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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. This. Blizzard could choose at some point to make all those exclusive "pets" in WoW available to everyone, too, but I doubt that'll ever happen. Or countless other examples of silly little content/rewards/preorder/contest type exclusives from all genres. Whether Obsidian chooses to do so remains to be seen. I personally don't really care, since they're not gameplay affecting. Would I have liked a mini-Diablo pet in WoW if I'd known about it in time? Maybe, they're cute/funny. Do I care that I can't get one? No. But if you're lucky, Obsidian may make such available in some future package deal.
  2. Someone posted this on the Bethsoft fora. So thanks to them for both the reminder of why I'm not "with it" and my chuckle of the day.
  3. 1st old thread a bit before my time. The Dating Thread ... I remember that one, heh. I think my fave thing, besides seeing those old names I haven't seen in a long time, is Big Green's closing post. Man time flies.
  4. That's a serious game manual. I love it. I don't think I've had anything more than 150+ page paperback manuals with spiral wire binding.
  5. Clearly, you need to grow an awesome goatee and tweeze your eyebrows a bit, so they can all call you "Ming" instead. Stop it, y'all are killing me. ....still too windy to rake (eg, it'd be pointless). At this rate the house is going to be buried under maple leaves by the weekend. Might have to get a shovel instead of a rake.
  6. *logs into forum* "I think I'll make a quick reply in this thread." *starts typing but then cat yowls for food and hubby hollers my name* *runs off and forgets all about the forum for a while....* ...anyway....the Dead Island statue thing doesn't bother me simply because it's so obvious in it's ludicrousness/desire to shock that I can't take it seriously, and I'd suspect that's how it was intended. It's an Evil Dead sort of thing. But since I'm not into decorating my living room with weird horror stuff, no appeal for me. Well...a small statue of Ash in a ripped up shirt with his chainsaw hand upraised might be cool.... but other than that, not a horror collector. Catz roolz, dogz droolz, any1 who says otherwize is a fulz.* *j/k, dogs are cute too. Kinda. Maybe.
  7. I have a DSLR camera....oh wait. Well, it's a mobile device, right? ....I have a cheap mp3 player and a cellphone-sized video camera and that's it. Still considering an e-reader but haven't actually bought one yet. Hubby has an iPhone (Blackberry's before that) and iPad, neither of which he'd have if he didn't require them for work. He uses the phone a lot and the iPad almost never.
  8. It was really windy late last night, which meant that listening to it while lying in bed, my paranoid fears of some tree branch falling on my car or something grew with every intense rattling of the windows and each thumping noise of things blowing around in the wind, making it hard to fall asleep. Thankfully, all that happened was our yard now needs an intense raking. Hubby and I are pretty tired of this refinancing the mortgage process ... they were going to send someone to the house with all the papers to sign tomorrow, but (for the dozenth time) suddenly find out they need yet one more "thing" from us first, so it's been delayed again. Hopefully still get it finished this week. In case you're wondering, there's no local office to go to, so part of the delay is the problem of distance whenever they need us to send them one more piece of info or tax return or our first born child or whatever. PITA.
  9. I don't think I'm a very good example for this sort of topic. I've always been more one of the boys then one of the girls, if that makes sense, so I'm used to a certain level of - for lack of a better term - boys night out hijinks/perspectives. From my view/lifestyle there's a lot of stuff on the internet/in gaming that is claimed as being sexist that I don't see in that light...thus, even if I'm not interested in it I'm not going to be offended or feel put upon when I encounter it. In terms of forums/'net specifically, it's been rare that I've felt truly uncomfortable or insulted by others simply because of my gender. Usually I'm aware it's meant inoffensively or as a joke, or it's cultural differences, or misplaced youthful aggression. True sexism via random social interaction on the 'net is something I've rarely experienced personally - probably because my interests typically mean I don't find/frequent places where it's likely to occur. As to a (perceived) lack of females on the forum - Maria had a good point about how the "official" forums for many of Obsidian's games are often located elsewhere, but I'm not sure that's specific to females. Certainly it's a reason for why these forums are often relatively quiet, especially between games/big announcements. More generally, there's also the transitory nature of the internet and people's interests, as well as why exactly any one person likes to spend time on the internet. There are long periods where I don't post much, here or elsewhere, even if I'm lurking a bit, simply because I'm not interested in most non-game topics or armchair politicking. Most of my 'net time is spent on the pursuit of specific game/entertainment discussion/help or light chit-chat/silliness and to be honest, at times this place can be too "serious" for me. Whether this is at all a male/female thing, I have no idea and don't pretend to know. I figured it's just my short attention span. Obviously I love it here regardless (as well as loving Obsidian). Still, sticking to one place for years and years, like I have here, isn't something that really happens a lot (but it's nice when it does). The internet is like an immense ocean full of millions of tiny islands and I'm sadly only equipped with a tiny rowboat. Only so many places I can put my full attention towards at one time. ...bah that got long, and I'm not sure I really said much of anything. Ramble-mouth....
