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Everything posted by Kalfear

  1. What is a glitch???? What does it mean??? Way you people use it makes it sound like a generic term for anything you dont like from storyline to bugs to what ever to exploits to someone spilling pepsi on their keyboard??? LOL, makes no sence what so ever. To answer your question, your pc alignment greatly impacts the party members alignment just by traveling with you. So the higher your lightside allignment the more it will effect others around you. The more good deads you do, the faster Atton will come outta DS and into the Lightside (altho Atton always neutral when I get him, not evil). So from what you have said, no its not a bug (see see, use the right terminology where it fits! ), just sounds like you have gone lightside and are effecting Attons Alignment as such Hope that helps explain it!
  2. If you have been called back to the ship ONLY for the Red Exclipse guys and NOT because the Exchange has tried to contact you, that means you are not at that portion of the game yet. Run around and see if anything remains for you to do. Also (not verified) but the one time I wasnt contacted quickly by the Exchange I put on the Death Mask and wandered around the tavern (one with toxic fumes) and just randomly clicked on patrons there. Never got a influence message or xp but one NPC in Nar Shaddar tells you humans are hated in the tavern so figure its a good way to get exchanges attention. Other then that, just zone alot and the Exchange will contact you. Might take awhile but they will contact you.
  3. Not really Neverwinter, The initial impression of SWG is actually quite good to be honest. You see alot of designs (structures and such) that do say Star Wars. The combat is very limited but as a newbie thats to be expected in any game (MMORPG) to be honest. Its once you hit the mid level game everything starts to break down (fast and badly). Most folks dont play 5+ hours a day so in the 14 day trial you really wouldnt get the true sence of the game and experience the shortcoming. There is a few crafting skills you will see are broken by design (Surveying, any entertainer skill) in the 14 days but combat skills and advanced crafting skills you wouldnt get any knowledge about with in 14 days. If your goal was to become a Jedi (like mine was) you wouldnt learn about how broken that system is for at least 4-6 months (for the FS quests). Actual Jedi stuff you wouldnt experience for at least 1 year after you sign up unless your a power gamer like myself. Even the FS quests on the survace look good. The FS quests are actually very well done, its the endless grind after unlocking that specific line where it becomes obvious its badly designed and broken beyond repair! But most folks hold out until at least 3 lines finished before the bordom and monotiny wins out (FS xp is gained at a 30-1 ration of normal xp or a 3-1 ration for combat xp. Combat xp is 10-1 ratio vrs normal xp (so its actually the same as 30-1 ratio just broken up abit rather then all at once). Anyways, long and short of it is you probably wouldnt see the major defaults in the 14 days. Unless you (like myself) also look for community interaction, matureness of community, and naming rules on servers. SOE doesnt support Role Playing Servers for SWG so you end up putting alot more people on ignore then you would in say a DAoC RP server where server rules weed out many of the less desirable players from the get go. Sorry Fion, will stop aggrivating the pets Actually had a convo with a board moderator on a different VN board yesterday who been actually argueing same thing I was here. Both came to conclution its not worth effort or time so will stop speaking about WoW and all that topic about SWG so will stick to topic
  4. Only thing you know for sure (LS or DS) is Revan left her behind along with the rest of his crew from KotOR1 and went alone. Beyond that its all speculation really! DS side has a holocron of her but what became of her isnt answered either there.
  5. If you play DS and get Bao to become DS as well (through the influence game uses), Bao gets some great darker style tatoos as well
  6. [Quick note Mal, DONT SHOOT THEM DOWN WITH THE TURRETS hehe, I tested this when I was playing, all those sith worth great xp if you let them board and then hunt them down and kill them You dont get xp for killing them when you use the turret
  7. You can give it away with out worry Also, (for anyone that hasnt done this) Have Handmaiden and Atton in your active group when this NPC approaches you about giveing away the Ebon Hawk. The conversation that follows between Atton and the Handmaiden is hillarious
  8. If your at the point where she answers: And I might let you, all you need to do is take her to the spot on Nar Shaddar and let her feel the force. If your not at that point yet, you need more influence over her
  9. Or just take her out with you to gain soime influence then return to Ebon Hawk and try then
  10. My thoughts are (Xbox) the game is better then KotOR1 over all. Like anyone I can find areas to improve on to be sure but I just had such a good experience with the game over all that nit picking the faults come really low on the list. I do agree I didnt like the new Swoop racing and hope they go back to the original style for part 3 (when and if its made). As I said in a different thread, only encountered 2 types of bugs in 8 complete play throughs (2 slow downs after excessive hours playing (rebooting fixed this) and once the bug where you can not defeat the handmaiden (and she cant defeat you). Rebooting also fixed that bug). I definately encountered far more bugs in KotOR1. Both games however were bug free compared to other games that hit the market so over all im happy with the relative bug free release in both. Storyline was DEFINATELY more advanced in TSL and that made for a much greater experience over all. Ending (Malacor V and on) was weaker then I would have liked in TSL, but again when looking at the whole picture, thats just a small small portion of the entire product! Over all I think Obsidian did a fantastic job (which is amaz ing as it is a sequel and sequels rarely ever live up to the hype when compared to the first game of the series). Cant wait for Part 3 to be made and come out
  11. You can also use stelth to bypass all combat with Mira (after initial combat in pit) and just go open the door to allow the exile in.
