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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I'm starting to wonder if it's no longer possible to tell others what you like/don't like in an RPG without the DA series being mentioned. Which doesn't mean a whole lot (in terms of reference) to someone who hasn't played DA, btw.
  2. I don't remember saving ever taking very long even years ago and even without "quicksave" hotkeys. Maybe 10-12 seconds at most. It certainly wasn't enough to keep me from rather obsessively saving. But then I'm one of those people that sometimes saves like a madperson, but then ends up never actually reloading/using any of those saves. It's more a psychological thing re: "what if the power goes out" or "what if the game crashes." At any rate, I'm still of the opinion that how frequently one saves should be left up to the player...at least with more complex/lots of choice games like this. Leave the save points/minimal saving routes for simpler games or online type stuff.
  3. "Get the Gringo." Not a movie that sounds very good, but it's actually not a bad action/drama movie, despite its rather outlandish premise. We rather liked it.
  4. Hubs (on phone): "I left my headlights on this morning." ...time to go rescue the hubs. Good thing we bought that new battery for my own car. Hahaha.
  5. Hehe...I don't have that many, only about 35, but much the same situation. There are definitely a lot of games that make me go "well, maybe" but then I never feel like actually devoting time to really check them out.
  6. Tinfoil Cat .... hehe...been there. Funny how some just shake it off nonchalantly while some freeze/freak out.
  7. The individual videos, when there is one, are posted in each update post in the P.E. Announcements/News forum section. They're also still posted to the original Kickstarter page.
  8. No forgiveness needed/required, necromate. Btw, I like your sig. Long live Carlin. Closed by request.
  9. Well, that's one of my issues. If it's really largely a movie, I'd rather it just be one that I sit on the couch and watch. I remember reading those "choose your own adventure" books when I was a kid, and they were a novelty for a while, but it wore off fast. It's kind of similar. Edit: think I'll play some DK1 before bed.
  10. There is nothing inherently wrong with imagined other races in games, films, books, or other media, even if they're based on animals. They've been around for centuries, from gods to enemies of gods and other legends. It's nothing new. I think some doth protest too much. Millions loved the movie Avatar with giant blue cat people with tails. I doubt all those millions were "furries." Sometimes people just like to imagine other intelligent races/cultures besides humanity itself ("we're not alone"), and since our world is all we know, entertainment imagination tends to take pieces from those examples ... like animals. Or plants. Even if it's a giant talking mineral cube, it's going to talk and think somewhat like a human being would, other wise audiences wouldn't comprehend/relate to it. Whatever. All it means is that 99.99999999% of humans have a difficult time imagining (or relating to) a lifeform that's truly outside of what they already know.
  11. I think he's contemplating turning your slippers into chewtoys. Currently half-watching Armageddon. It may not be a very good movie, but it sure had some pretty effects and stuff.
  12. Since I usually always turn it off in games, I did look at it in the settings before starting play, but it was already off by default. I'll try turning it on I guess. Started Walking Dead. I didn't get very far before I was already weary of the "watching/listening," somewhat awkward/stiff feeling UI/control, and countdown-bar QTE's. It does have a nice, mystery/creepy mood and animation, and I can see why, if one is into movie-game-story, that one might enjoy it quite a bit, but I'd have to be in a very mellow, patient mood to play it. My attention wanders too quickly without OCD-like things to do.
  13. What I liked best about Sims1 was the house design/building. Not very interested in sending Sims off to build careers, play/dance with each other, and watching their happiness meters. Torturing the Sims was always funny for 10 minutes, however. ...caved and bought that Batman pack sale. I have the 1st game (unplayed...) so, er, may as well get this one too. Also bought Deus Ex:HR for "someday". Decided to skip Dungeons and DA tho. And now I have to stop watching the Steam page.
  14. Going through another one of those phases where I wonder if I'm really into games/computing as a hobby anymore...vs. it just being a habit to think I am, if that makes sense. I could cite the "direction of gaming" cliche but I don't think that's the whole story in my case. More a lack of wanting to sit in a chair whilst reflexively pressing keys for 3+ hours at a time. Anyway, so far a relaxing day at home (finally!). Hubs played a bit of BL2/Pirate DLC while I ate some lunch and watched. Time to catch up on a couple documentaries I've been meaning to watch. Also, on the topic of squirrels, old pics:
  15. Fired up Dead Island this morning. First thing I noticed was the mouse cursor moves slower than molasses while in any game menu (main menu, inventory menu)...which is driving me insane. It moves fine while actually inside the game (moving chr. around, clicking on objects etc), but as soon as I enter any menu ... argh. Which is too bad, since in the brief intro stuff, I was liking the atmosphere of the game, at least. Think I'll try Walking Dead, instead. Or perhaps the Borderlands 2 DLC, since there's two of them now.
  16. What I meant was, that most games that make that sort of specific claim ("it's like DK!"), end up being garbage. Or at least, nothing special.
  17. The Sims3 and (more importantly) Sims3 Pets are actually on sale. This begs the question ... would I actually play it? Don't care at all about Sims per se....but, but .... virtual pets! DA:Origins is cheap too. I suppose I could get it and finally see what all the fuss is about. Then again, it's unlikely I'd have the patience to find out what the fuss is about. I think the best course of action for me is to stop looking at the Steam page.
  18. When it comes to lockpicking, I prefer skill checks. If it's a mini-game where the lockpicks will constantly break if one never becomes very good at the "minigame', there better be a lot of lockpicks around to find/buy, not just a rare few.
  19. If I had a dollar for every time a game is "inspired by" Dungeon Keeper or other similar god games I'd be ... well, several dollars richer. It does look intriguing from the videos but just like with Molyneux himself, at this point I'm pretty leery/non-expectant of such claims.
  20. Maybe it's just me, but putting belly buttons on metal armor is about as silly as putting nipples on the Batsuits. I'm not talking about sexism or anything. It just looks ridiculous to me.
  21. That's almost as cute/cool as having a squirrel sit in your lap to eat almonds. Almost.
  22. I've thought about that one for a while now...it looks like a lot of driving back and forth, not sure how much I'd like that. But still..maybe. I don't like trains, so a simulator that isn't about trains would be nice. Now thinking about Dungeons, as well. I know, it's supposed to be terrible, but for $7.50 I get both original and sequel, so....argh. Steam sales. This is how I end up with a huge list of little games that I never end up playing.
  23. Definitely not "stealthy" armor. Not really my design style (the color/patterns), but it's bold and pretty nifty nonetheless.
  24. It's always great to see friends/family you haven't seen in a while, but being the extreme introvert I am, it can also be exhausting...when such things last all day. At least I don't have to get up early tomorrow to beat traffic out of the city. And it's fun to get home and have Mr. Needy the black cat sitting by the door, yowling in greeting before we even get the key in the lock. Edit: P.S. Soft white goat cheese tastes terrible. It was like cream cheese, but with a strange plastic+bitter grass flavor underneath. I remember years and years and years ago having a glass of semi-warm goat milk (fresh from a goat, not a packaged bottle). Which was equally weird tasting. Yup, I prefer cow milk.
  25. Yeah...I wasn't blaming them or anything. I'm just an old grump who doesn't like to have 100000 half-remembered accounts everywhere on the internet (especially just for buying one thing then never going back etc), and the more time goes on and the less retail-store oriented the world becomes, the more I feel like I have to do that. Or stop buying things. The widescreen/higher res mod I was using has some weird little UI quirks about it, in order to display it as such. Especially in the menus. I dunno....I just liked the way it looked, overall, a little better. It's nothing dramatic.
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