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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. The juxtaposition (is that the right word to use?) of those two terms is rather .... amusing.
  2. Could you expand on what you mean by this? Outside of the fact you don't get a physical copy , I haven't noticed the new games seeming more expensive (in the US, I mean) via Steam. Is it the non-US Steam market you're referring to? I know that's often a big contention point, but I thought the non-US high prices often applied to even non-Steam gaming as well.
  3. PayPal was opened during the KS period, which didn't show up on the KS page amounts because it's not connected to KS, so yes, they reached 4million once the PayPal's were included. I dunno....my impression is just that companies know people like to feel like they're in on a "collectors" thingie, which makes those people willing to spend more. If they become available all the time, the "limited" aspect - which is what makes them "collectable" is then gone, and what's the point. Whether this is a silly aspect of humanity (liking to collect things that are rare) is always up for debate. No, I disagree. I wouldn't personally feel slighted, but if someone said that to get something I wanted, you must pay the money within a certain time frame, I'm basing my decision to spend money, right now, on that concept. So there may be people who could barely afford the tier they wanted, and may have gone without something else that month, to make sure they would get it. To then turn around and say "oh wait, you could've donated later and not been put in a financial pinch to get what you wanted" makes that possible sacrifice moot and I'd imagine could miff people off a bit. Ouch, that sucks. Sorry to hear that.
  4. I think for one thing, people who did donate "in time" to get those rewards might feel slighted if suddenly, everyone who donates later could get those same rewards. The tier rewards are meant as an extra incentive to get people to donate in time to actually fund the project's original KS monetary goal within the KS 30 day period. There's a lot of things I miss out on .... collector's editions (physical ones, in the distant gaming past), gaming sales, so on, because there are time limits and I didn't hear about (or didn't have the funds) in time. It's life. I don't think Obsidian (or any other company) should be blamed or castigated because sometimes we aren't paying attention/don't know about something. They're not trying to "degrade" you. It's possible when the game is actually near release, they could decide to provide a limited number of boxed collection editions or digital-collector editions for sale at that time, ala non-KS releases often do. Then again, they may not. And even if they did, you'd still have to be paying attention to know when they were up for grabs.
  5. Not really about baseball, but ... it was awesome to see Francona having fun with his new team. He's the one in the pink "baby" costume, later. Page that lists who's who in the costumes: http://tribevibe.mlblogs.com/2013/03/13/harlem-shake-bring-your-own-costume-monday-2/
  6. For some reason I thought it said "Happy Pie" day. I skipped breakfast, must be hungry. :D
  7. It's more a state of never-ending somnolence. End of winter blahs most likely. I remember some friends of ours who's were complaining that they needed a new dishwasher but were tight on immediate funds. They had a credit card but never used it ... in the convo it came out they thought the 20% was a monthly thing rather than annual. When I explained it and said "just make sure you can pay it off in 1-3 months and it's not so bad" they went "ohhhhhhh"...and ran out and bought that dishwasher the same day.
  8. That's only because we are still largely ruled by animalistic feelings we do not comprehend.....the problem in large is that our "feelings" are chemicals produced by the brain and given the proper motivation your body will react. I can't detail specific examples but the adrenaline rush in certain situations can become addictive. The problem to our extreme chaos and self destructive nature is the fact that ultimately most allow their feelings to rule their lives with logic used only to excuse those feelings rather than to keep them in check. But with practice we can learn to diminish their strength and grip over our lives. Ultimately we have to face and understand the mystery that is our "nature" and grow up or we may wipe ourselves out along with most if not all the rest of the life on this planet...and the worst part is that we have the means to do it. I think you might get along well on Vulcan. I'm not sure I'd want to live in that fashion myself, however. I like my emotions. Well, most of the time.
  9. According to the show Dual Survival, one can use up to 400 calories per hour from intense shivering. New diet! Keep the house near freezing, wear no clothes, and shiver off that pizza while gaming/watching TV! Now playing on my 13" office-bedroom TV: ST:OS animated series episode "Infinite Vulcan." Then enforced sleep...been staying up too late again.
  10. I played AoE1 a lot more than AoE2, so I wasn't initially interested (plus I still have my original discs for both games), but that AoE 2 HD looks pretty sweet. Still, not sure it's worth $20. Hubs and I finally got a 2nd pair of BL2 chrs. to lvl 50/beat PT2. Usually we get to early/mid-40's and end up making new chrs. Siren/Commando still best for us, regardless who plays who. Heard the next DLC will have a new class, which had me interested, until I learned it would likely be melee-ish oriented (perhaps more like Brick?). Altho, I might like that better than Zero. Looked around on Steam, at my backlog, at old games in the closest....still not interested in playing anything else (and BL2 still only because of co-op w/hubs).
