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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Nope, haven't seen the musical stage or read the book. Am familiar with the general story and the songs. Don't mind some relief from the heavy drama now and then, and in some bits they were fine, but the garishly painted faces and Helena's weirdness aren't it. Doesn't help that I'm really sick of Helena playing nothing but the same chr. anymore. I used to like her, but now.... The thing with Anne, for me at least, is that in every other movie I've seen with her in it, she has never impressed me at all. To me she barely existed. So the difference here stands out. It's her expressions of teary torment, I suppose. They struck me as having a lot of feeling, vs. acting artifice. Wolverine dude, for example, in most scenes, wasn't as convincing in that fashion, even tho you could see him straining hard to convey it.
  2. Les Miserables. --*cringe* Oh, no, poor Russell Crowe... (I wasn't expecting much, but that first song he does is horrible) --Wolverine can sing pretty well. Neat. --Anne? Really? Bravo. --Russell in his solo numbers, while not awesome, is a marked improvement. Plus it's growing on me because it fits his strict yet unrefined nature. --*fidgeting* Pace is dragging/not really getting into this --That adorable young blonde boy would make a good Artful Dodger! (a Google later told me the young actor was in a stage version of Oliver...) --Who's this Eddie Redmayne guy? He's awesome. --Who's this Samantha Barks gal? She's awesome. --Wolverine, I almost felt a lump in my throat during that Bring him home number. --Oh no, poor Russell. I don't care if your voice isn't golden, I still felt empathy. --Well that was a sweet ending. So, the first half didn't engage me much but by the end it was pretty decent and I actually felt a bit sad and stuff in a few places. Lots of good singers outside of the super famous people (and most of them even did pretty well). Only serious negative for me was that I could have done without Sacha Baron Cohen and Helena Bonham Carter camping it up. I mean, they were ok, but not a Tim Burton film and it's out of place - stop it or go away.
  3. I usually ignore that aspect because 98% of the time, if most say a game is 15-18 hours, to me that means 30-40 (first run), which is fine.
  4. Saw a few others saying they'd finished it already too. I still don't know how y'all can finish games so fast the first, "blind," time through it. This one's sounding more interesting all the time...but I'm still going to wait.
  5. We use Comcast Business (ya ya I know, Comcast, ew) and for that premium, we have no cap. (Non-Business Comcast is 250GB I think) But caps are one reason why I can't condone an "all digital" future yet. Not just severe limits that many still have to deal with, but the infrastructure (the "pipelines") to make such consistently viable in many areas without issue still isn't there, as the demands go up faster than they can build/revamp it.
  6. At the risk of sounding like a parrot, seems like these days this could be one of those graphic menu options (squawk, lots of options, squawk!). That way people can choose, either for aesthetics or performance. I like it when corpses stick around for at least 15 minutes or so - after that I don't care because I've usually moved on. On the flip side, I'd rather corpses don't even really exist vs. having to watch them "blink out" on the ground after only 30 seconds or something. I find that distracting.
  7. That last one looks straight out of a 90's Disney film or something. Is she singing?
  8. Not bad, not bad. I can see it. I was thinking that "There Will Be Cats" would be a cool name, but then decided I'm going to use that for my make-me-a-millionare-in-exchange-for-cat-photos KS campaign. So, sorry Obsidian, but you can't use my awesome title now. I've trademarked it already.
  9. Awesome. No month would ever feel quite complete without some Bokishi screenshot-porn.
  10. That Bioshock Infinite rating pic made me laugh. Not because I know whether the game is actually good or not....but yeah. Funny. Hehehe. I've seen a few people post that they've played a couple hours of it already, and they're liking it so far. It'll be interesting to see what they say 10 hours later. I'm still half tempted myself, but the practical side of my brain tells me to wait until it drops in price, since I'm not familiar with the series.
  11. Heh, that's pretty bad. For that price, worth trying before buying seems like. On a tangent, hubby's soldering iron broke. He got it used from someone a long time ago ... who got it used from someone else. It was one that was super-expensive when it was new back in the early 70's probably, the "built to last" sort, and hubby was very upset that it finally broke. He loved that thing. He's looked around and bought a new mid-priced one, but of course thinks it sucks...the past couple weeks it's him going around mumbling "everything's a cheap piece of **** these days."
  12. That sucks. Seems like companies try harder and harder all the time to make things unrepairable like that. Hubby's been constantly fixing these older ViewSonic LCD's for a client's office the past year, as a small side favor/thingie to do (that's not his main job, heh). They keep going "bad" a few at a time and it's the same thing every time ... one of the capacitors I think. So he removes/solders new ones on. Cheaper to pay him a little to do that, at the moment, than replace the whole load, I guess (not they won't do that eventually). Never heard of the other thing/oven baking, tho.
  13. My first reaction: "Oh god, I love you Benedict Cumberbatch. Undress me with that voice/those eyes some more, pleeeeease." Gleaned from the trailer: Still can't draw any real conclusions about Benedict's chr. identity whatsoever, except I'm still suspicious it's Gary Mitchell. An angry, Starfleet-betrayed Mitchell. And yes, my "I must know" obsession is still there. It's how they get some old Trekkers like me into the darn theater, after all.
  14. That's too bad. It seemed an ambitious project. Edit: I needz moah KS's like this one: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/854870933/worlds-most-super-amazing-100-awesome-cat-calendar
  15. Figured out how to extract/sort all the sound files from Borderlands 2. Some people were having trouble with the various posted methods, so I had to try it. Because I could. I have no use for those files, outside of listening to music pieces and funny quotes but still...for some reason it's kinda fun to do it anyway. Maybe because I'm a geek.
  16. She's pulling the "death threats have been made" on the internets card now. She's also claiming KS knows of/supports the project (quoting supposed emails from them), and is now saying she'll donate the extra funds to something other than her own pocket, so assuming that's true, I don't think its going anywhere. Personally, while I'm not approving, I also think this is getting blown out of proportion, just like the Gaming vs. Tropes thing. Always research a project before hitting the donate button, and if you don't like what you see, don't fund it. Seems simple enough.
  17. That's why I watched Stolen. I was hoping for some over the top Cage fun. I was disappoint.
  18. She has/had some entrepreneurial business that had projected 2008 funds of millions, according to CNN Money. Of course, projected isn't the same as realized, and that was back in 2007-2009, just before/while the US economy totally tanked. Haven't seen info on anything more recent yet. Regardless, as Tig said, it seems fairly likely that at the least, she could probably still afford to send her kid to RPG-camp on her own.
  19. TV - Walking Dead Just saw today's new episode. I've (mostly) liked this series - it's entertaining - but it's never really hit me emotionally, if you know what I mean. But this time ... jeez ... I think I might cry.
  20. Game project stats: 633k people/funders. Interesting.
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