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Everything posted by Kalfear

  1. hehe if yas find it make sure to repost it Id go for playthrough number 9 if thats the case hehehe
  2. Posted in other thread as well but as different poster said, that thread dieing now My idea more indepth *Please note, I will refer to Revan and Exile as Male LS as thats what original 2 stories written as thus far (this doesnt mean Obsidian wouldnt add in the options of darkside and female Revan/Exile* Following is opening Film K3 should start off with a Exile leaving Malachor. (where part two ends off). On board would be Exile, Mira (picked up at entrance of academy), Visas, Handmaiden, T3 (picked up at entrance of academy just as Kreia stated in part 2), HK, Mandalore, Bao. *please note: Go-To and Remote were destroyed when planet blew up* You set course to Telos Academy *obvious choice because thats where you last saw Bastila/Carth as well as left Atris (if you spared her) in the Telos Academy. Second Opening Film You land at Academy and 2nd film starts where Carth/Bastila also land to join you and your group. (they have gathered the Alive characters from KotOR1 with them) You all gather in the Anti chamber to discuss what has happened and what direction you go from here and what to do with Artis. Bastila and Carth push for you to go find and aide Revan at this point (which explains why they gathered the party members from group one) Interactive choices start here with cut screen movies for open discussion. This is where you choose your party. Mandatory party members should be : 1) The Exile (obviously) 2) Bastila (as she has the most interest in Revan) 3) T3 (as he knows where Revan was the most recently even though you cant get the info quite yet) 4) HK (he is needed for the HK factory Quest that wasnt finished in Part 2) 5) Mandalore (as his quest of rejoining Clans not yet finished and needed for ending) 6,7, Are made up from the remaining Party members (that you choose) from both KotOR1 and 2. *please note: because of the large selection of NPCs, Obsidian could actually increase party size to 10 players* * You decide on what action should be taken regarding Atris (if alive still)* * Conversation leads you to belive you need to access the old Star Forge Maps from Part 1 to gather information on where and What Revan knows and went (this is the key in to finalizing storylines on those worlds* *conversation leads you to think information could be gathered from the Jedi Archives that remain on Corrusant (as this the most asked for new location/planet)* * you decide what and where each NPC not grouped is to go and what they are to do (giving a form of finalization for them but for true finalization you must replay game with them in party)* Main part of game ( the guts and action) You then should have to find clues as to where Revan went (which would make up the main story filler and have you visit different planets, each planet visited leads to a new clue to follow progressing the storyline). You should also have to goto and finish the HK factory that was left unfullfilled in KotOR2. You should also have to take Mandalore to Mandalore and finish off his storyline of remaking and reforming the lost clans of the Mandalorians. During this time (during the travels) -the Exile will be forced to choose his direction regarding NPCs (IE: is he with no one, with Visas, with Handmaiden, with Mira, does he try to be with all causing much jealousy and infighting, ect) -Learns more about the characters, their pasts, their goals -fixes T3 (as in part 2) to get more clues on where Revan ended up at before sending T3 back to him Please note: left out is actual interaction and Villan(s) as Obsidian far better writers then any of us will ever be so that stuff up to them The Ending -The end should be you finally meet up with Revan ( MALE , him and Bastila bump ugly! (joking, sorta) -Then you and Revan head off for the Epic Conclusion against the real sith. -This could either be a 2 person final battle like on the academy in part 2; -Or a Republic vrs sith War sceen like in part 1 with the Mandalorians helping the Republic) *this is where Mandalore reforming the clans comes in* Final movie Should be something along the lines of you setting up a new council and outposts for each NPC (from party selection in parts 1 and 2) and rebuilding the Jedi order! Epic style movies like in part 1 but with interactive choices on who goes where and does what! The other component for Part 3 should be the love stories! Not sure about anyone else but I was trying to make moves on Handmaiden, Visas, AND Mira in part 2 and would love to see how that plays out! (far as I can tell I succeeded with Handmaiden and Visas and have Mira seriously thinking about it, talk about a conbustable situation, hehe!) Please Note: This is a HUGE game, a good 2 to 3 times the size and content of either part 1 or 2. I feel for a fitting conclusion KotOR3 should be like this. Epic in every way and fashion. A fitting end to the series. PPS: As stated at the top, this is written for a LS Male Exile/Revan as thats how the main story of both previous games has been written. However I tried (and succeeded I think) to make the ideas generic enough that changing over to a DS or female Exile/Revan should be pretty obvious and not really effect the game play any more then the switching to Female or DS did in the original two games.
  3. I dont know if I wanted Mira to know Canderous as that would just be TO conveniant. However, having Mira know someone in the Mandalore camp would definately been a plus! I remember taking her and HK specifically, in one of my play throughs, because of the HK droids you run into and Miras background and was disappointed by both with the lack of comments or storylines. Was really hoping for much more in that situation.