  10. The 2012 Snow White. ....I liked it more than I thought I would, in large part because of Charlize Theron's fun performance. So the first 3/4 I was mildly entertained, even when the film started to look and feel like LotR for a little while. But then it sorta fell into a downward spiral and the ending didn't match the rest. And I still don't buy Ms. Stewart as the "fairest of them all." Still, I sorta liked it overall.
  11. Not a fan of that dude. Is he still alive even? Ahaha....I'd like to see forums fit that into their little sidebar boxes.
  12. Oh god, can't stop laughing. Plus, it's true!
  13. Di was awesome. Seems like I've seen her drop by and post once in a blue moon off and on over the years, but not lately. During Kotor2 there were more female posters here in that section as well but I wouldn't say there were "a lot" of them...at least not that I was aware of. I often find it a source of endless amusement on my YouTube account, where comments always call me a "he." The assumption that I'm male is pretty strong. But I've never minded. On YT my nickname doesn't indicate otherwise, and I've found even outside of gaming, that when people don't know, they generally fall back on "he" ... they're going to use something, and it's better than "it." Btw, the main reason I put "Lady" in front of my nickname when I registered for these forums was not because I care about shouting out my gender - it's because after trying several names - including my usual 'net nick at that time, which wasn't gender-indicative - and getting the "name already taken" message, I exasperatedly figured that sticking "Lady" in front of a random color would not be taken....and it wasn't. I don't generally care whether I'm recognized as female on the internet or not...altho there were a few times where I'd pick neutral names for gaming because I didn't want every male toon pretending to want to hit on my chr. Most of the time I realize they're joking, but after the 100000th time, it's not funny anymore.
  14. I've seen that...it's not actually theirs tho. Just some guy who used to post snippets on YouTube then created his own site to upload his entire recorded collection or something. You can tell it's VHS recorded and I'm fairly sure there's some missing. I'd still rather have it on DVD.
  15. I think the trailer looks terrible. Well, the sets look sumptuous, but outside of that. But who knows, could be good. And yes I've read the book/seen the Redford film. Book is great, old film is ok (I have a bit of a soft spot for it, but it's not really an awesome film).
  16. Different spot...it's for a quest where one is supposed to protect a camp/refugee area. I got bored of working on the cave, especially without a concrete plan. I'll get back to designing that later. It looks something like this now tho:
  17. I like solitary sorts, altho this doesn't mean they have to be belligerent or actual idiots when it comes to social conventions. They just prefer not to partake of them when possible. I like tragic characters, whether complex or simple. Probably because they're the stereotype to make me give a hoot about what happens to them. eg, I'm a sucker for such. It's nice if they also have a sarcastic sense of humor to go along with it. Most other stereotyped personalities don't affect me emotionally, hence I treat them like red-shirts. Especially if they're too happy-go-lucky. I usually want to strangle those chr. types.
  18. It was nice that the Red Sox beat the Yankees a couple times, but today's game was a stinker. Not the least of which was Lackey seeming to injure his arm. Never been a Lackey fan, but that wasn't nice to watch. Poor guy. He just got back from that Tommy John surgery and was pitching well today. Hope it's not serious.
  19. If you ignore the S and I in #7's name, it's ROCKY. *cue movie theme music*
  20. Good taste in authors. Maybe at some point we could use another community photo thread or something. I kinda miss those. And right now, giving up on the baseball game and I'm about to make some lunch for myself and my cats, then play video games for a few hours. Hubs should be home by then...maybe we can see a movie.
  21. Previous Thread Extra Extra, read all about it! Your one-stop place for all the latest in gaming tidbits and news.
  22. Getting long in the tooth, time for a new one...
  23. I like companions. Must...reach....800k..... Despite the tax month loose-funds crunch, I might yet find a little more spare change in my pocket for this one, before the end of its run.
  24. @Rosbjerg - I like the moody and striped shadows from the blinds. And your vest. You get more handsome all the time. Sadly, the pic is too small/far away for me to spy on what you have on your bookshelves.
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