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Everything posted by Kalfear

  1. K3 should start off with a MALE Exile leaving Malachor. (where part two ends off). He should then meet up with Carth and Bastila (which sets up the story for part 3 and the search for Revan). At some point you should gather with all the NPC party members (minus dead characters) and be forced to choose your party from the existing characters from parts 1 and 2 (obviously T3, HK, and Bastila are automatically inserted into your party for story sake). HK because of HK Factory, T3 as hes only member with knowledge where Revan went (even though its hidden), Bastila because of her affair/relationship with Revan. You then should have to find clues as to where Revan went (which would make up the main story filler and have you visit different planets). Ideas they could add is reusing the Star Forge to try and get new information not made public in part 1 as well as getting info from new planets Revan visited. You should also have to complete the HK story line that was left unfullfilled in part 2. You should also have to take Mandalore to Mandalore and finish off his storyline of remaking and reforming the lost clans of the Mandalorians. The end should be you finally meet up with Revan ( MALE , him and Bastila bump ugly! and then you and Revan head off for the Epic Conclusion against the real sith. (this could either be a 2 person final battle like on the academy in part 2 or a Republic vrs sith War sceen like in part 1 with the Mandalorians helping the Republic) Final movie should be something along the lines of you setting up a new council and outposts for each NPC (from party selection in parts 1 and 2) and rebuilding the Jedi order! Epic style movies like in part 1 but with interactive choices on who goes where and does what! The other component for Part 3 should be the love stories! Not sure about anyone else but I was trying to make moves on Handmaiden, Visas, AND Mira in part 2 and would love to see how that plays out! (far as I can tell I succeeded with Handmaiden and Visas and have Mira seriously thinking about it, talk about a conbustable situation, hehe!) PS: They should also have a option where you can TRY (and fail) to seduce Mission and everyone turns against you for being a pervent and your instantly changed to lowest Dark rank you can get (heheh hidden moral message) as shes only 13 :PPPP
  2. Vrook was a bitter old man overflowing with Jealousy and Envy. He was so drunk for power that it obviously turned him to the dark side! If the other two Jedi Council members were not so blind and outta touch they would have realized this!
  3. Knights 1 about 10 times (getting to point Ill be replaying it again soon) Knights 2....8 times. Been taking a break from both and soon will start from scratch and play both through again Great games!
  4. I dont get this, I bought game when it first came out Handmaiden Jedi Glitch: Never happened, only time I wasnt able to turn her into a jedi was when I screwed up in interactions with her. My own screw up is hardly what is clasified as a glitch though. Bao cant build lightsabre? Never happened, if I had ALL the parts he built it each and EVERY time. Redemption Quest: Completed it in 6 of my 8 play throughs, didnt complete it in 2 play through because *gasps* I DIDNT REDEEM THE JEDIS AND TOOK THE EVIL ROUTE!!!!!! . Again, my own actions do not qualify as game glitchs! Telos Criminal Glitch? WHAT GLITCH! either lie to the telos officer and finish quest or find them on planet serface and finish quest! Telos Fuel Quest (anouther quest everyone complained about), set up communications between the hutt and telos and YOUR part of the quest is finished. If people stopped and actually read the message they would realize that your part of quest is just setting up communication, not actually getting fuel to Telos. Hence why the Telos officer doesnt reward you because you are rewarded by the Hutt when you set up the communications between him and Telos government. Gotta admit, its really annoying to come here and see non stop whines about COMPLETEABLE quests being glitchs when its just the players inability to read that is the problem. I truely doubt I got the ONE and ONLY working copy of KotOR2 for xbox. Sorry that logic just doesnt fly! Flame away but fact remains, every quest in XBox version is completeable if you read the messages game gives you. *disclaimer* I have noticed since its release though that players that uttilize ingame cheats and/or have modified their xboxs did have the mass majority of issues with game. To them all I can say is *you cheat, you lose*. As it is in life, as it is in gaming. Only themselves to blame.
  5. Id have to say (based only on movies as I hate Star Wars novels) Doku or Yoda was the best with a Lightsabre by far. With the very very slight advantage going to Doku in Lightsabre and force power mastery going to Yoda. Vader, Luke, and the rest of them just dont really compare at all.
  6. Xbox version ran perfectly for me from word go. I guess it comes down to personal prefference. I did notice (personal opinon not supported by any stats) that the main people that had problems with XBox version are those that were useing the ingame exploits and altering (moding) their machines. Those that purchased and played games the way they were designed didnt see m to have any of the issues others posted here back when game first went live. As I said, thats just a trend I noticed when I was posting here back when game went live originally.
