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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Made a big bowl of Caesar salad (just a simple one) to go with dinner tonight, but since I made it ahead of time, hubby and I polished it off already. My fave store-bought Caesar dressing is Brianna's Asiago. A bit strong flavored, but awesome. After dinner, we'll be settling in to watch that remake of Total Recall. Heat and blankets to chase the cold weather away, good food, movie ... another awesome day in Candyland!
  2. Tri-tip can be awesome, depending how it's done. Those slo-cooked BBQ rub ones are divine. Not a tri-tip, but making a beef roast right now, in fact. Any time is the right time for beef.
  3. I have a feeling the majority of people will think the game looks just fine, with the choices being given (and a lot of thought seems to have gone into those options, which I appreciate). I know we all like a game to look pretty on our personal screens and have a PoV that looks nice to our eyes, but honestly, I think some of you are putting a little too much emphasis on the resolution/scale issue. This isn't Peter Jackson's The Hobbit. Guess I'm not very geeky in this area tho...gameplay over resolution nitpicks for me any day.
  4. I'm not sure precisely. I think it's due to how social media stuff is now getting integrated with other websites and whatnot. Occasionally I see links that have a rogue "/!/" in it, and the only thing I have noticed is that I only see it if it's picking up on my Facebook or something, and it often isn't necessary as part of the link (and can cause issues). I don't see any difference in blockable scripts between the two links, but I use NoScript. There's no difference in blockable scripts that I can initially see (some scripts don't show up in NoScript until you allow another one first). Does have facebook-com (not facebook-net) as one tho. ... maybe scripts have nothing to do with what you're seeing tho.
  5. Voodoo! ...I have nothing against ATI cards. They're a fine option. I just tend to prefer nVidia's software interface/options and drivers. Plus I could care less about who might have that slight performance edge per new card release. Started with them, they haven't given me any trouble personally, so I stick with them. I don't like change I guess.
  6. That's fine, but it all depends on what the consumer ends up doing, doesn't it? They can plan and push all they want, but it doesn't mean people will buy. Think of all the people who refused to switch to Vista (or even Win7) from XP forever and ever and ever. I know that's not the same, but the point is ... you might be surprised how many consumers are tired of buying (when they still have something that works "fine"), especially when their wallets are pinched. Anyway, I'm not against it happening faster or anything. But those tech journals/articles/conventions/innovators/companies etc. can predict and push all the time ... doesn't mean it'll happen that fast in real world application. You'll have some tech-geeks who will buy fast, but the "masses" typically are a lot slower to make changes like this. That's all I was saying. It's not buying the latest iPad or iphone for cool points.
  7. Bankruptcy laws in the US....ah well, this kinda sucks. I'm not educated on this sort of thing, but often feels like these kind of deals can be iffy long term (for the sellers claiming things will be "ok," I mean), but I hope the buyer in short term, at least, leaves well enough alone and won't meddle with South Park release or Obsidian's development of it etc. :/
  8. I think such changes don't become the "norm" until you can buy one for about $300 (monitor price I mean, not laptop). Either that or the economy is having a big boom era, which it's not. So...I'll give a wild prediction that it'll be more like 5 years before it even comes close to being as common as 1080 is now. Most people I know still don't even have 1080 laptops ... because they don't want to buy one.
  9. Such monitors might be available before too long, but I think the time when the majority of people will afford/have them (and thus create an actual serious need for games to accommodate them) is still a while off.
  10. Hub's family that lived locally split too much and a central "thing" stopped being a family thing to do. My own family...big gatherings are never my thing so I prefer to see them individually other times of the year instead. On our own, hubby and I don't do anything special. No presents, no special dinners made. It's funny because I'm not into "xmas" per se, but I did like the decorations (including avatars, haha). Sadly, while I like having a tree, it's a waste just for us so I stopped. We may not get a tree anymore but I was thinking about buying a small santa hat, because black cats always look so cute in one.
  11. *looks at those amazon links then does her own Search for something...* Geez, people want $50-150 for NES GunNac? Did I toss that out recently? I don't "know" that, but it wouldn't surprise me I suppose. I decided not to pledge to it anyway...it's one that's better to wait for a review or something first.
  12. Alternated between watching a PBS broadcast of The Fab Four (a very good Beatles tribute band) "Ultimate Tribute" show and the last episode of The Voice. Musically, I preferred The Fab Four, but seeing Peter Frampton and Terry McDermott sing "Baby I Love Your Way" together was pretty cool. I know it's popular to dislike/rag on the Beatles now, but I still love 'em.
  13. Even if you're not into shows like The Voice, this might be amusing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpUhpFSR-rE ...I like CeeLo but think I'm going to like Usher better, and I'll definitely like almost anyone over Christina.
  14. If it's accessible while travel-camp-resting (vs. only in certain locations) that's actually a fair/reasonable way to look at it. I can go with that.
