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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I used to have this recurring dream where I'm pulling worms/maggots from my face, but haven't had one in ages. This morning I was "blessed" with it again, but instead of the usual dream there were a couple of changes, which were weird enough I have to describe it here to get it out of my system: --instead of my face proper, they were mostly from the top of my head. In the dream I had this weird, flat high growth on the top of my head and when I pushed on it giant, fat, colorful fantasy maggots would surface, which I'd then pull out and drop down the sink. --On the face proper, instead of maggots, I was instead pulling out .... kittens. From under my nose. So by the end of the dream the bathroom floor was covered in mewling, cute little kittens, and as I was dealing with the maggots from the top of my head, I was also thinking about which of those kittens I wanted to keep.
  2. Last thread. Life of Pi - the tale of a boy stranded on a small boat with a Bengal Tiger named Wilson Richard Parker. Apparently I'm dead inside, because it left me profoundly unmoved. It is a very visually striking film, however (and I'm sure it was even more striking in the theater), and the meerkat bit was cute.
  3. What? Only 2560? Giving up res for hair? Pshaw. ...that much of a performance hit, eh?
  4. ...omg I lost it. Where do I sign??
  5. What are "bonus bosses?" Tougher enemy battles that aren't part of the main plot? I like finding enemies in some out of the way corner, but I don't think they always have to be the hardest ones in the game. Depends on what their story/reason for being there may be and all that jazz. Some could have some epic loot, some could be more for world/history flavor. eg, I like them to be varied ... but I don't enjoy the multi-player "raid" style bosses, so since this is a single-player game, none of those please. It's fine if they have some kind of skill that gives them some health back (some health stealing say), that they can use occasionally, but scripted stages/going away for insta-full health just feels cheap. Not to mention, I prefer once a battle starts, for it to remain a battle to the end, rather than some multi-part scripted thingie with an overly talkative enemy that I have to sit through. Or whatever. "Hahaha this isn't over, you think you've defeated me, but this isn't my real form/power. I was just testing you. I'll be right back, you're in for such a surprise! Hohoho."
  6. Up early, hand-weeded, chopped bushes, etc. Bought new (cheap) curtains, pillows, about to eat tacos and watch Walking Dead. I expect I won't be moving off the couch again until it's time to walk to the bed to go to sleep.
  7. Why is the sky candy-colors? Seems a bit too orange for just a sunset. All I remember is blue/cloudy-grey skies. But then, I didn't play very long. Are the colors from a mod?
  8. I think that's a permanent thing for me. Hubby is the lucky one - I keep rubbing his belly but so far luck hasn't transferred to me. Someday I'm going convince him to use his luck in Vegas. ;) ....cleaning the house to Little Shop of Horrors tunes, "singing" along as I go. Which as usual means my cats think I'm injured, following and gazing at me with concern.
  9. Yeah, I'm having similar feelings with the turnover of all the Red Sox. That's sports of course, but just felt like it happened so fast, like a rug pulled out from under. At least there's still Pedroia and a couple others. Still waiting for some new players that make me feel something other than ambivalence...ones that might be with the team for a bit.
  10. Closing for post length. Feel free to make a new thread to continue the discussion.
  11. Beyond the video content itself, I still find video/CGI/whatever of real people kinda creepy.
  12. Been listening to Mean Green Mother From Outerspace track from Little Shop of Horrors. Levi Stubbs = win. The movie was pretty good but it's the soundtrack that makes it such a classic to me. And Audrey II. To this day I'm always amazed how awesome the practical effects of Audrey were. Need to buy the Blu-Ray with the original, restored not-happy ending.
  13. Rosebushes do, indeed, have thorns. ...my leather gloves weren't leather glove-y enough.
  14. So I had to YouTube that Conan/Tombraider review video that .gif references. It was hilarious. Also:
  15. Hubby and a camera are like oil and water. He doesn't have the eye. He'd probably get a picture of the top of my head or something by mistake, too. I'll get some more pics of my cats someday ... easier in summer when there's more light in the house for longer. Gamed with hubs a bit this evening, then watched some Dual Survival episodes. Don't like the new guy Joe as much as the original dude - the chemistry between the two men isn't the same.
  16. That Tombraider trailer is terrible. Altho, this is largely because they put real people into it. If it had been just the game footage with voice-over and dramatic music, it would have just been cheesy instead of terrible.
  17. Cause it's hard to hold a large, heavy-ish DSLR in one hand (not my good hand, either), over your head, pointing downwards (can't look thru viewfinder) to get a reliable angled shot. And of course as soon as I tried, kitty would probably move. Tho I could just use the mini-vid cam and grab semi-fuzzy stills I suppose. ....suffering a lot of allergies today. Marching around stores and offices sniffling, itchy red eyed and blotchy faced. Blargh. *blows nose*
  18. Well, it's certainly an improvement over seeing angles and corners in hair. But yeah...I'd like to see it in motion. It looks pretty nice tho.
  19. Yeah, the film was terrible in terms of the book. At this point in my life I mostly like it for lulz. Including Patrick Stewart's tiny role. "You young pup! You young pup!" It's too bad, because at the time I remember thinking Prochnaw would be a great Leto. But even today I still can't really see how one could do a film based on the book and have it seem any good. There are too many things in the book that I don't think translate to visual medium without seeming either too confusing or too corny. eg, I didn't like the "folding space" sequence in any version.
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