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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Always sounds good in theory. Not always so great in practice. But I know what you mean. If Dungeon Keeper 3 was ever going to be made, I would be so excited, hoping and hoping....of course, since EA owns it, even if they decided to make one, my hopes would likely be dashed quickly ....
  2. We don't know what scale that map area pic has. For we all know, when actually in the game, those "hallways" will seem fairly huge, relatively speaking.
  3. I think....this thread is getting too far into real-world politics and other such issues and too far away from discussing "what we want to see in a game." If you get my drift. It's too complex to untangle with a pruning, so...closing this one. The original topic can be tried again, if the OP wishes, but this one's off the rails. The Way Off Topic forum would be the better place to try some of the side-discussions that have popped up here. Just FYI.
  4. Finally saw that latest Batman movie. It was long. Overall I enjoyed it ... had some interesting moments. There were two things that served to roll my eyes however. 1 -- Bane's voice (much discussed before I'm sure). I liked the character. I don't mind the mask. But that voice. So over the top, did he have a reverb and megaphone in the mouthpiece? It was really distracting. But he had my favorite (humor) line in the whole film, at the end. 2 -- Bruce Wayne's endless, endless selfish angst. People like to make fun of teenage vampire movie angst, but sheesh, this modern Batman is more angsty then even that. Anyway, those things weren't big deal breakers so I had some fun. Especially with all the "recognize the actors in small roles/cameos" game. Sgt. Wu from Grimm, Tealc from Stargate, many others. This film's CatWoman was finally one I rather liked, and I love Joseph Gordon-Levitt more with every film I see him in.
  5. omg, I'm dying of laughter here! Rob Nesler is my new fave. Love the update, and I love all the pics, even if they are just "works in progress." I especially liked the wizard (?) one - makes me think of combo of Little John and the Joker or something. I like it.
  6. I sit around moping all day and wishing I had wings of the non-Red Bull kind so I could fly away and escape the mundane existence of being a boring bag-of-mostly-water. ........not really.
  7. @Malcador - that Police Quest 2 reminds me Beverly Hills Cop, a little. Botanicula was another one that I liked just about every single track, from the short to the longer. Liked how they used music and sound effects with occasional vocal exclamations and stuff. Melodic to silly.
  8. Help, I can't stop making Xmas avatars! *checks herself into the silly farm*
  9. As long as movement speed is faster than Diablo1's town movement, I'll be happy enough. God, that game's movement speed was annoying even during original release. Yet I still played it forever. I liked the combat in New Vegas - when I didn't use VATS. I'm not sure why I liked it so much, maybe because of the sniping. I always like sniping (one reason I like Borderlands too0. But typically I'm not into first person perspective much. Too often it = a viewing arc that feels far too restrictive, (no peripheral vision) which drives me crazy. I'm not always really sure what people mean by boring combat either - well, at least outside of the clickclick of original Diablos, that I understand. Outside of that however....there's clunky or overly complicated combat mechanics/UI, which can often put me, personally, off a game. But I'd guess most people are referring to complex strategies in combat, vs. just rapid sequences of spell/attack hotkey-mashing.
  10. Never played Ultima Online. From the pictures, that looks like it'd feel awkward to me. Again, not saying it wouldn't/doesn't work. But I don't think I'd personally like it.
  11. I couldn't get into Arcanum when it was released. It just felt awkward for some reason. I haven't tried since. When I replayed a bit of BG1 a while back, I had little difficulty adjusting to the "age" of the game itself, but it didn't take long for my memory to kick in and make it hard to want to continue for long (another game I originally played 100's of hours on).
  12. Actual ship to ship battles (vs. chrs. fighting H2H on a ship deck...), for me, only work in strategy games...I'm having a hard time imagining it in a 2d/isometric party game where it wouldn't feel out of place because of UI methods or other concerns. Not saying it's impossible, but I don't have a picture of it in my head. But the notion of pirates/piratey-themes and quests being a part of the game is often appealing. Pirates the P.E. expansion
  13. I don't have RPG fatigue, I have gaming fatigue in general. Old or new, AAA or indie. At the moment, the only games that capture my attention for more than 30 minutes at a time are the older design/building focused ones. So I can sympathize. I personally couldn't play Skyrim for more than about 10 hours, however. The last RPG that I spent time on (months, 100's of hours..) was New Vegas, and I'm starting to feel like that was a last hurrah. Either that or I'm tired of these modern 3D rpg's that are pretty, but feel soulless and detached. So I'm also hoping P.E. changes that, or at least, by the time P.E. comes out, I'll be out of gaming fatigue again .... no pressure, Obsidian, no pressure. As always, the usual advice applies - take a (very) long break from gaming of any kind, or play something different than an RPG. Everything gets old if you stick with it uninterrupted for too long.