  12. If atton waiting outside ship with rest of crew and you have been summoned back to ship by Atton, then sounds like you have a bug. Try reloading from last save spot or try forming a group (with Atton in it) and then switch to Atton as speaking character and try to speak to yourself (this sometimes fixes conversation bugs that occationally happen). If you havent been summoned back to the ship by Atton then that means Exchange hasnt contacted you yet.
  13. It kinda get explained later on to be honest (why or how Kreia made it back) but to be honest, by the time you find out that part of story your no longer even remotely thinking of Peragus! And yuppers im sure! Your not missing anything, there is no cutscreen after the turret play. I will say however there is MAJOR MAJOR Dialog with Atton and Kreia and T3 after Peragus and before Telos. So dont be in to much a rush, explore your chat options and save lots!
  14. Totally agree with Night! Dont ruin the game by learning everything here before hand! But as yas asked ill give yas a answer and a hint! Yes to some (you can find out which) and pay close attention to influence, dialog, and npc characterists (its up to you to play to THEIR personalities rather then them to yours). If you want more indepth answers just search the topic on this board (spoilers) for complete walk throughs and answers)
  15. Here here Pixie, I have pretty much stopped upgrading my computer and now look to Xbox releases rather then PC releases for my games (other then the absolutely must have titles like Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 which only available on PC). Really dont wanna have to rush out the door for a Xbox 2 to be honest!
  16. *taris <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *Grins* Maybe my R key will appear after I get some sleep heh
  17. i love this game so far. great, bao dur is one cool dude. btw, is it possible to see how much influence one weilds over a particular npc? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No there isnt! I dont call not havbing it a bug or anything like that but also wished I had been able to veiw a party member to see how my influence on them was going. Would be a nice addition for part 3
  18. Yes, exactly my point. The thing is though, thats what you get when you decide to develop a game for the PC. A ****load of problems. And, yes, its expensive to fix, but so is every part of the dev process. Every other succesful (or damn near every) manage to get their products to work without major issues, at release. Those that dont aplogize quickly, then release a patch. When a developer house creates a buggy game, people are pissed off. When the same people are ignored and get no answers, they get even more angry. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thats not true Sun. Just immediately off the top of my head I know I experienced bugs and problems that required a after release patch in 1) Diablo 2 2) Civ 3 AND the Conquests expansion 3) Rollercoaster Tycoon (original one) 4) Call to Power 5) Axies and Allies (original one, dont have the most recent released one) 6) Pool of Radience (the newer one, not the old gold box game) And any and all MMORPGs to date. Im sure there is far more that im forgetting or never played in the single person game genre (PC games). And that short list covers some HUGE HUGE selling games by some MAJOR forces in game creation. So its not fair to say that all other single player games are released bug free. They quite simply are not. *most common issue for them all I listed was graphics and incompadability with specific drivers and or video cards. Not all patchs were for game stopping issues either and patching was optional at best. I wouldnt be surprised to hear the mass majority of people that bought the games never bothered patching as you only found out about patchs by going to respective companies web site and searching for the fix/patch.*
  19. Had to choose Vader as Revan is a LS Male in my games hehe Personally I think Revan is the more interesting of the two characters! That might just be because you get to play revan in K1 and develope him the way you want! Vaders personality is already set in stone so all you can do is watch!
  20. Cant answer, wrong forum You should look up Mandalore in the spoiler forum for his full story heheh can answer now Yes Mandalore is Canderous.
  21. Aye there is no way to beat Atris before the set encounter time which comes close to the end. Handmaiden joins group regardless of faction if you are a male pc. and aye, Artis has already fallen to the dark side, she is slightly less evil then Sith Lord Vrook tho!
  22. Its not a bug LOL, just suspend your disbelief and play on, heh I think they just wanted to make sure they got some additional turret gameplay in the game.
  23. This is how I read it Jebus after 8 play throughs! 1) Revan is alone beyond the outter rim (I dont understand why people keep saying Revan hasnt left Bastilla yet, in both the LS and DS games thats clearly explained) 2) I dont think Revan SPECIFICALLY told T3 to seek you out. Its just you fit the parameters T3 was given ( being a general in the Mandalorian wars and all that). 3) Kreia knew you were on the Harbinger and she was with T3 on the Ebon Hawk, so that explains that part of it. 4) Good or Evil - Male or female, Mandalore, Carth, and Bastila were all left behind by Revan when he goes to find the Real Sith. This part of the story is VERY clear (or least was to me in all 8 play throughs). 5) Bastila could ask T3 where Revan is but its my understanding T3 wouldnt tell her anyways. Remember Kreia doesnt even know where Revan actually is other then beyond outter rim looking for the real sith. She was on board the Ebon Hawk with T3 (and obviously picked up off Malacor V by T3 before searching for you) (assumptions) The way I look at it, Revan sent T3 to find a ally for him. He sent T3 to get his old teacher Kreia. Through the force Kreia locates you. So in effect T3 was sent for you, just in a round about way!
  24. ummm actually since some of your questions are answered on the first and second pages of THIS SPECIFIC FORUM Im going to let yas look them up rather then answer!
  25. You will not to the same degree Part 1 had but some great twists and storylines coming up for yas both
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