  7. I read (prior to release) that Jade Empires was going to be a XBOX ONLY release by Bioware on the Bioware website (by a Bioware rep). So unless forcasted presales down signifigantly or they found a block of time to do the conversion, I wouldnt hold my breath on a PC release.
  8. I agree, if we get a newbie, no more "conflicted past" or "hidden past". However, they could have someone who knew the Exile in the war. This would provide a tie-in. I am not suggesting that they use this as a shortcut storytelling device but only as a logical tie-in. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Agree Plano, But to be really honest, you HAVE to have a newbie character for those that never played parts 1 or 2, but I think those of us that have would much prefer carrying on our existing revan or exile rather then making anouther new character for the game
  9. *GRINS* *grins* Revan was male, whole story works around Revan and exile being male. Female option was just a politically correct after thought :PPPPP
  10. Voted Obsidian regardless of the false additional statement beside its name. KotOR2 was a step UP from KotOR1. Obsidian deserves to carry forward with the franchise if they so choose to. BTW: Dark Sun games DID bomb. Offline and online versions! Saying otherwise doesnt make it true.
  11. I find this hard to picture since my revan's were all female. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Maybe Revan was walking along on Tatooine one day, heard a thud, looked back and said "Oh, how strange! Someone's left a baby there". <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Naaa dont particularly like it either. The father/son thing has been done to death and a sure sign of running outta ideas for the franchise.
  12. I loved KotOR2 but Korriban was a definate let down. At the very least they could have let you reexplore the 4 temples as well. Course I was also let down by Korriban in KotOR1. Whole thing in both games was WAY WAY WAY to small over all. should have had alot more meat to its bones.
  13. Revan needs to be a man <{POST_SNAPBACK}> totally agree Black. Ive played both games as male and female and in BOTH Revan (and the Exile for that matter) make a ton more sence as male characters. The story flows alot smoother and makes alot more sence. Maybe if the games has been designed for a female hero it would be different but its pretty obvious the main storyline is designed around both characters being male.
  14. same here cozzy. Game ran like a dream, had more bugs in KotOR1 then in 2.
  15. I actually like the engine being used. Course im playing on my xbox Graphics are decent enough, I had almost no bugs in parts 1 or 2 (to be honest I had more bugs in part 1 then in part 2). Limited slowdowns which seem to plauge any and all games anyways. PS: I really hope they finish this franchise on xbox 1. XBox one users are the people that supported the franchise and made it successful and for that they should finish the franchise off on same system! Pipe dream I know but I have no plans to buy a XBox 2 until its at least 2-3 years old and normal inflated NEW price drops into reasonable reality levels.
  16. Can see it already. "In a bold, unexpected move today Obsidian Entertainment announced the next KotOR game will be done in form resembling that of dating simulator games popular in Japan, with hand-drawn 2d graphics prepared by a recently hired artist, "Aimo" The game will put the player in shoes of a teenage Jedi padawan, and allow them to try to win affection of one of possible love interests, while also requiring them to keep up with their Jedi Academy courses..." " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ROFLMAO! Funny TMP, funny! ONE???? ONE?????? Man Tmp. yas need to set yas sights HIGHER!!!!! Whats this ONE stuff????????????? To be serious tho. Normally I find the love interest/story of these games (not kotor series but computer games in general) to be bland and boring. I dont know if its the setting, the back stories, or what but I find the love interests in KotOR2 (part 2 far more then 1) to be well done and great additions to the game rather then the normal "add in" to take up space in other games. What I would be looking for (love this thread, keep thinking about it and expanding on ideas or changing mind) is: 1) Definately a continuation from part 2. I first said play the exile but after reading idea a few posts above that appealed to me. I would kinda change it tho to following: Easy Mode a) Exile imported from previous KotOR2 game. Allow the exile to be imported from previous game under the condition that NO exploits were used. So as long as the character comes in at max (think it was level 30) xp or lower he/she can be reused. If character above that setting player must create a generic new character at level 30. In otherwords, punish those that used exploits like the respawning creature on Koriban to reach level 50. Generic character would also be the answer for players that didnt play KotOR1 or 2. Normal Mode b) Same as above but character brought in or created at level 25 rather then 30. Of