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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I lol'd. Many times. I popped out the video window but yeah...it's hard to focus on both equally.
  2. I just saw Prometheus last night, so because of that, the giant head in the mega dungeon gave me an initial start. I love it ... can't wait to get in that dungeon and explore.
  3. It was great to wake up today and see the "backers" number having gone up so much.
  4. Hm. Do you mean that he wasn't actually on Earth in that scene? That one hadn't occurred to me, actually. By the end of the film I had concocted an elaborate theory that there were two "factions" (or something) of Engineers...one more peaceful, one more violent, and that the latter (that the crew encountered) was bent on destroying the former's work/tests for some reason. The ship designs being very different, and then the timespan of first creating the life only to test-destroy it (millions of years) makes WMD-test only seem a bit of a stretch, unless they're so long-lived that that's only like a year to them.
  5. Prometheus: Visually glorious in some places. David the 'droid was great. Main female lead was ok (husbands comment:"Apparently in the future, they gave up underwear and bras for cloth bandages."). The rest of the cast had little to do/I didn't care about them at all. I felt more empathy for John Hurt, Tom Skerritt, and Harry Dean Stanton in Alien than any of the people in Prometheus. It's actually not a terrible movie, except towards the end where it kind of jolts you out of the mood it tried so hard to initially create by becoming more of a boo-monster flick. Might've worked better if they'd just left that out more. My main problem with the film was that there were too many moments where I started thinking about Star Trek V.
  6. I liked Honest Hearts. Especially the fact it rained. I was so excited/happy when that happened. Maybe I'm weird tho. It does remind of Red Rock, but IIRC, it had an overall paler tone to it. Dang it, stop tempting me. I must get at least one BL2 chr. to lvl50 first....
  7. The Might and Magic series always felt a bit more like an action game than a RPG. Not that it didn't have a story and quests and chr. building and all of that. But pretty much I spent all my time in the game ... walking around and fighting stuff. Wasn't much in the way of interesting dialogues or quirky characters or what have you. Still...I liked them a lot for the action I guess. And the spell system.
  8. When I saw the scale of those statues, that's exactly the type of reasoning that came to my mind for the angle perspective. I like it, because to me it gives a grander sense of object scale than some more top-down angles, but I wouldn't mind/object if it it was slightly reduced, either, particularly indoors. Whatever works best.
  9. One of my old highschool chums is a Prof. at Princeton U. She was always a smart one. I was never very ambitious...just about everyone I know (family/friends) have impressive sounding career titles. But I get to play video games all day, most days, if I want. So there. Shopping, gaming, then maybe watching Prometheus. Edit: I spent way too much on beef jerky...
  10. See my avatar? The cat is me and the lollipop is that lovely screenshot that's currently staring me in the face. Imma gonna go drool in a bucket now. ....pic, lore, big stretch goals....great update, guys. Like some others, I'm a little unsure if it'll reach 3.5 million at this point, but shoot for the moon, because you never know!
  11. 9:30am PST....well, since it's currently 4:30am PST for me (couldn't sleep...), I have a feeling I'm going to be snoozing in bed by then. I'm hoping for/would definitely love a screenshot, if they have one. He's been in tons of stuff over the years, including MASH and Cogsworth in Disney's Beauty and the Beast. Always a reliable, great actor. I'd be on board for him as a narrator.
  12. Well, if you just hie your arse over here to Southern California, I'll buy you a damned mousepad *and* a beer. Beer??? I actually almost did that a year and a half ago but then I moved interstate and was broke for a while. I still haven't given up the idea although it wont be until mid next year California P.E. release party!
  13. The more and more like Might and Magic the gameplay feels, the more likely I am to pitch in at least $15. I really liked those games. I still need more updates tho...it'll probably come down to the wire before I make a decision.
  14. @TrashMan - Let's pretend that Obsidian decided to implement two different save systems for Project Eternity, and it went something like this: When you started a new game/playthrough, a screen would pop up. It would tell you that you had two save system options. One would be an unlimited save, multiple slot style system. The other would be some version of the single-save and/or save point system you seem to be advocating/enjoy. Whatever choice you picked, that would be the one you were stuck with for the duration of that character's current playthru (can't switch it mid-game). Now both sides have their option available to them, they just have to choose it when they start. Would you still object? Edit: typos..it's late.
  15. This reminds me of Mount & Blade. Except I think in P.E it might feel a bit odd carrying tiny little horse icons in your personal backpack (in Mount & Blade it always felt more like the "whole army's provisions" inventory vs. personal).
  16. 5million, life-size Feargus bobblehead! .... wat? Actually, I'm in the same camp as Monte Carlo...I'm lousy at thinking up ideas for things like this. But any game content that makes the actual gameplay time longer or ups replayability would be in my main wheelhouse.
  17. I realized today that Borderlands2 (co-op) has done something no other game has done so far. It's made me forget about/miss the start of the baseball playoffs. Apparently, it's more fun to kill monsters with the spouse than watch a bunch of guys bat balls around a field. Go figure! ...still don't like BL2 that much solo, however. Guess I probably never will at this point ... because my husband rules.
  18. Most excellent. For the past month, these updates have been a personal highlight for each day that they're posted. Every pledge helps! Onward to 2.7 and then 2.8!
  19. Post limit. Feel free to continue the discussion in a new thread.
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