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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Wasn't much of a fan of DK2. I own it, but the game is about offense where DK1 was about defense. Or aggressive defense. Or offensive defense... That's an interesting perspective. I'm not sure I'd completely agree, since you could play DK1 very aggressively if you wanted (there were plenty of maps that if you attacked very swiftly, you could almost always win in like 15 minutes...). But DK2 did seem to force the issue of aggressiveness a lot more, rather than leaving it as a playstyle option. I liked the Pet Dungeons and a couple of the vampire levels. That's about it. I did use the editor a lot, however, to make my own levels/do silly things. Dk2 isn't a game I have much urge to replay tho. It's always DK1 I go back to.
  2. Seriously? Bwhahahaha..... I'm still waiting for a Breakfast Club or Ferris Bueller remake, in Hollywood's constant effort to attract what it thinks are timely, built-in audiences.
  3. After Earth: I am reminded of the ST:OS episode "Shore Leave". It's all that "fear/thought becomes reality" stuff -and a tiger! I like Will Smith, even in the "bad" movies. His son, so far, I have not liked at all. But the son is growing older all the time ... he could easily improve. Still, between M. Night, Will, and his son, this sorta screams "vanity project." We'll see. Btw, from the wiki description of the movie, I have a feeling Will's part is not the main focus. I'm surprised M. Night is still working, to be honest. Every movie he makes is worse than the last...tho I guess Airbender at least made a goodly bit of money, even if it was panned.
  4. Rain, hail, rain, hail. Was not a good morning to go out and do errands.
  5. A bit off topic, but every time I see "Aloth" I keep thinking "A lot of what?" ...and I'd personally like an actual tossing snakes spell. Where he send it out and there's a bunch of little snakes who attack/poison people, like temp. minions. I can see the "snakes on this MF'ing...." jokes now...
  6. What? No Dungeon Keeper 2? ** I remember Evil Genius. I found that to be a little disappointing. That said, I remember a gold room glitch I found that essentially meant I had endless gold all the time. That was fun. haha. **I don't have it installed either...
  7. I did look at it on GoG. I'm not sure it appeals to me, but one can never truly tell until one plays something. Yeah, I liked chaining those granaries too. I also actually liked the market ladies, even if they were also frustrating (or led to my using gatehouses everywhere as roadblocks).When you start taking too many of those "quirks" away, it becomes less challenging/gamey. It's a "bad AI" balance issue that I imagine is hard to find a truly good solution for.
  8. It's some kind of JRPG or RTS I'd guess. Title and in-game voices aren't in English so no clue on names. And I'm still playing nothing. Well, I did install Casear 4 again, to remind myself of how it played/looked compared to the non-3D CB's. The way the food distribution worked was a lot easier than in Caesar 3, that's for sure. Didn't play much, for now, tho.
  9. I would be disappointed if it turns out to be so. Pick someone different, that hasn't been done in any film version yet. I'm really not that keen on the movie itself....the reboot was an ok sci-fi action film but to me this new series will never be real Star Trek. Still...I want to know who Cumberbatch is playing, darnit. Someone recognizable, or someone completely new? Ah well, we'll know eventually.
  10. Nitpickers Guide to Classic Trek ...just proving what a nerd I am. Yes, I re-read them semi-often, they're funny. I have the others, too.
  11. Tried the latest demo thingie for the War for the Overworld Kickstarter project. I guess it's just a dug-out dungeon that you can wander around in, look at stuff, and "possess" an imp to wander around in 1st person if you wish. So it's not much. But it does look nice. Altho, it has the usual 3d inside-out face issue, apparently. Imp eyes! edit: game title correction. I keep wanting to call it something slightly different than its actual title...
  12. I spent too much of my time contemplating who the villain in the next Star Trek movie really is going to be. With the first 9 minutes of the movie now being reported on, all kinds of stuff to rumor-monger about. Latest bit of news/rumor (from an industry tweet that is already deleted) is the blond chick is actually going to be Carol Marcus, which makes you wonder. At least if you're a ST nerd. Which I am. Even on rebooted franchises that sort of annoy me. Their marketing/keeping the mystery is a great ploy, darnit. ...now going to eat some pizza and watch TV.
