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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Merry Christmas, to my Gunzerker! Lvl 50 Siren - addicted to money even tho there's nothing to spend it on.
  2. So close, yet so far. Also: "Hey sweetie...think it might be time to mow down the cat jungle." (...told ya we're not yard people...)
  3. Best kitten-gif in a long time. More like younger, smaller nosed Ryan Stiles, in that pic at least. Don't really get an "ominous" vibe.
  4. P.E. is just the project name (or whatever term they use these days) ... so no, not the final name of the game. No clue when they might decide on/reveal the final name. I'll be curious what they come up with, too.
  5. @alanschu - heh, that Cracked article is kinda funny. Most of its reasons are probably why I rarely debate on the 'net anymore, at least past a few posts. Not that I really think of it in those specific terms most of the time, and not that I don't understand why debating/long discussion is interesting to many people. I did a lot at one point...just don't feel like using my energy for it these days - not on the 'net anyway. There's also a quote from Hugh Laurie that I like a lot, applies to me as well, that goes: "My memory of how I was at the age of eighteen was that I knew absolutely everything there was to know. There were no subjects on which I didn't have a coherent and forceful opinion. And as the years go by, that has just fallen away. I feel like a baby now. I feel as if I have less and less technical expertise. I feel like I know nothing about anything. I suppose what's actually happening is that the arrogance of one's youth is just sort of disintegrating. And the truth is, I never knew anything." Whenever I feel my feelings during a discussion going too high/becoming unproductive, I think of that quote and step back.
  6. Rep-based gear now? ...I never tried to get all the fancy gear, since I only solo'd WoW and thus most of the "best" gear was out of my reach anyway. Well, at least when I was playing. No clue how it's done now. I definitely liked wandering around solo for a long time, however.
  7. These were the type that use carbon, iron, salt, and other dry ingredients. HotHands brand. I have a feeling that pricer ones wouldn't be all that much better. Maybe I just have skin made out of clay - either that or my skin temp is hot enough I just don't notice. Haven't tried the crystallization ones, and I'm sure actual fuel types would work very well. edit: they're highly rated by most users on Amazon, which I find odd. I guess I have literal thick skin.
  8. After seeing them in the stores many times, I decided to buy one of those cheap air-activated hand warmer packets out of curiosity. Took it out of the package. Shook it. Waited. Shook it some more. Shook it like I was shaking chicken pieces in a shake n' bake bag. It finally started feeling vaugely warmish, so I put it between my shirt and my bare belly. But unless I put pressure over it, I can't even tell it's there...it does work ok for a short while placing it between top of slipper and top of sock-foot, but it's not even as warm as a purring cat. I am disappoint...my life has been rendered meaningless now. *goes and cries in a corner for lost dreams of using hand warmer packets to stay alive in case I'm ever caught in a freakish, sea-level, California blizzard with no firewood...what, it could happen*
  9. On another note, why can't they use true short actors for dwarf/halfing roles these days? All the cgi tricks now, and they can't manage that? Also, dwarf make-up is still mostly terrible (the face prosthetics). Effects advances haven't helped there much.
  10. *tackle* *ties to a chair* Nooooo, don't do it, we'll never see you again! ...I have yet to be tempted to go back to WoW, since I finally let go my sub sometime ago (hadn't played it for a couple years before that, either). But I do miss my pet leopard, sometimes, heh.
  11. Hubby gets 3D eyestrain too. I don't think it's usually major, but he's not fond of 3D either. The reading thing can make me impatient when we game, as he's still sorting through dozens of inventory items when I'm ready to go. Yeah, I felt the same about the Bilbo/Frodo start. I also didn't like the storm giant sequence, because despite all the wonders of effects these days, I thought that looked utterly terrible. But then, I didn't see it on the big screen.
  12. Thanks for the offer, but I have the first one already. I bought them during some other Steam sale...hubby did try one of them briefly, but he didn't get far. It's not that it's not funny...all the silly names given to items is amusing etc. But it's akin to how I can like (utter) slapstick, but usually only in pretty small doses as part of something larger.