  4. Id say Jar Jar/ Go to a tie for stupidest! HK was the funniest hands down though!
  5. HK for the win by a landslide! LOL His meatbag and master routine never gets old
  6. I never tried personally but remember a post just after xbox game went retail that if you got totally negative influence on any character, that would unlock all options just as if you had gotten full influence. As I said, I personally never tried myself but thats what was said.
  7. ROFLMAO! Never noticed and dont think I wanna Wynne LOL, I'll take your word for it, hows that PS: Tho I did think there was to MUCH cloth on the dancer outfit that Handmaiden and Mira could wear!!!!!! (and wish Visas could wear the damn thing!!!)
  8. What would be required for the xbox Aurora? Just Xbox live or would we have to mess around with the XBox stuff as well? Just curious is all
  9. hehe figured that much on my first play through still think they should add the quest though to part 3 (along with HK factory)
  10. I'm still convinced it was not Revan that sent T3 to find the Exile. Revan left T3 because he knew he would not need him. Bastila/Carth ordered T3 to find other Jedi to help if Revan disappeared. In some ways, T3 was seeking the Exile out on his own, using the information that Atris had leaked about the Exile's whereabouts. Could someone else confirm which of us is right? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Welp, all I can say is its there. Replay the game and pay specific attention to what T3 says. regarding Revan, he left everyone but Mandalore and T3 behind at first, at a specific planet (forget name) he drops Mandalore (which is found out when Kreia taunts Mandalore in front of the shuttle on Dunx). Later he sends T3 back for help. He doesnt say "the Exile" by name but all indications (of course, LOL) point to the Exile and T3 believes it was the Exile he was to come get. PS: To other poster that asked what sex I played. I played both male and female but ONLY once did I answer that Revan was female. The rest of the time I answered Revan was male as both games (KotOR1 and 2) run much smoother and make much more sence (storyline wise and fluid moving) when Revan and Exile are LS Males. The one time I answered Revan was female, there was just to many holes in story and inconsistancies through out to ignore (which effected my over all game play).
  11. Nihlus for sure! I was actually trying to avoid him first time through as didnt think I was tough enough to take him. Malak, Sion. Kreia, Vrook, I couldnt wait to kill them. The confrontation with those 4 couldnt have come soon enough!
  12. try completing the rest of missions for the iltorian then do that side quest that i got it to work <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I remember one of the NPC's I showed it to suggested that it be taken to Grenn. I don't know if that's what triggers the line in his dialogue or not. I never took it directly to him. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The blaster should trigger the black market quest from glenn. If you already have that quest then thats why Glenn not talking about it.
  13. When you explore T3 memory core you find out he wasnt abandoned but sent (with the Ebon hawk) back by Revan to find the Exile! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What computer stats did you have when you got that info? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Honestly, I dont remember what stats I had for computer at that point. If I had to "guess" (and its a guess as its been quite awhile since I played) id say I was over 20 in computer/repair with ultra high influence on T3. T3 has a wealth of knowledge to share in K2 if you dedicate the skill points and time to get at that knowledge.
  14. Isnt supershadow that guy that was wrong on every aspect regarding KotOR2 prior to release of game but continued to say he had inside connections at LA on the LA forums? Just wondering if same person, name sounds familiar (PS: hehe, never been to site as its Anglefire and if people cant be bothered to get real servers with domain names, I cant be bothered to visit) PS: I see NCR had added yet anouther brilliantly argued and debated comment hes reknown for to this thread! PPS: LOL, Star Destroyer, wouldnt even be a contest!
  15. WOW, thanks for that well thought out and enlightening post! I for one have so completely been swayed by your arguement and reasoning I cant understand how on earth I ever thought otherwise. I bow at your great and powerful debate skills! ROFL
  16. When you explore T3 memory core you find out he wasnt abandoned but sent (with the Ebon hawk) back by Revan to find the Exile! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sent by Revan? I'm quite sure Revan abandoned him and it was Bastila/Carth that sent T3 to find the Exile. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> nope nope, it was Revan that sent T3. 110% positive on this one! however I do also remember that because of the memory damage T3 thought at first he had been abandoned (this part im not as sure on)
  17. Actually, it's the other way around... Atton says something about Revan and adds something along the lines of, "But you know women..." Then you can either make a comment that agrees with his statement of Revan being female, or say something like "Just how long have you been in this force cage? Revan's a man." I'd say that I only got this assumption because my Exile was female, but when my bf played with a male Exile, he got the exact same lines. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> nope yas right, that was the line heheh been awhile since I played that part!