  14. My memory of BG1 is definitely a lot of walking around, peeling away the fog of war, but with not a whole lot in it. At the time, it didn't bother me...I like the exploration/discovery part, even when there's not a "whole lot going on." Even today I'll explore every nook in games. I can't help it. I know there's likely nothing "over there" but I must go look anyway. P.E. could have a little less of it as a compromise, but I don't want to have nothing but a lot of separate, small, "random encounter" maps or whatnot. The game Summoner used that tactic (albeit in a much different way than P.E. likely would) and while it wasn't awful, it didn't give me that sense of exploration either. Neither did BG2, for that matter. Of course...hopefully I'll at least get a big dose of exploration fun in the "endless dungeon."
  15. My sister-in-law and her husband are back in town again this week. They want to go to Alcatraz apparently - I might be the only one of us four who's been there once. A long long time ago with my cousin. I guess if we can book the boat ride tour, I'll be spending Thurs. on an ex-prison island. I can pretend there are zombies .... If it's sunny-ish I might get some pleasant photos. Or, if we can't book a tour for some reason, we'll be doing ... something else.
  16. Didn't want to derail the other topic or start a new thread just for this, so since this one already has a lot of "photochops"/humor in it... I think I've picked on poor Forton enough.
  17. Well, I definitely like memorable characters, but they don't have to be ... like Minsc ... in order to be memorable. Minsc/Boo were fun, but I found others to be just as fun. There's plenty of exaggerated personality quirks/archtypes that could be present and I do think that the game could use at least one colorful/odd companion. If they're all uptight, formal-speaking, "save the people/trees!" type folk, that would be ... rather dull. imo.
  18. Eh, I tend to play largely as "myself." Only sometimes I make decisions in the game that I wouldn't in real-life. Like steal every gold coin I can get my grubby hands on. But in terms of how I might answer the average NPC question during dialogue or what "path" to choose down the main questline...mostly me. If I like a game enough for multiple plays, I'll start doing things that aren't my natural inclination, if I suspect there might be different content/options to be seen by doing so...or just for some LOL's. That's also when I might do some meta-gaming, also for the lol's.
  19. That's awesome, Guard Dog. Must feel great. Celebration time? ----------------- ....I'm in a Xmas-y mood. Can you tell? Next I'll be baking cookies. (edit) hm, santa hamster isn't quite as cute when bigger than its original size.
  20. Addition: I think the point some have made about not wanting to have to carry oodles of "torches" around with them is a valid one. That always becomes annoying, if the torches are timed-used and you have to keep switching them out. Since this is a fantasy game with magic, that's easily circumvented by having a basic light spell that all magic-casting characters could cast (not just a wizard). I don't know if anyone has played the old aRPG Darkstone, but I liked how it dealt with dungeon lighting + magic light spell. Altho, in that game, it occasionally did get a little too dark in some corners (it was blocky 3d with dynamic lighting or some such). Most of the time tho, imo it was almost perfect. That's just me tho. (and I know P.E. wouldn't do things in that exact fashion, being non-3d...just an example of what I like)
  21. I've never advocated that level of "reality" for anything, the flashlight thing was just an easy example. But whatever. If Obsidian wanted to have a difficulty option for bathroom breaks as well as eating and drinking, they're free to do so. In my previous post I made a point that I don't want it to actually be pitch black. I do, however, like there to be a difference from "daylight outside" to "deep underground cavern." That's the atmosphere part. If everything is going to be brightly lit, imo one may as well just adventure in outdoor spaces and have it be 12noon all the time rather than unexplored, mysterious, deep caverns ala the "endless dungeon." Like I said before - have it so you CAN play without needing to use torches or light spells if you want (like very bright moonlight, perhaps), but also where extra light sources make things brighter/more colorful in a further radius or whatever.
  22. @melkathi Interesting. If you can play, in some fashion, like a freebuild, I might like it more then. I definitely don't want to do the "be attacked by AI when you still have nothing but a rake and a hoe" type thing that often anymore. Having some ruler send requests for goods or armies or very occasional combat is fine (like in the Caesar's), or gameplay that lets you largely avoid combat via other options, is fine.
  23. Val Kilmer's Doc Holliday is still the best Doc Holliday. Also...I have a friend who really wants to see the Red Dawn remake. Pestered me all weekend about making a time for it. I'm running out of excuses. I might have to bite the bullet and do it...BFF and all that....
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