course the difficulty would be harder then Easy Mode as well. Expert Mode c) Import Raven (as level 20 was max in KotOR1) or create generic character. Again difficulty would be even more advanced for this mode This is also where the previous posters idea of two seperate opening sequences could be used as in expert mode Raven would be the PC. 2) Use of all previous NPCs to create your party (depending on if Revan was good or evil based on your answers at start). Someone said what about new NPCs, you dont need them. If you really need a new NPC to advance the storyline they can be involved with out joining the party for the area they needed in. For instance, The One never joined the party in KotOR 1 but a dvanced the storyline signifantly through interaction. Same goes for Artis and other jedis in part 2. 3) Love interests. I really think ANY opposite sex character should be a possible love interest depending on your actions and statements. This creates extra storylines that improve the replay value of your games with interesting side stories. Let the love stories effect the group as well. I really thought the jealousy sequence between visas and handmaiden was excellently done and added alot to the over all game to be honest. On the flip side, I was actually disappointed to not be able to get Mira involved so I could see the reactions of Visas and Handmaiden after all that. It was a enjoyable side bonus sorta thing. And added humor to it. 4) New planets, some new planets would be a great idea but dont forget about the old ones. I would hate to think Dantooine wasnt rebuilt after all that work there. I would hate to think I couldnt find out what is happening at the Taris acedamy after sparing Atris's life and putting her back on the light side path. Similarly, Nar Shaddar still has alot to tell and do (and would be a great way to add Mira back into the storyline as that is as much a home as she has). 5) Larger areas (covered in my first post) Things I think that would be a mistake: 6) IF you bring back any part 1 or 2 characters as group mates (beyond t3 and hk that is) make it all or nothing. I know for myself I would be super PISSED if I got saddled with Jolee or Mission or either Wookie or Goto with out being able to interact with characters I actually liked and were usefull. Let people decide WHO they want if you bring back old party NPCs. Dont force characters some people will like/dislike on them. 7) Lastly, dont make it only for XBox 2. First off the importing of characters from parts 1 or 2 would be impossible for XBox 1 users. Also its not really fair or nice that loyal fans would be forced to purchase a new rig just to finish a product they have supported. By all means make the game usable for people that use xbox but make it so xbox 1 will also support it. Any NEW series can be made for xbox 2 but finish this series off on the format that supported it.
  17. see im more energetic! 1- I want LS exile and Visra/Mira/Handmaiden. well really I just WANT Visra/Mira/Handmaiden!!!! 2- Oh im sure OE will do what they want, they might look at posts for some ideas but truely doubt they would use them as the guiding format for game
  18. bah! I want Visra, I want Handmaiden, and I want Mira! and dang it, I want them fighting over me (sorry I just LOVED when Handmaiden got jealous in KotOR2) (and no way we can let Mira off with those brush off answers that she gave) (and Visra........*droll*.......nuff said) hey if we also get Go To can we hire Atton to assassinate him?
  19. I prefered the Exile to be honest. While Revan was a great character he never really felt like my own. Course that could just be because everything in part 1 was so linear you didnt have the flexability you had in part 2 to create the character (so to speak). I think Revan a great character but of far better use as a NPC with his storyline drawn out for you. The Exile is a much more open character that you can mold into your own. There will be a part 3, just to profitable a franchise for there not to be. I really hope its NOT on the new Xbox tho. I dont wanna have to wait a year after KotOR3 releases to play it while I wait for XBox 2 prices to drop down to reasonable levels. KotOR franchise my favorite RPG franchise out there but that doesnt validate paying the normal starting retail prices of a new system. Actually for that reason alone, if they release KotOR3 on XBox 2, I could see the game actually tanking in sales as I dont know a single person that would buy a XBox 2 as soon as it releases (or even with in a year after it releases).
  20. LOL, they far more tollerant then I would ever be! I remember when I was posting regularly here. There was a number of folks whose posts I would have outright deleted and then ban posters ISP!!! Course, I think censorship on the internet a good thing as many people cant police themselves and say stuff and act ways they would never try to get away with in the real world! Just because I cant put them over my knee and give them long over do spankings on the internet doesnt mean they should be able to say and do what ever they want after all!
