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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. There's pros and cons to locked and free-camera, so to me it just depends on the game. From what little information we have, I think I prefer the locked down camera in this instance. That said, if the budget/time allowed, I wouldn't mind a vanity-zoom. One level of zoom that's largely for admiring yourself/details/screenshots but not good for actually playing. Doesn't have to be rotating/free-camera zoom to be satisfying for a vanity-look cam.
  2. Same here. I'm definitely hoping that one day before too long Linux will become a platform that's highly supported by the gaming industry, especially with the direction Microsuck seems to be going in. And as a general consumer, having more O/S options in general would be great. So I have no issue with making other O/S support part of the stretch goals at all.
  3. I don't consider them vital to an RPG but I do like how professions can add tinkering/gameplay value. I'm not too concerned about having a huge plethora of them however and they don't have be terribly complex. Alchemy tends to be my personal fave in most games, if only because typically I find it the most useful. eg most of the time things like blacksmithing and such never feel rewarding enough in the long run, compared to just loot-hunting. But yes, it's likely a lot of work...extra items, mechanics, scripting. Something else for a high stretch goal perhaps, with new ones in any sequels. And there will be sequels...because I want there to be and say so, and thus it will happen. Like magic.
  4. That is definitely sucky, my sympathies and thoughts.
  5. I don't feel strongly about having romance in the game in general, and typically I don't think video games handle such things well, but if there is some, I'd prefer the notion of #3, which is what I voted. I'd rather have something subtle, interesting, relevant to characters/story and more emotionally in-depth than just hitting the sack with a prostitute for a roll in the hay between boss fights. Or, in terms of sex alone, if it's played largely for humor during a quest resolution option....for instance, that optional bit with Benny in New Vegas, if your character was female, had me rolling. Stuff like that I like. But maybe that's because I have a twisted sense of humor.
  6. Yeah, that was a tolerable mechanic in that game. Took out much of the micro-managing so it wasn't about having to individually click to give each person an actual apple or something. The only irritation I had with it was I thought they made the rate of consumption a bit high as your army number went up. I know it's "realistic" that a huge army would be eating a lot of food, but sometimes in M&B I ended up carrying around 5 stacks of 5 different foods - because of the morale bonus I think it was - and I'd still have to replenish it/check it far too often for my liking. So either hunger/food management should (imo) be a very slow process (don't want to carry around 10 stacks of food....) or an optional toggle, as some have suggested.
  7. I visited the site website that page mentioned. I'd love to have a jar of the salt and a jar of the "Banshee Balls" on my mantle. My mother would have a fit.
  8. +1 ....when they actually have something to make a game trailer with, I'm sure they'll do something. Or at least, I'm hoping.
  9. Oh, thank you for that vid link! I loved (and was amused by) Xan and I've hunted for all his spoken lines gathered up like that before. Could have made by own but never got around to it (lazy...) and hadn't looked in a while. Awesome.
  10. I recall that when I first bought it, I wasn't sure what I thought of it either. At first I was like "meh, it's ok." It took me a while to get into it past that. And I was playing solo. At some point in the game it just clicked and I've loved it ever since. It has plenty of faults and I can understand why some would find solo dull (but MP fun) - but I dunno...I loved it. Maybe it's the sense of humor. And the guns. I'm hoping BL2's skill trees are as improved as they look...because they were a bit weak in the first game, imo.
  11. I would be fine with food/drink recovering a bit of health, or, maybe temporarily reducing a battle/weary fatigue penalty instead, say. What I don't want, however, is stuff like hunger/thirst/fatigue to equal death if you neglect it too long. Slowly increasing (or static) stat penalties, sure. But death for lack of a jug of water would make it far too much micromanaging for me.
  12. People have different notions of what "silly" may consist of. Opinions differ and we aren't all going to agree on the importance or validity of this or that. But sometimes those threads/suggestions we may disagree with still encourage discussion/debate and bring up new ideas in the process, so I see nothing to be alarmed or disparaging about for the fact they simply exist. We've got a long time before the game will be in our hands...may as well have a chat. And some cookies. Mm. Jerky and cookies. I've made myself hungry.
  13. Since Arcaum is another one of those games that I started but never got very far in, I have no real knowlege of what that example means. I'm not a very big "role player," in that most of the time when I'm playing, I'm playing ... myself. So if background/past is largely ornamental, it's not terribly important to me to have it. If it's stat enhancement of some type, I tend to just see it as that ... a stat/skill choice. I know, I'm lacking in imagination sometimes. But it would be interesting/I would enjoy it if there were a myriad of background/past choices to choose from, and that your choice had an effect on the game in a way more profound than a NPC comment here and there or even stat bonuses/negatives. I'm not sure Obsidian has the timeline or resources to have very many of such depth, however, and I'm not sure having just a few options would feel satisfactory....vs. having a lot more "stat only" options but little effect on the gameworld itself. But yes, I would enjoy it/it would be cool, I think.
  14. No cats? Blasphemy! Away with you. Ponies I don't care about. Jerky is a must, however. I want it available at merchants. It's good traveling fare when you're on the go. +5 to health, too.
  15. Good point, and I'd agree. I definitely like to feel surprised vs. "yup, knew that was coming." I feel for the writers these days ... sometimes I think the audience has become so savvy overall that it must be pretty difficult to think of even more variations. I actually enjoy it, at times, where the antagonist is known from the start, so it's never who it is that's a mystery, but just the details of how you're going to set your own trap to outwit/stop him/her. I'm thinking of a Sherlock vs. Moriarty dynamic or something more along those lines.
  16. So, gongal, what are your aged and wise desires for the game, then?
  17. I am so pumped for BL2 at this point. So...so....pumped. I swear, between that and Project E (and cooler weather!)... the past couple days ... mentally I'm like a jack rabbit on steroids. Must ... sleep.
  18. pls nooo y personally hate dungeon siegue III, (btw i love dungeon siege 2) I'm going to guess that just because the Onyx engine may be used doesn't mean the game has to look like a visual carbon copy DS3.
  19. I've been really really curious about this as well. The gamebanshee article mentioned some kind of new or cool or whatever rendering process, and I'm champing at the bit to know what that means. Heh. The more I look/read around, the more I'm getting the feeling it'll be something like ... 2D backgrounds and 3D characters. But don't quote me on that. I could be completely wrong.
  20. I'd like an NPC who hefts two Henry rifles and says "This oughta do" just before I enter a cavern full of enemies. Why he's with me and why he'd say that I leave up to you.
  21. Hm. Well, I'm not personally interested in having my own children within a game purely for the sake of emotional drama alone. Even in a game I'd be a lousy parent, never going home to see the spouse and child because I'm having too much fun traveling, looting, and saving the world. Thus for me I'd find the option rather pointless. However, it could be an intriguing idea if something like having a child (or something else) had some kind of high consequence continuity across sequels. Episode1: romance, child produced. Episode2: choices you made previously = a young adult child who could be an actual party traveling companion Episode3: choices you made could mean your adult child has become an antagonist or leader of the game world (and so on) But! ... I think it's something that's likely far too complex and far too much work. So....while it has potential possibilities, I think that type/level of continuity is best left to long book series rather than games.
  22. I'm not always a huge part of the daily action around here but this is why I like this community so much and why I always come back. Props and hugs to community for the sentiment and to the team for the tribute.
  23. Pre-loaded Borderlands2, wasted time on the internet. Had a shirt poked full of holes by a cat constantly standing up to claw my shirt in a demand that I pick him up and hug him. Now going to play some LAN with the spouse, which will likely make me giggle again and ruin my gun aim.
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