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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Looks good, like the atmosphere, the small bit of humor I saw, the party interactions with things. Some of the text/dialogue reads kinda poorly, to me, but overall I like having all that text there to give you more info/flavor if you want it.
  2. Pretty much still BL2. It's difficult to play other things sometimes, when your spouse wants to play one game all the time. We have our third co-op pair in playthru2, plus I keep doing some farming runs. Need a lvl50 Hellfire and Scorch is being stubborn (have a lvl11 Hellfire already). Probably won't play too much besides BL2 gunnin' until late Spring, when hubby starts to want to be out in the yard a lot more instead of on the couch under a blanket.
  3. Well, if it happens, that'd definitely be great. Other than that ... not going to read too much into it yet.
  4. Snow, desert temps etc. are fun for a 2-3 day visit .. which is why it's nice to live 5-10 hour drive from such ... but I wouldn't want to live in it. Not too much going on in my world. One of hubby's vans needs a new part and the neighbor's huge multitude of non-neutered tomcats are driving me crazy again (our house is a magnet for territorial spraying for some reason). Other than that...same ol' same ol.
  5. Myst/Doom started me on PC gaming as a hobby and after that I spent my time on other action, strategy, and simulation initially. It took a while for gaming to become a consistent hobby and I didn't buy many games early on. The first cRPG I remember playing that I actually got into was BG1, a fair bit later, which is what had me looking for others.
  6. Sorry to hear low opinions of it. Borderlands 1 and 2 really made me like Gearbox, despite not being a fan before. From watching the Let'sPlay from one guy, it doesn't look all that terrible to me. Not great, but ... a lot of the complaints are about hammy dialogue, too much dialogue (works in Borderlands, maybe not in a real FPS), not being scary (Aliens wasn't really a scary movie, it was more an action anyway), graphics not shiny enough, clipping issues, etc. But it does look pretty older FPS generic, so to speak, so if people were expecting something more...anyway...not that I personally care. Maybe it sucks when actually playing it. The one thing I wouldn't like from watching the videos is that aliens seem to be general fodder, which isn't in keeping with them being a serious threat like in the films. But I do like how they got the gun-firing/other sound effect noises right.
  7. I found this awesome slag SMG and using it in combo with the Conference shotgun (and other weapons) has been very effective in PT2.5 - to the point I feel almost godly most of the time, even against lvl52ish enemies. So I went to try it on Terra (solo). Unfortunately, slag doesn't last very long on him I guess, so it wasn't very helpful there, haha. By the time you switch weapons and aim the purple color is gone. Change of subject: Did they change the orange drop rates with the last patch/DLC or something? I swear for the first 200+ hours of the game I'd found only 4 or 6 orange weapons (any level)...from first-kills or farming specific enemies ... but since the DLC it's been a lot more frequent, relatively speaking. This last week I've had 8 drop (not from first kills, either). Also, the slot machines seem to give the three legs a lot more often now too. Little changes made they may never mention?
  8. Yeah, something more than mouse-clicking things together would be more interesting. But I still like mixing potions, whatever the method. Mortar pestle clicking isn't exactly much different, either. It's the act of discovery, mostly. I don't like games that give you recipes so you don't have to figure out what's required. Of course, that's assuming alchemy would involve a lot of ingredients and require one to find/buy them. If it's not that type of game-alchemy, then sometimes simple is the way to go. And for some reason, I'm not really picturing PE having a very complex alchemy.
  9. I still can't get into Dicaprio as a leading man. It's not that he can't be decent at the technicality of acting but he just has no "presence" for me, personally. I never found him attractive (so no girl-crush effect for me), and there's nothing else defining about him, even when he's trying to play diverse parts. I watch him and it always feels like his co-actors one-up him all the time in presence while Leo gets lost in the background. eg, Leo's kind of invisible to me. On the other hand, maybe that's a sign of a good actor. What do I know....but it doesn't work for me in this case I guess.
  10. I liked alchemy in MM7 so I'd guess I like more complex types....yet not tooo complex. Being able to mix a potion with another potion to create a 3rd type of potion is kinda fun, tho...if you initially have to discover what potions to mix. I usually like potions for +stat type stuff, and I like them to have durations vs. permanent ... eg, helpful in tough combats. Not necessarily long duration, but more than a second of two. They should not be stackable, and perhaps a limit of 2-3 can be active at once or something. I'm like Fridgemagnet in that I never use explosive type potions (but don't mind if they exist). Explosive/fire aoe ones just seem like grenades, and I don't use those in other games either - probably because I forget about them in the heat of combat. heh.
