it is - maybe the disc-maker lied on the box about how much there was. More likely I forgot/don't know some config. thing upon installing it; hubby doesn't forget that stuff.
  22. Hubby said "I don't want to mess w/your main HD settings while you're using it" so I inserted a 2nd 500GB HD and this time XP sees it all. That might be enough for a while. Re-organized my computer den. Busy bee.
  23. Hahaha. I have a horrible short-term memory. I'd completely forgotten you'd written that already.
  24. The last couple days I finally figured out what I was doing wrong and can now usually get acceptable photo prints out of Canon printer. The color's still not quite what I see on my monitor, but at least they look decent, so I can be more confident they'd print acceptably on other printers. So that was nice. Now I need to find a good printing service, for non-personal prints. Hubby and I bounced around downtown most of last night - among other things, he wanted books on grinding your own telescope lenses - and I was somewhat astounded by the fact there are now 3 large Barnes & Nobles within 5 miles of each other. *shakes head*
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