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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Read that Ed Harris and Gary Oldman do voices in CoD. I'd love to hear some of that. But I don't want to play/buy the game. There must be a "most/all the voice lines of...." videos on YT somewhere... Hubs and I spent the afternoon finally making a cheap/quickie platform out of 2x4's over the fireplace brick area to rest the old, very long, wood/wicker cabinet thingie that we put the TV on. Recovers more floor space, raises the TV a bit, and essentially "hides" the fireplace. Much better, both in function and appearance. We don't need the use of the fireplace.
  2. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy - I haven't read the book or seen the mini-series (altho I've heard of the mini-series, I think my parents saw it). With that in mind, I didn't have trouble following the film, but I did have problems with lack of characterization and "how did he reach that conclusion?" or "why did he do what he did?" type stuff, because of the compressed story. Some good acting in the few lead roles...but everyone else was mostly there for brief scenes of staring into the camera or walking across the screen while looking serious. It's actually a good movie, I think...just slow and deliberate. But if you don't know who the characters are in the first place, it's kinda hard to know why all those stares are supposed to be meaningful I guess. Makes me want to see the mini-series. Think I'll get on that.
  3. Ahaha! Thanks for the huge laugh, that was great.
  4. I always liked the tessen (iron fan)...ones that are still covered in paper and look more like fans (not weird exposed, metal, pointy-tipped, fantasy super tessens). Or weapons/poisons hidden in hair decorations. Or the knife in a cane. That sort of stuff. Not that such would likely be good for a cRPG, unless maybe it was some special sneak-only use weapon. I just like hidden purpose/assassin type weapons I guess.
  5. Seems vague to me too. Could be all we'll see is a lot of docks on the coastal cities that we can wander through. Or just one or two "You must gather your party before venturing forth .. to Mysterious Island of Spooky Side-Quest #51." And while I'm not sure I'd want the entire soundtrack to be of that theme, I'm sure we could have a shanty or two for the times we're drunkenly prancing on the tables of the coastal taverns.
  6. LadyCrimson


    It's not the Johnny Cash song. I love handbells. Especially for the holidays...they sound so celebratory. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zOGjgVygSg
  7. That's likely (imo) largely true for most murders, but in terms of rage/spree murder-suicides I'm not so sure. It's especially difficult to determine if the perpetrator dies/shoots themselves during the process of the crime, for one thing. Anyway, even if the "fame" aspect isn't a large (or conscious) aspect, I guess I was kind of thinking along the lines of the so-called Werther Effect. In terms of school-shootings, my impression has been a lot of them are rage/vengeance/suicide oriented ... different from something like a serial killer. I'm not, btw, saying media exposure is the cause, but that such exposure may have an effect on the method such distressed/disturbed people may choose. Btw, does anyone know if it's true that in Norway the reporting of (non-murderous) suicides is practically banned or something (maybe just a journalistic code, not officially)? I read that somewhere but y'know the internet...can never be sure.
  8. I'm fond of many memorable pieces of music that are quite difficult to hum or whistle. I don't think I define memorable or catchy as being able to purse my lips and hum it. Such may be the case, but it's not a requirement.
  9. I have no desire to debate gun law politics or morals, but I am curious what people think about the news media's possible influence in regards to these type of incidents. That is, the potential impression (to someone of disturbed mind) of "if I do this, I'll be famous...media will talk about me for weeks...I'll go out in a blaze of glory/get to send a message to the world etc." ....while reporting news/free speech is important, I long ago decided the methods used in the US (can't speak for anywhere else), perhaps particularly in regard to video news, are terrible and sometimes morally questionable, and can/may cause more fear/paranoia than is truly justified. They do not report ... they sensationalize. It is not helping. Edit: ... perhaps my point/question is about the difficulty of changing certain trends/attitudes when one of the possible causes is that "everyone" is constantly deluged with information that tells us/teaches us to be afraid all the time.
