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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Isn't it possible FO4 would be made using the same "new" Gamebryo engine as Skyrim? I'd consider that fairly likely. I think the Three Dog voice actor recently stated (this month) there might be more of his chr. which would indicate the wait for FO4 won't be 5 more years or something. My old fart 1st gen i7 rig built a few years ago could/can still run Skyrim max (and pretty much anything else I've tossed at it) with no issues so I'm having a hard time imagining any high-end rig built today having trouble with a game that (might be) out in 2-3 years.
  2. I was thinking more along the lines of ... why can't I be shooting a dragon or mutated slugworm with my sniper instead of some stereotyped commie insurgent or whatever. Or why can't I be on a planet made of sanddunes, or 80% water, with both human spacefarers and oddball aliens, instead of some dull jungle or real-world location. It's not the "military combat" I mind (kinda goes with guns and shooting) but the setting it's put into. eg, I want more escapism/variety in the shooter, not army reality.
  3. LadyCrimson


    I love this kind of stuff...even if it's only one guy doing all the parts. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lckZhkQEss
  4. Chosen One. Basic skeletons. I mean, it's still kinda funny when one jumps out of a barrel or a closet (get it? haha) or something, but if I never see another one in the dark corridors of a fantasy game I won't be sad.
  5. Feeling a little sad and lonely ... then a cat came and put a paw on my face and gave me a head-butt, and I suddenly felt a little better. They always know.
  6. Why are so many FPS shooters military oriented? By that I mean the look/setting, the army looking clothes, uniforms, jeeps. I don't mind military archetype characters (in fact I quite like them), but the semi-realistic military setting is so boring, outside of a strategy game. And zombies are no better.
  7. I felt the same way about Gimp, ages past when I tried it. I wish Paint Shop Pro was still making new versions, altho Corel was sorta ruining it anyway. But for the cheaper image/graphic editor, it was a decent product back then, imo. For photo editing/RAW converting I just use the Canon software, since I only do minor photo tweaking, none of the fancy digital stuff. I tried Photoshop once a long time ago, I don't remember what version...hubby had it from work once. But I generally felt the things it could do that PSP couldn't weren't things I needed. But if it was cheaper ($300 say), I'd certainly buy a copy. Just can't justify buying it at their current prices for the very occasional reasons I'd want to use it. Edit: I guess Corel is still putting PSP out, actually...for some reason I thought they had eliminated it and were just putting out a simpler photo-editing package ... but I don't like what I'm seeing.
  8. It's nice to know some of the amusing little glitches are universal.
  9. Yeah...I'd agree. The class skills don't develop very well until lvl 15 or higher, making the gameplay feel very much the same early on. The one least affected by that, perhaps, is the Commando, since his turret is useful even at the start.
  10. I think if there's a next Obsidian Kickstarter, one of the tier rewards should be 4 tins full of those cookies.
  11. I wish Wilhelm would stop dropping his stuff 30 miles away from his "corpse" (meaning one often can't reach/get to them). In fact, I think Borderlands series needs to tighten up the drop pattern altogether. There's no need to make them go flying in a huge radial pattern that starts from half a mile in the air and drops down like a shower of meteors. Sigh.
  12. I personally have two main things that affect how I choose/who I keep in story/chr-rpg's: 1 - Do they have any quests or behaviors that interfere with how I personally like to play the game (if they do, they're gone) 2 - Do I like their personality/story (this includes voice acting/battle-cries, if any) or at the least, do not excessively annoy me In regards to #1, if I find out that having companion A in my party means I can't have companion B, and I always prefer B, I will choose B. Or if having companion C means I can't join a Faction I want, out goes C. For me, it's not about stats/skills or combat usefulness so much as it is about what choices/consequences there are to having a particular companion. To be clear, I don't mind that I have to make choices. But these choices will often dictate which companions I end up using 9 times out of 10, even on replays.