  11. I figured it might be ... or at least, the shotgun part. It dropped during my very first 1st-kill of PT2 Warrior so I've had it a while. I've never found a Bee so...but this week has been not bad for finding Legendaries for some reason. Even Flynt dropped his Thunderball Fists pistol or whatever that is. For lvl4, it's pretty decent.
  12. For crates/chests etc. you can always create a risk of damaged/broken items via smashing. eg, sometimes not all the items survive the smooshing.
  13. I've felt that way about "barbarians" for a long time. But I still like Monks...well, in some games. Depends how they're made etc. Also...post limit reached.
  14. Not that the ever ongoing combat-XP topic isn't scintillating but ... post limit.
  15. I say yes to smash, mostly because I don't typically like lockpicking (if it's a mini-game anyway). So I like there to be other options to open most locks (it's fine if there's a few that can't be brute-strength forced). Lockpicking Magic casting SMOOSHING
  16. Heh, yup. That's how BL rolls. A lot of it is dollar/cash bits, but there's a lot of items. Most of which are vendor trash, per usual in this type of game.
  17. Just relating a "raid boss" experience: After my "whining" that I couldn't kill Terra alone (not that I've tried it dozens of times or anything, just a few) and how I disliked that I couldn't remove the quest from my list, last night hubby was finally game to try it with me. We took our 50 Axton/Maya combo in. When we first dropped in, we tried staying more out in the open or behind those center rocks and lasted about 5 minutes, until hubby got knocked off the edge (insta-death) and couldn't run back in time before I was smooshed by giant tentacles tossing boulders. 2nd try and this time I tried to stay in that spot near the exit gate, behind the rock, hubby standing above and behind me most of the time. This kept me largely, but not entirely, safe (those stupid tossed boulders and the occasional laser beam force you out of it to dodge/run), so I could turn around and Revive/heal hubby behind me when he went down (which was very often). Hubs died a few more times (sucked in by that whirly effect once, knocked off edge again a few times) but I managed to stay alive/get 2nd winds til he could run back. Probably took 20+ minutes, with risky dashing out in the middle to try to grab ammo occasionally. I swear the only thing that works well when the tentacles come up is the orange "pinging" Conference shotgun that I have. I love that shotgun+shotgun max ammo relic. I'm quite sure without hubs there I'd still find it impossible because that semi-safe spot is not safe enough, and it would take too darn long to kill the thing, so I'd die at some point/fail to get a 2nd wind/run out of ammo. Terra dropped a Legendary Commando Mod (not in pic), nothing else of interest. Sadly, hubby's response to our difficult but successful efforts was "I think I'm happy to know we've done it...I don't feel a need to do it again." ... so that'll probably be the first/only time we do it. tldr : Thanks to my husband's help, I finally got that stupid "YouWillDie" quest off my Siren's GUI.
  18. I gotta ask what your definition of "finished" is in this respect? Keep in mind I was playing the beta when there was no Act3 and even Act2 was really only half an Act. The ginormous skill tree being constantly changed multiple times eventually drove me nuts. Finished = something at least along the lines of the way Diablo2/Diablo3 go .. basic gameplay/character/area done and stay the same. I don't mind a finished game having tech patches and occasional minor alterations/adjustments, but I tend to like to know a game isn't going to change drastically every few months. eg, beta's that last 2-3 years is a bit much for me. Thus, at this point, call me when it's ready. I'm not counting their plan of selling non-essential things like backpack space for profit, which I'm sure would evolve over time as well.
  19. Thanks for the input. I think I'll put it on my "keep an eye on" list.
  20. Cactus Cats? Are those anything like the ones in Piers Anthony's Xanth? Heheh. (I'm guessing not, but that's what came to my mind)
  21. I dislike banks, and I dislike the DMV. That's all. ...but it's over (for the moment) and I can go back to being a lazy arse for the rest of the day. With chocolate brownie ice cream. I like ice cream.
  22. Anyone have any recent knowledge/opinions about the upcoming Nuclear Union by 1C? From screens, description, and a 2012 Gamescom gameplay trailer It sort of looks like a cross between Stalker and (Beth's) Fallout.
  23. I refuse to play more PoE until they have a finished game.
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