  13. No, I meant the Craig one, but it's an American production. David Fincher/MGM(and others)+Columbia Pictures and Sony. Hence "American version." I realized who it was during: It would be pretty hard to read/respond on a forum if I couldn't, y'know. I like some subs, and there's some films I refuse to watch without them, but I personally have nothing against dubs either. I've seen good/bad ones of both, so I don't really see either as being exalted. Just depends on certain preferences. The thing is my husband was born with mild dyslexia, so he reads verry slowly and he hates subs, so I can't watch dubs with him. And I guess I'm getting old and titles on small screens are becoming a bit annoying .... I usually watch Netflix on the 23" monitor, which means sitting in the deskchair or squinting across the room from the daybed, and I don't like sitting in a deskchair at a desk to watch a 2+ hr. movie.
  14. I tried to play Death Spank's sequel (Thong of Virtue?). The games are cute and all, but for some reason I can never get past about 45 minutes in. Maybe it's too much of an overdose of constant cheesy humor and voice acting. So I built a city and fought off wolves in Caesar 3 instead. Half tempted to buy that new Bioshock game, just to try something new, but then again, I still haven't gotten around to playing the first one. ;p
  15. Finally saw a version of that Girl with the Dragon Tattoo film ... the US one. I kept meaning to watch the Swedish on Netflix but was never in a mood for over two hours of subtitles. I think I did try a few times but didn't get far. Anyway....the US version was very well filmed/acted, so props for that...at least it wasn't as "Hollywoodized" as some. But it did leave me feeling distant and detached most of the time. Also, I knew who the "bad guy" would be almost from the get go. There was a huge tell in one very early scene that made it obvious, so that ruined some of the mystery/suspense. Don't know if it was that obvious in the Swedish version. Still, I liked it well enough. Maybe I'll read the book someday.
  16. To be fair, she could be a genuine, soccer-mom sort who simply doesn't think/plan before leaping, vs. being a hoax/scam or something. But no thank you, just the same.
  17. They had another kickstarter for something else that failed. They asked for $20.000 for that one. *looks* Hahaha....velvet superhero capes. If you had donated $25, a terrycloth cape! Donate $1000 and 4 deluxe velvet/silk capes! Hahaha.
  18. That seems like a pretty cool idea, I like city builders a lot so is good to see more. Ooooo.......me likey the videos. I'd be more than willing to try that one. Need moah CB's. I've been waiting and waiting to hear news from Tilted Mill on their Medieval Mayor, but they've fallen silent. (edit: they did have recent power failure issues, pretty bad, but I mean no news on the game itself).
  19. I'm not sure I'd consider cloud-saving of games a "sensible reason." Maybe a personal preference, but "sensible?" Not really. ...that's not an anti-Steam comment. Just saying, heh.
  20. Yeah, that's how I'm seeing this venture too. They might be better off creating a new low-budget IP instead, tho. I'm concerned that there's not enough of an audience for an old-new MM-rpg, and then they'll be back to thinking that because one didn't work, that there's no audience at all.
  21. Earlier: Hubby: "Think I'm done with that." Me: "Yeah? What now?" Hubby: "Maybe I'll go rescue Brick." Me: "You don't rescue him, you're impressing him so he'll...." Hubby: "No, I'm rescuing him from the boredom of being surrounded by his pansy wussy Slabs." Me: "...I suppose you could look at that way." Hubby: "Don't worry, Brick, I'll save you!" Me: "...you need help."
  22. I think it is cute, and well, if her parents say it's cool, why not. But yeah...I won't be pledging either. It's not what I personally want KS to be about. But it's not really that surprising that it may go this way, outside of the "bigger name" projects at least. I've seen plenty of silly or minimal concepts for KS projects long before this. It's not all about gaming, after all. And y'know, I could use a new camera and a couple Canon lenses....so hey, if anyone wants to help me out with that, I'd be glad to send them a copy of every cat photo I've ever taken, in one downloadable .pdf file.
  23. Stolen - that Nic Cage flop. Hahaha....Cage didn't go all over the top but what a terrible movie. Still, it's almost bad enough to be amusing.
  24. *looks at the teaser trailer* Hm. Well, turn based is good. The graphic look that I can see is sorta "meh" - and I don't mean because it's not "shiny" (I actually hope they won't go too crazy graphically). But it's a start.
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