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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Just because it's a little better numbers wise doesn't make it the better gun. I spent a lot of both BL's using the same darn weapon for 10+ levels simply because nothing else I found was truly better. Especially in BL2, where dmg might be higher but accuracy sucked or it was a gun that has really wobbly sights or weird bullet trajectory or some other very annoying to your personal playstyle thing. ...altho, in BL1, it was a bit different because you'd find a Pestilent Defiler or Hellfire and suddenly nothing else was any good for 15+ clvls. Heh.
  2. Dead Island: My save game disappeared. Vanished. Poof. Gone. Not in the menu loading options. Read about the save game corruption issue (auto-save would stop working) that's supposedly fixed, but mine's just gone. Nothing to load. Frak it, it wasn't much, I'll start over. If it happens again tho, I'll be mad. Games should ALWAYS have a MANUAL SAVE option. It's not downloading the full GB. At least, it wasn't for me or many others. When it starts, the "progress" bar is actually almost full and it goes from there. It seems to just be redownloading most of the DLC sounds.bsa files and one of the DLC's Main.bsa files. Why, I don't know. Steam burp or possible fix with sound files. These are the only files I found that were redownloaded:
  3. Slept too late. My brain is fuzzy like a well worn carpet. Would like to do some errands but the thought of contending with all the crazy day-after-Xmas deal-shopping people is intimidating. Still have enough catfood so my ankles are safe, and can order a pizza, so I think I'll wait until tomorrow. Sitting around playing video games and watching TV sounds better anyway.
  4. The drug companies spend a lot of money trying to convince people of this. ...which isn't to say drug treatment isn't helpful/needed in plenty of cases. But I would personally agree over-medication is becoming a pretty big problem in general. edit:reworded slightly for better clarification. My brain is confuddled...
  5. I'm not sure about the smaller maps part. The island feels kinda big initially and it's "seamless" so far, with no loading screens, so hard to tell. There's some sense of exploration early on, not sure about later. My main issues with the game seem to be mechanics and controls rather than gameplay. Plus...nothing but zombies gets kind of old. At least BL has somewhat more varied enemies. But it is some fun, don't get me wrong. I don't dislike/hate Dead Island. Just feels like a game that could have been a lot better with some changes/tweaks.
  6. Dead Island: is there a quick weapon-swap ability on the PC controls? I know of the weapon swap radial menu, that's not what I mean. Hubby's sitting on the couch with his Xbox controller, able to hit a button and instantly swap between a couple weapons whenever he wants, no radial menu pop-up ... it's not fair. This game has enemy level scaling. Boo. The driving is utterly horrible (on KB/mouse). Other than that ... I guess it's fun. Nowhere near as good as Borderlands tho. Nowhere near.
  7. I woke up pretty early this morning, but I still didn't get to see Santa. Of course, at the moment, he can't really access the chimney. Maybe that's why. Merry Xmas forumites.
  8. Since Dead Island is on sale for 10 bucks again, may as well get it for hubby. For that price he can try it and if he doesn't like it, no harm done. I do like the general "feel" of the game, it's still mainly the durability that annoys. I swear I whack 8 zombies with a metal pipe and it's broken. It's a bit much.
  9. Yeah, I know the ads aren't plastered over the book text itself or anything. But I'm still against the idea that there are ads on something I paid for. And if it's to pay for a chunk of the device, it should go away after a period of time, rather than be 'forever.' If it's to pay for the service of being able to download books, why not have a $2 a month subscription option to be ad free. There was a complaint that even if you paid more for the "ad free" version, there were still "recommendation" ads (the complainers were mighty angry about that, heh). They might have changed that by now tho, via a user-option to opt out or something.
  10. Don't know about P.E., but often the reason is that the main character has some ability/abilities (they're half-gods! only person in the world who has enough Soul to channel enough power!) that make defeating the baddies possible or something....so the party could continue to rebel but wouldn't succeed. Of course, if one isn't going the cliched end of the world/savior route, with the enemy being a bit more mundane and you have the fantasy equivalent of Robin Hood or local war instead, then I think it's entirely plausible that party members would continue the "good fight" even if a leader dies. So logically, there's nothing against the concept. Narrative wise and gameplay wise however, I think I'd tend to agree that it would essentially mean a game that has no serious sense of character focus. No one is "special", no one has more story-focus in terms of the main plot, etc. because you have to make sure none of them are vital to have. Less sense of a possibility of failure because you just keep picking up more characters and keep on truckin'. You'd likely end up with a game that feels less personal and involved (mostly combat with cursory chr. side quests) and probably less satisfying because of it, to many RPG'ers. Something more like the much more heavily combat oriented Might and Magic rpg series perhaps (which I loved, and does have a main "goal" arc, but individual characterization isn't there imo....).
  11. You moved homes or moved off the couch? ....just another quiet day here.
  12. Tried more (solo) Dead Island. It's kinda fun, but the rate of weapon degradation early on is really annoying. Also, I tried making the baseball bat/circular saw weapon and for some reason it made the blue text baton I was carrying disappear. No, I didn't use it to make the baseball bat weapon. Back to watching TV instead.