  15. I'll always be a nVidia gal, until they stop making GPU's. Still love my 590gtx. Hasn't given me any trouble at all, outside of running warm (normal) since I don't have liquid cooling. That said, I'm unlikely to ever spend that much on a GPU again.
  16. Nice, lots of bits of info in this one. Need time to absorb it all. Weapon swapping, I like it, thank you. To be clear, does this mean once you've put an item in the "stash", that you can no longer access it while out on the road, only from those certain locations? eg, if you're in a dungeon, putting things in the stash is a one-way trip, so to speak, until you go "home?" If that's the case, I like the idea and it seems to be a solution for the deep-dungeon looting with no easy way back to a town/merchant syndrome...altho, it does seem like a rather magical ability, like having a transportation wormhole in your pack.
  17. I wouldn't count them out yet. Y'know how these Kickstarters tend to rev up in the last few days. It's gone up quite a bit in the past 16 hours. They still need 46k in 63 hours or so...could make it. Not that I don't agree with the reason why it's not, perhaps, getting a lot more funding pledges.
  18. I wouldn't know, you'd have to ask the creators of the games I played. I'd guess it was to encourage you to explore instead. Designing a game that assumes that every player will replay it is not, imo, good design. Which isn't to say I don't personally like replaying a lot of games or don't want games to have aspects to encourage replays. Just that I don't think that should be a requirement to feeling like I enjoyed the game/the game played fair. That's pretty much my view. I think merchants should largely just have basic gear and potions, ingredients if any, spell scrolls if any, that sort of thing. That way the game isn't a "how much gold do I have?" mini-game. You aren't likely to get tons of gold, but you don't need to spend tons of gold. I'd rather have it motivation to explore/quest because I'll find good stuff in hidden chests and on enemies, not so I can get big gold rewards to spend at a merchant.
  19. Gatehouses and more gatehouses! I was pretty good, once, at building housing blocks that had them going where I wanted (no gatehouses). But dem ladies definitely had screwy compasses in their heads.
  20. The problem with that is - the first time playing at least - that the player has no idea how much they need to save for those late-game "best items" that may appear, and thus cannot make any true rational/logical decisions about how to spend their money as they go through the game. Spend too much on a couple high priced items in the mid-game and you might not have enough to get what you really want at the endgame. I don't mean that you can't buy the entire 10 piece set of Uber-Gear-Set-#21 at the last merchant...but that you may not even be able to buy a couple pieces. That's always frustrating, and I've played plenty of games where that ended up being the case ... and I don't mean just looting arpg's ... which is part of the reason I became a packrat in the first place. Where you become paranoid to ever spend money at all, until the last. So whatever kind of economy there is, imo it has to have a bit of a balance ... so if you're the type who doesn't like to spend all their time looting/selling, you can still splurge here and there, just not as often ... yet those people obsessed with looting/selling (or crafting/selling) won't end up with 7billion quatloos in their pockets at all times. ...this all assumes that stores even have the chance to stock items that players are going to feel like spending "big money" on in the first place, of course. Perhaps P.E. stores will largely consist of more basic stuff and the better items will all have to be found.
  21. I have increasing difficulty holding a paperback open for long periods, especially if using only one hand (arthritic issues), so I'm grudgingly considering whether an e-reader would be better. I like to read in bed a lot, so being able to hold it/use controls while lying down on one's side is important. Upper price range $200, more or less. I do not care about email, net browser, movies, games, etc, just the reader part, altho I'm not adverse to an inexpensive smaller "tablet" if the reader aspect is just as good or better. Reading reviews of what's currently available, but thought I'd also ask here: --any personal preferences? --I don't like how Amazon charges more to get a version without the on-screen "ads/suggestions". If you're paying for the e-books, I don't understand advertising. --If I understand right, Nook is less proprietary in file format? Would this be an advantage to someone like me? I'm guessing not much of one...
  22. Heh, he does remind me of Air Force One in that one, in spots. Is he mostly voicing characters that do cutscenes like that? It's nice he gets a huge speech. As opposed to Worthington who's doing a player character with all the brief play-time lines, I think. Anyway, thanks for posting the vid. Kinda cool. Saw some outlandish game show with Howie Mandel as the host. He's definitely good at that role...makes the show seem more watchable than it really is. Time to watch some Netflix, then sleep.
  23. Reading some of the things going on in the world today...it's often depressing, yet they are reminders that within the privilege of my own life, every day is one to be thankful for what I have. Never take anything for granted. Hubs largely has Xmas week off etc., and I'm not sure what we're going to be doing, besides being disgustingly lovey-dovey at all times. Could use a new co-op game.
  24. That was a nice to read article. Also, I want that snowman. It would look great in this one corner of my living room.
  25. If anyone could pull it off, it would be you-know-who. ...sorry, had to do it.
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