  21. I agree with you there. A bit of openendedness for those who want it. Those who don't want it would really not be missing out on anything. When you go to Tatooine, Anchorhead is NOT the only city that you should be able to go to (even if it is the only city which hooks into the main plot). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually Plano, I wasnt speaking so much as multiple cities on each planet (although thats cool to) as I was some of the areas. For example, in KotOR2, after doing the starting area and then Telos, Dantoine was a mojor letdown and sooooo small compared. Same thing applied for KotoR1 when you think back to Tantooine outside areas or Wookie homeworld. Just make all the areas larger with more to do in them. Give us extra areas/zones on each planet, make exploration a larger part of the game. Exploration doesnt take away from the storyline at all but creates a more epic feeling to the games IMO. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I thought that is what you meant....basically, more wilderness that might have some caves, ancient tombs, big bad Boma beasts and such. I am with you there. It probably wouldn't be that hard to add this kind of stuff and it would mean alot for gamers like you and I. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> hehe, okies, just yas mentioned 2 cities so thought yas meant something else NOW After reading all the posts Im going to change one of my statements... Regarding returning npcs to group with you HAVE all the characters from parts 1 and 2 (after you tell game if Revan good or Evil and male or female just like it was done in KotOR2) and then you CHOOSE 7 of the listed people as your groupmates. I think this would be an AWSOME idea. Of course if you say Revan was Evil that means Julari and Bindo dead and gone. But others could be around. Personally I think Revan should be good as story smoother that way and explains why all would be in one place (LOL!). I kinda like Master Anoon Bondara's idea for opening sequences with the exception that you enter as the Exile, not a Revan. Revan should stay as a non groupable NPC character that you encounter at the end of the story (at end you might be forced to have him in group but not before). But the more I think about it, the more I like the idea of us being able to pick and choose our party from ALL the previous npc characters. Just think of the fun I could have in a group of Me (male Exile) T3 (sorry just love that little guy) HK (a must) Bastila Mira Handmaiden Visra Mission LOL! Then have a love story going with jealousies playing apart in it! OMG that could be fun and entertaining!!!!!!!!! And just think of the comments HK could be making about the whole thing! LOL!
  22. I dont think they made a mistake, I think they just have to "TRAIN" (for lack of any better word) players to use their heads once again. So many RPG releases in last decade have taken the thinking outta the game and you just connect the dots to finish. KotOR2 was a return to a older style of RPG games and for that I personally LOVED the game. When I was posting regularly here, a good 95% of all complaints about game were caused by people just not reading what was happening around them. So its just a matter of people utilizing more then the point and click patern that they become so accustom to in games. A good example is Halo (not a RPG but still good example). I heard Halo was a awsome game, I got it with my Xbox so finally decided to load it up. I was soooo bored. You didnt need to read a single thing that was said because everything was so freaking linear that all you had to do was follow the path and not die. By the 3rd stage I turned the game off as it just wasnt interesting or compelling story wise. But thats what people are use to. KotOR2 is just a different format that they need to learn (or in my case Relearn).
  23. I agree with you there. A bit of openendedness for those who want it. Those who don't want it would really not be missing out on anything. When you go to Tatooine, Anchorhead is NOT the only city that you should be able to go to (even if it is the only city which hooks into the main plot). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually Plano, I wasnt speaking so much as multiple cities on each planet (although thats cool to) as I was some of the areas. For example, in KotOR2, after doing the starting area and then Telos, Dantoine was a mojor letdown and sooooo small compared. Same thing applied for KotoR1 when you think back to Tantooine outside areas or Wookie homeworld. Just make all the areas larger with more to do in them. Give us extra areas/zones on each planet, make exploration a larger part of the game. Exploration doesnt take away from the storyline at all but creates a more epic feeling to the games IMO.
  24. For myself, I dont really care what planets are in game as long as the explorable area is much larger then parts 1 and 2. I think Obsidian and Bioware did great jobs but my main complaint still to this day is the explorable areas just were not large enough. Far as party members go, my list is as follows: Party Members: Bastila Mira HK-47 T3-M4 Atton Mandalore Visas Marr Handmaiden Those are the characters from parts 1 and 2 that I personally care about returning. The others could make NPC appearences or be killed off in what ever way fits the storyline. Other Stuff I know some have complained about Influence System but I really liked how KotOR2 handled influence. Thanks to that system I had over 100 hours of interesting and newish game play. Wouldnt change a thing other then expanding once again on it (like they expanded from parts 1 to 2) and going even more adult orientated (not speaking about swearing and nudity btw). Have the love stories complete themselves. Make jealousy that was hinted at in part 2 even more of a factor, stuff like that. Better continuity Epic Story, with a good ending Far as actual story, I have to put my faith in both bioware and obsidian. both have captured my imagination and made me engrossed in the franchise as a real fan of it. Long as they keep to the high standards they have achieved regarding storyline I expect no difference in part 3! Lastly, Seriously Obsidian and Bioware, take this to heart. THE EXPLORABLE AREAS NEED TO BE LARGER OVER ALL. Thats my BIGGEST complaint from parts 1 and 2, I would like to see twice (if not more) as much explorable areas in the game. Follow the same story line, personally I dont care if you complete the story, but continue to make it appealing and interesting. Being able to transfer your characters from part 2 to 3 would be a HUGE bonus btw! That alone would make me purchase part 3 to be honest. Its something RPG fans have been asking for, for years and years and years now. allow our relationship to our own characters to carry over creating a truely EPIC feeling in the game!
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