  13. It absolutely poured rain today, all day. To the extent the TV beeped out EBS flood warnings while we huddled on the couch watching TV. Nothing serious to us, but it's that kind of rain. Played a little BL2, now we're back to TV. Since hubby's home all week I put my main PC out here in the living room so we can game-talk easier. This spare 1600x1200 monitor he had that I'm using sucks...and I feel weird sitting out here doing stuff while he's watching TV. Spent time looking at other possible co-op games. Nothing jumps out at me yet. Think it's time to play a solo game of DK back in my office. Maybe it'll be a little drier tomorrow...
  14. Peter Molyneux made a video voicing his support of War of the Overworld. He's not part of the team/game or anything, just saying he supports it. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/subterraneangames/war-for-the-overworld/posts/374173
  15. Anyone play Sniper Elite V2/have a comment on it? 75% off, I'm semi-tempted. I like sniping.
  16. ....hubby and I need a new co-op game, but there's nothing out there that I think he'd like. He doesn't like complicated, cutscenes/dialogues, story, or learning curves. ...don't suppose there's anything sorta like Borderlands in concept out there? Could have less 'rpg/skill' elements but probably not a pure modern FPS. Hm.
  17. Bah Humbug! ...just kidding. Merry Xmas....hope everyone has a good time, whatever you're doing over the holidays. And if it's snowing where you are ... catch some snowflakes with your tongue and have a snowball fight for me, because it's fun and I can't do it where I live.
  18. Haha, yea, that was the Orson Welles one. But it was the late 30's I think, during a period of pre-war paranoia, and they started it with an "interrupt your broadcast" announcement and an ongoing newscast format. The extent of the panic is probably urban legend but there was plenty of worried calls to the radio stations and such...plus there was supposedly a town or two that coincidentally lost power around that time, causing the residents there to be even more panicked. My grandfather used to mention it occasionally. It amused him I think.
  19. Yeah, Pine's kind of generic. I do appreciate that he didn't try to actually mimic Shatner, however. That wouldn't have worked too well, most likely. McCoy was good, I thought he was the best of the group. Scotty...he was humorous, but didn't really make me think "Scotty." Anyway, they're all fine for a new reboot/new generation and I'm sure they'll grow/get better with more movies. They're just not ... y'know ... the characters I grew up with and loved. It's not really Star Trek. It's just a fairly good sci-fi/fantasy movie that occasionally resembles it.
  20. I have no objection to more realistic scaling of big weapons looking big in a small characters hands. That said, for some reason in games it often still just comes out as looking silly. Even if they're a dwarf and you know they're a dwarf, when they're holding a giant axe, it makes me think of "anime-sizing" and thus seems ridiculous. Maybe it's because they're animated but rather static drawings rather than actors huffing and puffing trying to lift something. I think the point of them "shrinking" to fit in games is more about having you pretend they're of a proper size for the person you decide to give it to, rather than having to create different sized gear for every race that only that race can use. You could say the same thing about suits of chainmail that magically perfectly fit any size character. At any rate, such isn't immersion breaking for me, so I'm fine either way really.
  21. I went to Ikea once. Don't know what it's like elsewhere, but the one I went to here was weird and not a pleasant shopping excursion. I haven't been back since. Today I scrubbed tile grout (always a laugh), had a steak sandwich, noticed it was raining again, and watched some movies. Now going to slap some imps to the sound of rain.
  22. I doubt many people truly believed anything of the sort. It's just another fun thing to spin for TV ratings. And internet meme's. ...altho I'm sure there's a few people who did believe. There always are.
  23. Quinto's all right. He looks the part anyway. I just don't like how much they changed Spock's behavior/style from original cannon. He seems more repressed psychotic now. And I bet he'll have fun explaining Pon Farr to Uhura.
  24. Watched Premium Rush. I liked it. The biking stunts were often silly of course, but entertaining film. Had a couple "slow" spots but they were brief. I wasn't expecting so much humor, either. Or at least, I found certain parts of it really funny. I started watching it there, yeah, but then switched to my DVD instead. I have all of the ST:OS films in a box set. Heh. I didn't realize bromance had to have sexual tension. I just mean their friendship. Nimoy's Spock being more "Vulcan" made his understated emotional bits with Kirk more resonant. Rebooted Spock is far too emotional/angry, even when trying to be logical. You can read it on his face all the time. "Stone faced" Quinto is not.
  25. I'm not exactly sure what the appeal is either, even tho I'm one of those who sometimes likes to watch. But....it's often amusing. That's part of it, for me anyway. I used to like using a mod to have multiple companions in FNV, simply because it cracked me up to watch them all charge in after deathclaws or whatever. Watching the AI tackle itselt is like watching a group of kittens playfight. Plus a bit of a sense of not having direct control lends a sense of weird challenge/fun. Well, maybe challenge isn't quite the right word. Unpredictability perhaps? That said, in terms of summons, I tend to prefer only having one or two at a time (per character) and that they have a limited duration. Doesn't have to be super-short, but they shouldn't last forever/until death either. Maybe 5 minutes say. Or if they do last a long time (over 10 minutes) there should always be the "unsummon" option, so you can get rid of them immediately if you want to. But having a multitude army of skeletons or whatever feels more appropriate to games where you have no party/companion group, rather than P.E.
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