  11. Brilliant enemy AI at work! ...sadly, he didn't actually blow himself up ... this time. They sometimes do.
  12. Grabbers ... an Irish/British monster movie. The monsters find booze toxic, which of course means the townspeople have to stay drunk all the time to try to avoid being eaten. It was rather amusing and even effective at times, for the genre type.
  13. Heh, as if Manny being gone had much to do with Boston's overall decline. They actually did better for the first months after he was gone, tho this is likely mostly from not having all that tension/conflict in the clubhouse anymore, and there were signs of team decline before he left, too. Then the injuries, shortstop issues, pitching issues, aging core players, and of course some trades/management decisions that worked out rather poorly really started to add up. It happens...teams have cycles. Are they (or any team) supposed to win a division title/AL pennant and/or WS every other year in order to be non-trashy? But feel free to think not having Manny around is the root of it all.
  14. I never thought I could be so impatient just to see some trees and a waterfall animating. Foam on the rocks, man, foam on the rocks!
  15. Hm. I get tired of things like "fireball" and "icebolt", that's for sure. It's not so much the element (damage is damage) but that such attacks don't feel that different from shooting an arrow. Or that if I'm a master of Water, I can't call up tidal waves and drown huge armies if they're near a coastline...just rain hailstones on their head. Doesn't seem like a true master of Water that way. Usually I don't think about it too much, however. But I wouldn't mind other effects, or "schools of magic" that are a mix of two elements/other elements in some way. Or stuff that's more like curses vs. direct damage. Something with more unique or combo-strategy effects vs just burn DoT or frozen/movement delay etc etc. The more the merrier.
  16. That wedding sounds complicated in planning, but definitely a fun time. .....it's paper wasp killing time. I might leave them alone in some cases, but I like to be able to enjoy a sandwich outside without wasps landing on both sandwich and also trying to take nibbles out of my skin every 5 seconds.
  17. I like the top one. ...I need to get back to Kauai someday.
  18. 100,000 quatloos, a video camera, a basketful of cute kittens**, and two year's worth of kitten chow. **puppies or dwarf hamsters can be substituted upon request
  19. Not happy about a contract debate and want to be let out of your contract or something, fine. Shoving an old man to the ground because you get in a little spat, not showing up to work leaving the teammates (they're not the management) in a lurch, or leaving the field or pretending to be injured is an infantile response. I'm not pretending there wasn't some friction between management and Manny by the end. Of course there was. Maybe it was like oil and water. But Manny still acted like a child - as you've said yourself - it takes two to tango. By the time he left Boston everyone knew about his "manny being manny" and likely carefully catered to his childishness to keep him in check. I don't hate the guy ... and I don't think Boston top management is faultless ... but Manny's not exactly innocent re: Boston stuff, either. Stop making him sound like some kind of tormented Saint. Heh.
  20. That's about as cold a weather as I've been in (up in the Sierra snow one winter). It was fine during a sunny day, especially if one was xcountry skiing. Starting out with all those layers and peeling them off one by one from exertion. But if I was standing still outside for a while, I'd get cold fairly quickly without some good coverings on. That was when I was young. I'd probably turn into a popsicle these days. ...and I absolutely hate getting into a freezing bed in an almost unheated room. I swear I still wasn't warm after two hours, with long underwear/sweater and what felt like 1000 pounds of blankets. Speaking of heat, I think I'll go stand next to the wall furnace as it heats up the house to 68F. Because I'm a weenie.
  21. I suspect you'd play a lot of games, drink a lot, maybe go out and dance, see a movie. Not that different from people in weather that's 20 degrees warmer. Mostly indoor stuff, with the snow/ice type activities in the day if one likes those things. Hubs lived in Alaska for a year when he was younger and basically, he just huddled in his room and tried to stay warm, especially when it was dark most of the time. But then, he's not a terribly social type. I think he went ice fishing a couple times, that sort of thing.
  22. That's kinda...interesting. I thought he retired or something, haven't paid any attention in a while.
  23. It's a balmy 6C this morning! I think I'll have some ice tea. You should get video of the dog running around in the snow and upload it to YT.
  24. The F/X series The Americans .... caught up with it now. It's pretty decent. Nothing spectacular, but I like it enough to continue watching a while. The spy-husband is an interesting character...a bit layered. The wife is more blind-fanatic, which gets old, but I think she's starting to develop a bit beyond that. And I find Richard Thomas' FBI guy to be largely like comic relief. I'm not sure if that's intentional or not, but it makes me smile.
  25. I don't care about the steroid issue much either. I do care about Manny's attitude problem, which he had in spades. Acts like a 5 year old throwing a tantrum. Unprofessional. That's what had people fed up in Boston. All that stuff he pulled.
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