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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. From what I can tell, "consoles" are becoming more and more like computers all the time. They can surf the web, they can download, they can social network, they can play movies. At some point, they're probably likely to involve Steam-like distribution methods for many things. In a way, they're morphing into PC-lites themselves. They are no longer some entirely separate thing like NES vs. pc-Doom. At some point I think the media entertainment "stuff" is all going to converge and there will be some kind of uber, all-in-one media/entertainment system that is separate from the "work" desktop/PC function but is not really a "console" anymore, either. it'll likely start to have more and more control options (vs. the "game controller") that will make more complex gaming interfaces possible to design for (which would appease to a degree some PC users), and so on. Whether I'll personally like such a thing is still up for debate.
  2. The naked bear looks a bit like a short-nosed aardvark.
  3. The Netflix original series? Dang it, it's another one that was done in the UK yeeeaaars ago and someone in the US decided to make their own copy. It's been Americanized, but yup. It's directed by David Fincher and produced by him and Eric Roth, among others. They haven't turned it into Law and Order style drama, at least. I think it hinges on Kevin Spacey's and Robin Wright's performances, which are quite brilliant. One of Wright's best roles, imo. Not sure I like the breaking of the 4th wall method (ever), but it works ok.
  4. Yeah, I have a feeling I might like IPS better for things like photography. Not sure about gaming. Hm. Maybe I'll go to Fry's and take a peek at that LG, if they still have one in the store.
  5. So, Diablo-3 for PS3 and PS4? That probably explains a lot. ...the GUI change they're working on. Ugh.
  6. Quickie input grab: I was looking at this LG 27" 1920x1080 monitor. Thoughts/opinions? 5ms ok these days for gaming? Does IPS really make much difference? Is 1080 ok for 27" as long as the monitor isn't a foot from your face? I wouldn't mind a monitor bigger than my 23" but I don't really want bigger resolution at this time. One claim is the IPS has a better viewing angle, but when you look at specifications, the degree of angle they list doesn't seem all that much better than average LCD's. A bit, but not tons. Then again, this is a lower tier IPS ($350-$400), not an expensive version.
  7. Watched the first episode of the Netflix original series 'House of Cards.' It's a little slow to get going when one is used to faster paced TV, but by the end I liked it quite a bit. And I love Kevin Spacey, so it's awesome to see him in a good role again...since I can't see him in his theater work. Hope to see the other 12 episodes over the next week. I hadn't heard of the series until yesterday. Interesting to see Netflix going for original programming now, and I think it'd be cool if more series were released like that ... all episodes at once, or half at a time. Never did like the weekly format.
  8. So it'll try to figure out what game you might next purchase via your tastes and preload it? Is that what I'm hearing or did I misunderstand. edit: now it seems like some think they meant being able to play while still finishing a download. Which makes perfect sense, except I swear I heard something about anticipating your next purchase. Maybe I have the reference points mixed up. Bah. Enough of that.
  9. ...same here. I like not having to upgrade GPU's/PC's (just for gaming) very often. Not that I did it a lot anyway, but it's been even less often for a while now. It's not consoles lack of processing/graphic power that has irritated me (as a pc gamer) with the console-catering.
  10. Hubby: "I'm closing in on 50..." Me: "Does this mean we can buy that cool sports car now?"
  11. Agreed in concept. It'd be kinda cool, imo, if the "best" lines of this sort were a bit more hidden or situation based, rather than said every single time one clicks the ground, clicks the character or goes into combat etc. So they feel a bit more unique and less rote. That said, I do like it when there are memorable/quotable NPC/chr lines, as a way to help define their personalities or something. But as much as I loved Minsc's "Go for the eyes Boo" line, for me at least, it was no longer quite as charming many combats/hours later.
  12. I'm so non-techy these days. The term "rig" still brings to mind things like sailing boats.... ...a nice and informative update, even if I'm one of those who doesn't entirely understand it all. But look at the pretty pictures! I like the armor shown in the concept art, too. Don't typically like the color green for anything but plants/nature, but for some reason, that works for me.
  13. Health oriented stuff I can see, but death images/reminders of impending death for encouraging paying taxes? Wat?
  14. At least, I figure games on the PC (the big releases anyway) will start to look better as they can make games with some better tech in mind, instead of the ancient that they have to deal with now. But I'm pretty doubtful they'd surpass current best PC's etc. Which are? Is it something more than just listing clock speed?
  15. Sinister - some thriller/horror with Ethan Hawke. I largely chose it because of Ethan Hawke. I suppose he does an ok job, but the movie is pretty laughable. There's a whole lot of scenes of him doing nothing but sitting in a chair while watching snippets of super8 movies (and his reaction shots), which becomes a snooze. However, if I'd seen this film when I was 12-13 or something, the last 20 minutes or so might've been one of those bits that sinks into the psyche a bit.
  16. Did you decide to go with Brick, or someone else? I know that technically there should be no difference between the two, but both hubby and I could swear that no matter how much more shield you may equip, as soon as you go out in combat again, they seem to take it all off in one hit regardless, and more health somehow feels sturdier overall. Hence why I often feel like they're "cheating." lol. ....but yeah, it probably is mostly the shock attacks - and first-shot critical hits against you. Which enemies seem to get fairly frequently. But even in that case, I still think health is somewhat more important, since if that first crit. against you takes away all your shield, you're not left with relatively piddly health to try to escape/find cover with. And once you get past the first half of the game, I feel like there's a lot more shock-wielding enemies.
  17. Sister-in-law's husband's mother passed, so they're down here for the funeral and came by for a few hours yesterday. Haven't seen their oldest daughter in years (since before she got married I think) ... but because the reason she came along to our house w/her parents instead of going to the movies with the other two kids was "Another Die Hard sequel isn't her kind of movie," I liked her immediately. Anyway, always nice to see the sis-in-law, even under less than happy circumstances. Probably won't see them again until summer or next Xmas. Really is too bad they had to move away up north (job related). They miss the Bay Area a lot, but such is life.
  18. Mars certainly might be the one planet we'd be able to colonize in some fashion (for mining at least, perhaps), given the speed of travel issues and various other things. But I don't think I'd want to live there myself.
  19. From Wil Wheaton's twitter: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/iridiumstudios/there-came-an-echo-0 By Iridium Studios, who made Sequence (according to the KS page). .....I know nothing about the game outside of what the KS says. Mostly, Wil in the videos made me geek-laugh. Altho, the voice control aspect is kinda interesting, even if I probably wouldn't be into it as a control mechanism. Still...who knows.
  20. Never did get around to Zeus, think it's the only one of those I haven't tried. One day I will (I think it's on GoG now, isn't it?).
  21. Game, pizza, game, now Walking Dead. Also, in that computer phase of "Should really reformat HDD and reinstall Windows...but really don't want to," syndrome.
  22. If it truly has a type of co-op campaign ala Borderlands, I might give it a chance. But off-hand based on its origins I'd guess it'll instead be too "online" and "raid/FPS" oriented for me or hubby. Wait and see, with little expectations, sort of title. Still, hubby and I could always use another BL co-op type game. There aren't very many of them.
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