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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I think I'd feel bad for the many suddenly out of work (or at least less work to be had) voice actors. Altho I can see it for some of the smaller bits, like background chrs. and other noises. But for main/player/companion type chrs...I hope we're still a really long ways away from it. Just my opinion.
  2. Hubby and I took a pair of 34 chrs. into the Hammerlock DLC. We liked that the design of the areas felt a tiny bit more like the first game, and the Witch Doctors made things a bit more interesting. I'd say we enjoyed it, but at the end, here's my husband's statement about it: "I've had enough of this DLC...I'm disappointed it was so short." ....we finished it in like 5 hours. Didn't do all the side quests, maybe half of them. And we're usually the sort of players that take at least twice as long to finish a (first-run/blind) gaming thing as most reviewers/many seem to do.
  3. Kulyok's? *Google* Nope...just plain old vanilla BG1 Xan. Never got around to BG mods, really. I should some day....I just haven't.
  4. ... I'll let it go for now, so the poll can have some results, as long as the thread doesn't turn into the typical romance-topic direction/debates. We shall see. Carry on.
  5. --Xan --Atton --Boone ....I loved them all to death in their actual games, but mostly, the humor value of those three in the same room would probably have me lol'ing forever.
  6. Poor Chris Taylor. I always liked him. Only played Dungeon Siege's tho, none of their RTS. That said, the mixture of genres sounds a bit weird to me. I like both action-rpg and some RTS, but mixing the two I'd have some reservations. I generally haven't liked games that mix genres too much, so it would depend on exactly what level of that they're really doing. I'm having a hard time picturing it.
  7. Cheating to that extent, imo, does ruin the "fun" of a game. At least, in terms of item hunting. But I don't even use the keys. I freely admit I used the bin file cheat once to check that chest out/what its potential really was (2 legit keys don't do it), but I'd rather just find stuff on my own. I'm weird that way. I don't even like trading, heh. All I used willowtree (BL1) for was inventory space, because I'm a collector. That said, the current trend in games such as these to have drop rates (even for the not-the-highest-tier stuff) that are insanely low/rare is becoming a bit annoying.
  8. If I can understand it and whatever is used/created feels appropriate for the culture being presented, I'm fine. I think I'd rather not read a whole lot of thee's and thy's, however. Perhaps a few characters where that's part of their idiosyncratic personality or something, but not everyone in the world.
  9. I'm still annoyed about the inventory (or at least the town bank) space. I know you can either cheatengine your way or use some game glitches to store more stuff, but then I'd always be paranoid that some patch would = a lot of stuff lost or something. I'll stick to having 12 mules instead.
  10. My favorite Liam Neeson crazy scene is still the "pink elephant" one from Darkman. Classic.
  11. I started to make a comment about JJ doing a SW film, then remembered I no longer care about new SW films. So instead I'll just wish good luck to him with that. Being rather stuck in bed this week I saw a lot of trash TV. It's amazing what they'll make a show out of these days. I also saw Taken 2 last night. Just as silly as the first one, if not moreso, but there's still something about Liam Neeson lumbering around like a tall, handsome Quasimodo kicking butt and acting all super serious that entertains me. Altho, this was the first film where I felt like he was starting to look a bit too old. If there's a Taken 3 I have a feeling Neeson won't be in it. Which is probably a good thing. For him, I mean.
  12. Back to some old classics? Haven't played anything myself last week, maybe I'll get around to the Hunt DLC for BL2 this weekend.
  13. Deeper Dungeons is the best. I love the levels with all the tunnelers. Am still slowly making my way through a solo game of BL2. I failed round 5 of the Ore Chasm arena 3 times (7 waves, only got to 6th wave, grr), so I've been farming the lava dragon for gear and leveling up a bit more. The first 4 rounds of that arena were pretty easy, the last one became crazy. Especially when you're trying to get the critical-hit sub-goal.
  14. I'd prefer it in some kind of video let's play chunks, whether on YouTube or elsewhere. Essentially, so I don't have to feel like I have to be sitting down to watch at a certain time for a certain number of hours. A text Let's Play with screenshots here in the forum (or elsewhere) would also be pretty cool, imo. Or heck, maybe even both ... one sort of complementary to the other. ....I guess it doesn't matter a whole lot to me, as long as the timing ability to watch/read it is flexible.
  15. There was a forum software update. It's not technically "messed up", but in quick reply it no longer seems to show the tags ... I only see the 'boxes' in the WYSIWIG "preview" area. Something about saving in HTML vs. BBcode or something probably. If you turn off BBcode mode (the paperclip in the far upper left) you can see the tags then.
  16. Jay Wilson: no longer to be working on Diablo 3 and will be "transitioning" to other Blizzard projects instead. I am not surprised. http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/7592242994
  17. omg, when the poor wizard is paddling on his barrel, makes it up the ladder only to be dragged down the hole again, I lost it. So funny. They have "death animations" in today's games, but they largely seem to involve "body part gibbing" or dissolving and little else ... I definitely miss stuff like in that video. Varied, often humorous.
  18. Seems like these days I'm the only one who likes the Covenant series. I read it when I was 13 and it's still one of my favorites. The fact the protagonist is kind of a self-absorbed, diseased jerk who doesn't know how to handle things half the time is one of the points and it does become important. Plus there's a lot of other characters in the series that are awesome, like the Giants. But I do understand not everyone likes protagonists like that.
  19. I know you don't have to move your head ... but people tend to do it instinctively when watching something takes up all their vision - especially when including their peripheral. It's like how people wearing headphones tend to talk really loud even tho they don't have to in order to be heard by others. I know people who still move their heads when playing on a monitor. I mean look at the 2nd/3rd guys in the video. They're moving they're head all over the place and that's when not doing any combat/adrenalin.
  20. I see nothing, even when I allow all page scripts like google/facebook etc. :/
  21. Woke up early, trying to catch up on the forum a bit. It's been a weird week and it's not quite over. Re: parenting - I keep seeing TV ads for Comcast monitoring. The ads show a camera perspective and "watching" kids as they enter the house, walk through a hallway, in a kitchen, etc., then a mom watching this happening from her office via her phone app or something. I find that a bit much. I'm not a parent, but I can't imagine my own parents being comfortable with sort of tool to keep an eye on things 24/7. Too (book) 1984'ish. Tech generational gaps I guess.
  22. The day I have to play games wearing some large, awkward, thing on my head/over my ears is the day I quit gaming. As a novelty for a few uses, fine, but a complete replacement? No. That looks like it would be uncomfortable to wear for more than a couple hours, not to mention reduce awareness of any other environment going on around you. I don't like that. Playing with my husband, we couldn't look at each other anymore, see that the other person is raising their hand in a "yes" gesture, or see what the other person was seeing (like with two monitors side by side). Too closed off a system. Also, one still looks like a total goober wearing something like that and moving the head around to something no one else can see. Playing on a monitor, my head hardly moves. Wearing that thing, I bet I'd get a neckache in no time.
  23. Is she running away from a divine vision or something?
  24. If they can "reboot" movies (and entirely ignore plot happenings in previous sequels) then they could do it for a game. Not that I have great expectation for a real Kotor3, but one can always hope.
  25. That's what the ammo regen class mods were for. But then they took those away, to encourage using more than one gun and since they weren't needed anymore I guess. lol
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