  13. I personally loved Xan, he made me laugh. I can see why some people don't like some companions because of "weak stats" but that, to me, is part of the game. Most of the time such companions do have their uses, just not the obviously powerful type a lot of people want. Yet to remove the seemingly weaker as an option seems kind of cheesy, simply because ... should all companions then have awesome combat stats and skills? Kind of defeats the purpose of having to plan/make choices, seems like. In terms of personality stuff, that's just subjective and it'd be pretty darn silly to task a developer to make a companion that "no one" would dislike their personality (to the point of not wanting to use them just because of it I mean). There have been plenty of "powerful" and very useful companions in rpg's that I refused to use because the voice acting annoyed me to no end or because I didn't like their side-quest lines or what have you. It happens - it's gaming. No big deal, imo.
  14. 1 - does it work on Win7 2 - are any of those files only the Photoshop editor, or is the 'Photoshop CS2" going to install the whole "suite" of programs? Do I/would I want all those all other programs? ....I still use PaintShopPro9 and it's fine for most editing stuff.
  15. I used to have 9 cats for my 24/7 entertainment.
  16. Busy procrastinating. Lots of things to do this week but all my brain wants to do right now is shut off, which isn't helping.
  17. The guys who pay for this forum might be a bit offended their game has slipped your mind. I still have trouble thinking of South Park as an RPG. You guys will have to tell me how much that truly applies since I won't be buying it. I sincerely hope it does well, but I have zero interest in South Park/those characters.
  18. Voted choice 2 and choice 1. That said, depending on the game/how companion/party stuff is done, I can be fine with party members whose stats/skills aren't under my control ... but I don't feel like that is in the spirit of the old IE games, thus in terms of P.E., I would prefer what I voted for.
  19. That he can't see out the window because he's short. Weapon spawning: this just seems wrong. ... (it will, btw, still fire, just not to its potential) ..
  20. That's a good question. Not to mention just what games are coming out in 2013 in general. War for the Overlord would be one I'm also looking foward to checking out, and Grim Dawn, but other than that...I don't think there's anything immediate for the upcoming year. I try to hope that Star Trek 2013 might be an ok game, where hubby and I might be able to co-op, but I don't have much faith in that....
  21. Oh, I love flooded dungeon levels/rooms...for some reason I like the atmosphere it tends to bring, along with the splashing sounds. So I'd be all for some of that in P.E., if it was feasible to do.
  22. @Shryke - what a great heartwarming thing. That's awesome you and your siblings were able to do that for your mom.
  23. Oh, I was wondering if you could get it down to something like 12 seconds, heh. I didn't really expect that tho. I think the Commando, without legendary gear, gets down to about 20ish seconds. So sounds similarish. @Gorgon - yeah, he's a great sniper, but I wasn't sure that would be that great as a team - his "Team mods" don't add a whole lot that we'd care about, for example, and we don't play in a fashion where sniping from a distance is going to be a main aspect of combat. Hubs would be dancing around like he does, attracting enemies to dance with him while his 2 turrets with rockets are blasting away, making it hard to see anything behind the lighting effects .... I find it hard to snipe that way. Siren has health regen/instant revive/cooldown rate, zerker has ammo regen, commando/mech have powerful summon tanks ... zero brings nothing interesting to the team. He seems more an awesome solo character. Maybe I'm missing something tho.
  24. Unless the last patch negated it, I'd find taking advantage of the bin file glitch/cheat easier than using two profiles. Not that I found that town chest very useful. Too random. I find enough blues and purples killing enemies anyway. P.S. - Siren/Commando make a good team, Gunzerker/Commando makes a good team ... who else? I don't think Zero is much of a 2-player team player, not for hubby and I's playstyle anyway. Can you get the Mech's robot cooldown to be fairly short?
  25. It would add some atmosphere to the gameworld I suppose, but while it's fine to have such an option, if it was in the game, there should still be another way to get all the backstory gameworld info for those who don't feel like feel like bothering with stone slabs or decryption mini-games or whatever. It sounds almost Myst/Riven-ish or something.
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