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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Watched some show called "My Dog Ate What?" (or something like that) where a dog ingested enough garden rocks to fill 3 large dog food bowls. Another one swallowed a long coat hanger rod. And so on. Expensive surgeries followed. To which I say ... I think I'll stick with my cats, who are finicky eaters and will chew on nothing bigger than catnip sprouts or the occasional fly. ....my "blaargh" state of affairs continues unabated. Outside of the daily "must do's", I've largely spent my free hours lying around on the couch like a deflated, empty bag of holding. Maybe I should take some sky diving lessons.
  2. Finally give Ortiz a 2 year contract, he hurts his feetsies and probably won't play the opening weeks. :: I love the player but I wonder about his longevity at this point. Ah well. Guess it doesn't really matter anyway. Heh.
  3. I like cheesecake...wat? It's a kind of cheese, right? ....it's Sunday, and I'm sitting in this chair while my brain is still lying in bed.
  4. I don't know if I could easily describe what makes a game click for me. There's a few things that do tend to attract me however: Obsessive task-oriented skills/goals (whether purposely part of the game or made up by me) that can play out a bit differently depending on your approach and which keep me going "I must try/finish that." A fun sense of exploration (doesn't have to be fully "open world", just a sense of hey what's that over there, must go see), fun/interesting combat, individual stories/backgrounds/things to do that make me give a hoot about something other than "winning the game", and interesting/amusing companions to travel with would be high up there. Games that make me laugh also get high marks. Not so much slapstick-y, but a lot of subtle humor...even if it's only something unintentional that I find humorous. Which seems to occur a lot. Me: "If you do x and z, the resultant AI behavior of these cartpushers is hilarious, can't stop laughing!" Most Other People: "Huh? You're weird." ...but then again, I've also loved games that have very little of any of those things, so ... y'know....there's no single answer.
  5. I've actually found a lot of times the purple guns I've picked up are better than the orange ones. I remember finding an orange one and thinking, "Yes! I'm gonna kick butt now", and then end up selling it a bit later when I got a purple gun of the same level that was so much better. Maybe I just have bad luck. Yeah....a good purple is better than some oranges. My comment was more that oranges will often have unique traits not found on the normal weapon of its type, not that they're necessarily the "best." To be honest tho, my memory of Borderlands1 is that outside of the orange guns, most of the normal weapons in that game weren't very interesting either. The difference is that the orange guns were a ton more common (even from vending machines) and things like sway/accuracy/recovery wasn't typically as severe (plus the Proficiencies quickly made it even better), making "normal" guns feel more useful instead of crazy-ivan useless. I did always like the Masher pistols in BL1, tho. I miss those. Pistols aren't the same in BL2 at all. I've played enough BL2 at this point that even with less than stellar guns, average enemies all feel rather easy. The issue isn't having one gun you like to use all the time anymore ... can't run thru the whole game with a Pestilent Defiler. it's switching up between a few guns all the time. Raid bosses are still off limits tho. heh.
  6. Argo It was interesting. I was maybe 11-12 when all that was going on, so while I remember the news and stuff, it's not like I was exactly involved with it, being more interested in my books and pop stars. I liked how the film kept a period tone, and did it very well. Suspense/emotional involvement wasn't there for me, even at the end, and I'm sure there was a lot of poetic license in some things, but isn't there always. A well done film tho. (P.S. - I don't see the "Best Picture" aspect of it, however )
  7. Guns are a rather odd thing, because guns can "read" as having essentially the same stats, but you have to actually fire them in order to tell if that's true or not. Unless, of course, you have all those prefixes and gun parts memorized and know what they mean when alone or combined. eg, two guns that seem nearly identical stat-wise can have very different recoil/steadiness/recovery, accuracy, firing pattern, etc. They'll feel a lot different. I don't typically sell any gun until I've equipped it and fired it at a wall at least. That said, there is much less sense of uniqueness about most guns in the game, outside of the Legendary/orange. Edit: the basic "problem" is that viewable stats kinda suck at telling you how a gun performs
  8. If I love the voice, I can love narration. But I'm also of the mind that there must always be a way to skip past it, if one wants. Also, if a flavor text is long, it can be irritating if it drones on and on while you're trying to still adventure, or worse, if it gets cut off because something else in the gameworld wants to interact with you. Happens constantly in Borderlands 2 and it's annoying as heck. I'm happy enough to have lots of lootable books, scrolls, etc. that I can store in some locker to read at my leisure. Or if not lootable per se, that the text gets added to a journal when I click on such "stuff." Unless the game is set in some sci-fi/tech type world, where voice recorders instead of books might be the norm, I tend to find written records a bit more believable, too.
  9. Nothing like setting enemies on fire with molten moon rocks from the sky to make one feel young again!
  10. Is that chick wearing a pink batman symbol as a thong? ...I don't play that game, so I can't tell what the glitch actually is.
  11. Just with that video, I'm seriously reminded of The Summoner. It's probably just the overland map traveling style. I dunno....while it may not be a typical MMO and can be played single-player, it still sounds like it has too much focus on multiplayer features for my personal liking.
  12. My belly can attest to that last comic. Altho I usually think what cats are saying is more along the lines of "Me bor'd, gib attention."
  13. I can believe that many gamers who play a lot of hours per day/week may share some personality traits/quirks, since sometimes hobbies can attract similar personalities, but I don't think I'd conclude that must mean the group as a whole has some kind of shared medical condition.
  14. Jolly Rancher orange and apple scented candles are the awesome. The smell is strong without being overpowering/perfume-y. Some smells just make one feel kinda happy...or content...or something. Also, Rosbjerg's avatar keeps staring at me, like one of those creepy pictures where the eyes follow you around the room. I think it wants my cool candles. Can't have them, nope.
  15. I still haven't played Planescape (the original CD is in a box in a closet somewhere) so my interest in funding is low ... especially when they obviously don't need my $25 at this point.
  16. I still see Kickstarter as a method for developers to have a chance at being able to fund/create games that otherwise (in today's business model) would likely never get off the ground. That is, not as a replacement for current "traditional" big business methods/games/budgets but as a needed and much appreciated addition/option. Probably not the best analogy, but to me it's like smaller local grocery markets vs. Safeway. And I think it'll fill that role quite nicely. Assuming the games end up being decent enough to keep motivating, and assuming that niche audience doesn't run out of cash to toss at projects, if vaunted projects start to increase in frequency.
  17. No slacking allowed. You're our bonus boss! Heheh, I used that sniper kitty as a forum sig. here, once.
  18. Thanks. Think I figured it out tho...they seem to have changed the page scripting or something so I have to allow more scripts before I can see the number. Strange.
  19. I wouldn't miss screen blood splatter at all (not into stuff that hits the "screen", really), but some of those effects might be something you'd miss having ... once you know they're not there, that is. Seems weird.
  20. Can anyone else not see the total amount pledged on the KS page, at the moment? No biggie, just curious.
  21. The new ones in that article seem to have more human features ... noticeable bridged and tipped nose and chinned mouth, vs. something that reminds me a bit more of a snake/croc shaped profile, if that makes sense. It makes them look ... strange.
  22. ....too much time on my hands for websurfing this morning.
  23. Yeah, I read about that ... something about local companies not being able to compete with the outsourcing Hollywood/studios like to do now, I think?
  24. Congratulations. You have survived another year, regardless of the choices you made during the last 12 months... That's always worth a celebration.. Life is one big excuse to party, basically.
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