  13. Brad Pitt is a far better actor (now) than Cruise, imo. Pitt has grown a lot more and is able to express more depth. Cruise is still just playing Cruise in every film, I can get so tired of his one-note shouting-"I'm angry"-delivery. But I did think he was great in Collateral. I think that type of role is what he should be doing all the time...it fits him better than stuff like 4th of July or that Jerry movie. P.S. I'm not a huge fan of Pitt either.
  14. I'd like to mention that if you go "online" with Steam, if you can get into the download view menu and click "pause" on any downloads that automatically start happening, that stops the games from updating. Of course, if the update is very tiny, and your connection speed fast, it may update before you can even click. But if it's bigger, then chances are you'll have time to click pause. And it will stay paused until you check restart, even if you go offline/go back online again later. And yes you can still play the game offline. If paused like that, the directory Steam creates to download the patch will be there, but the files aren't finished downloading, so nothing happens. At least, that's been my experience. But the only failsafe way is to copy the directory of the game you want to preserve elsewhere on your HD, and copy it back over again when you're done doing other stuff online/have gone back offline.
  15. Not many can convince me to pull out my CC on the internet, but after some thinking ... I'm in. I've been waiting/wanting a DK3 for soooooooo long, this may be the closest thing to it. And it's gotta be better than what EA would likely come out with, right? Altho, I might wait for their updated playable tech demo first, which looks to be coming out very very soon. My main problem is the amount to put in. Being in the US, I'm in that conversion-rate + shipping bottleneck this time around. Heh. I'd like to give them a decent amount but don't care about the physical stuff...
  16. In other movie news, I re-watched the first (extended) LoTR movie yesterday, since it had been a while. It's interesting how certain movies, no matter how much you loved them when you first saw them, won't hold up to many repeated home viewings over years. Still, the whole Mine sequence is da awesome. The LoTR trilogy is like that for me ... made up of several great sequences separated by boring to irritating segments. Unlike something like Seven or even Seabiscuit, where I love almost every bit and still have no urge to FF through any part.
  17. I'm sure they'll be likely to also keep a few people around as easy, inexpensive labor for their meat, catnip and milk farms.
  18. A technologically advanced alien race comprised of very large cats with laser beams on their heads will visit Earth and be horrified that their "kin" are enslaved as pets. Only those with cats who will vouch for and plead for their humans will be spared. If you hurry, you can adopt a cat, give it lots of hugs and treats, and perhaps survive the coming Furpocolypse.
  19. Bad Tom Cruise movie: Legend. Sorry, I don't care if it's "lyrical and dreamy", it's horrible. Then-bf dragged me to it because he loved Tangerine Dream, who did the soundtrack. The soundtrack was ok, but I would have walked out of the movie if the bf hadn't wanted to sit through it all. Vanilla Sky is also quite terrible, imo. I personally have no love for Top Gun or Days of Thunder, either. As an actor, Cruise has matured a bit over the years. Not as much as others from his era, but some. Knight and Day was occasionally kinda cute - Cruise's performance was the least of its problems (Ditzy Diaz was the biggest problem...). The Last Samurai was an entertaining film, once you get past the conceit of Cruise being a star samurai. With the unreleased Jack Reacher, so far it's just fanbois whining that Cruise isn't "tall enough" to play the character.
  20. There's that too. Got around to watching some of The Hobbit trailers and blog videos. I have mixed feelings about it. Love the actor who's playing younger Bilbo. But my concern is I'll feel too much like I've seen it before, if you know what I mean. eg will I find it all as enchanting as seeing LoTR the first time or will it seem too old hat...
  21. That Oblivion trailer doesn't make the movie look all that interesting, outside of some sci-fi visuals. Looks rather predictable story-wise tho. Watched The Great Escape last night. Always a classic.
  22. Can't believe it's going to be 2013 already, so soon. I'm still getting used to the idea that it's 2012. Have spent 0 minutes on gaming past few days and about 23409812 minutes on home mortgage and various tax research instead. It's about as relaxing as having your kneecaps pulled out. I'm not very good with this sort of stuff. Giving up and going to bed.
  23. How is this better than connecting a current PC to your TV? I can already play controller-friendly games via Steam in the living room doing that. ....then again, I guess most people don't want to build multiple PC's for multiple rooms like we do, so I suppose there's a market.
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