  10. Yes. This would be fine with me, too. Basically, a "main theme" that is recognizable as "Project Eternity series!" when I hear it. It's fine to alter it a bit for an expansion/sequel, but I'd want it to still be recognizable. There's plenty of other music opportunities in any game for brand new music per game. I just want there to be a specific thematic connection to a series, even if it's only the music that's played during the Main Menu or opening scene or whatever. ...I don't really care if I can specifically or easily hum it, however.
  11. Jim Craig is still one of my heroes. Edit: ... it must be winter, because lately I have very little to say/not in a talking mood. heh
  12. TV series: American Horror Story. Ok, finally tried to watch this show. Pilot episode left me all 'wtf is going on?' 2nd episode was 'oh, ok, I think I get it now.' 3rd was 'this isn't scary, it's just weird and all over the place.' Not sure I'll watch more. It's not terrible and occasionally it's kind of cool, but I feel like I'm watching Twin Peaks Ghosts Lost In An X-Files House. There are better things to watch.
  13. Am watching "Inside the Actors Studio" with Liam Neeson. Dat man. Wondering if he's an ex-smoker because he always has a toothpick to chew on, heh. Edit: "What sound do you love?" ... "Bird song." "What sound do you hate?" ... "Gotta be leaf blowers." (yes!)
  14. I'm guessing that's the Golden Gate Bridge they're destroying in Pacific Rim. Our poor bridge ... so often used when there's a bridge than needs smooshing. And yes, it does make me think of Godzilla. The Prototype robotic face with the giant eyes makes me think of Asimov robots. It seems a curiously old-fashioned design.
  15. That Pacific Rim trailer: "Today we are canceling the Apocalypse!" .... I think there should be a new Academy Award for "Best Cheesey Line in an Action or Sci-Fi movie."
  16. The thing with DK1 (enemy Keeper) AI is that it was just plain stupid, no matter which 'type' of AI you used. You had to design a level with all kinds of contortions and/or pre-built dungeons and scripting tricks to make it resemble anything remotely challenging. Yet somehow, it was still all kinds of fun.
  17. Title for a couple Hobbit reviews: "The Hobbit: a ponderous journey" ... "The Hobbit: a long, unremarkable journey." ... ....this isn't me laughing at or judging the film itself - (there's plenty of glowing reviews for it too). It just amuses me when reviewers twist a title to reflect their opinion. Some titles are easier to do that with than others... don't know when I'll get to see it. Maybe next week.
  18. I don't know if someone posted this already in past threads, but I just saw it yesterday. I lol'd.
  19. I don't think most people want to be able to lay waste to the entire land by blinking. But there should (imo) be a sense of major progression to your character. That eventually, depending on what skills, stats, gear you have chosen to use, you at least have the potential to be mighty in combat ... if you manage to hit the enemy, of course. Difficulty isn't only/entirely dependent on how powerful your attacks can be.
  20. Contact lenses are nice for situations like that. That said, I tried the new 3D with Avatar. I wasn't impressed and haven't bothered since. For some reason I thought Hobbit was going to be 48fps no matter what, but based on Berardinelli's quote, I guess not. So I guess I won't be seeing it in 48fps then. No loss.
  21. I often like the option to feel somewhat uber powerful, if I choose to play the game that way. But I don't want them to be uber powerful no matter how I play. If that makes sense. eg, the best rpg's for me are the ones where I can purposely build weak characters if I want, but also can purposely build very strong characters if I want. Games that pigeon-hole "power" too much end up feeling too restrictive for my liking.
  22. Here's what James Berardinelli says about the format:
  23. The ad was very funny. An ad is very different from a movie, tho. Did you see it in 3D? Or in IMAX? I have a feeling the latter might make a difference in terms of the negative buzz on that. I doubt seeing it in my local Century theater in non-3D is going to feel very different. A little more clarity in motion sequences perhaps.
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