  18. hehe, debating this topic indirectly on other threads actually gave me the answer to this question. KotOR 3 has to be the exile. Or at least a new character rolled up as the Exile. here is why: (following is logical reasoning, not personal preference or wishes/desires, just following as the story has progresses to continue the continuity of the existing story) 1) Revan is somewhere in the outter Rim, he sent his only ship (ebon hawk) back with T3 to find the Exile. Hense unless Obsidian does a cheap move of (or the great and powerful Revan stole a ship and returned to Republic space), the story has to flow as the Exile looking for Revan. That means the Exile has to be the PC in part 3. 2) Most folks (Ive read anyways) want party members from parts 1 and 2 to return for part 3. this presents a problem as Bao, Visas, Mira, Handmaiden, and Atton Loyalties lay with the Exile, not the Jedi, not Revan, not the Sith (if you go darkside). None of those characters could be used in part 3 storyline in any meaningful way unless the Exile is the PC (leader) of the game. a) Visas doesnt give two squats about the jedi even at the end of K2, she would have NO desire to follow Jedi or Sith. Her one and only loyalty is towards the Exile. b) Bao hates war, hates fighting. The only way to pull Bao into the conflicts is for him to follow the Exile. The ONE person that he respects and will follow to war. Not the Jedi, not the Sith, not Revan would change his mand on that. c) Handmaiden doesnt trust Jedi. Everything that has appened in her life has taught her this. She accepts the Jedi (and the good they can do) because of the Exile. Unless story fast forward 20 years and shes been formally trained and all that jazz, no way shes following strangers like bastila, Carth, Revan, Jedi, Sith into war. Just not going to happen (and personally the idea of playing a group made up of 50+ year olf geriatrics doesnt really appeal to me) d) Atton HATES REVAN. Revan ordered Atton to assinate the ONE Jedi Atton loved. Revan is the reason Atton ran away and hid. Hes not going to follow Revan, Jedi, or sith. not a chance in hell. He will however follow The Exile. e)Mira is a loner. she is the only "new" character that might join in with the Jedi/Sith to fight the real sith and follow Revan. But even her personality suggests otherwise to certain degrees. On the flip side though, the entire KotOR1 cast could be summoned by Bastila or Carth and would join forces under the exile with the goal in mind of finding and saving Revan. So if folks want NPCs from KotOR1 and 2 they have to accept the only way to acheive that is for the Exile to be the PC for KotOR3. 3) It doesnt make any sence that Revan would return to Republic Space for help after telling them all he had to go alone. It has to be the people already in the Republic space that start the voyage. 4) Only the Exile has the power and the knowledge to find Revan. Bastila and Carth would have gone already if they had the ability. The dont tho. Anyways, no matter how you look at it, the Exile has to be the PC for part 3. Other wise its a new character and new party NPCs, and even more unanswered questions from parts 1 and 2 with no ending in sight regarding characters we all have formed attatchments to. Just no other way around it im afraid.
  19. When you explore T3 memory core you find out he wasnt abandoned but sent (with the Ebon hawk) back by Revan to find the Exile!
  20. basically if your playing LS try not to kill unless no other option. Be it villian or ordinary joe on the street. That will reward you with the maximum amount of LS increases.
  21. Okies, you dont know what happened to Revan, that part is left as a cliff hanger for KotOR3. Obsidian made no effort to clear that part up as they obviously had a 3rd sequel on the brain. Revan is alone somewhere past the outter rim. Since he sent T3 and the Ebon Hawk back, he has no means (that we aware of) of getting back to Republic space. Which is why its obvious a part 3 coming and the exile will have to go try and find Revan (and that will be the storyline, the locating, following the clues, and finally saving/rescueing of Revan by the Exile (or some new PC, which would be a huge mistake if done that way). The full story of K2 is basically the return, retraining, and emergence of the Exile. Like Luke was the focas point for the redemption/salvation of Anakin Skywalker, The Exile will be the main focas point for the rescue of Revan and the salvation of the Republic. The story is about Revan, but the hero of the story is the Exile. Obviously there is much more to it then that, but thats what playing the game is for PS: If your only getting 40% of the story in your play throws you need to change your play style. K2 is not a race mentality game, take your time, explore your options available, spend the time interacting with with your npc groupmates and npcs you encounter. Think of K2 as a novel, if you read every page it all falls togather, if you skip pages, it doesnt always make alot of sence. In the end, K2 is the better of the two games storyline wise. Just need to slow down and read what Obsidian wrote and enjoy the game. Unlike KotOR1, Halo and other games, racing through the levels to reach the final confrontation will not reward you clarity of the game and story. You have to earn that yourself by stepping outta the linear mode of gaminging and back into the traditional RPG mode style of games
  22. revan doesnt have to be male, you just have to answer to Atton (i beleive it was) "are you crazy? Raven was female", when you first meet Atton. However, its obvious that the original (first/main) script was Revan and Exile being LS male. They wrote that and then made changes to to incorperate the DS aspects and the female options. This is why you run into inconsistancies as a DS or female Exile/Revan in both part 1 and 2. Both Bioware and Obsidian did great jobs at trying to clean up the storylines but inconsistancies are there non the less.
  23. Male LS Jedi Master for sure. His ability to form bonds with others made him the ultimate Jedi Master. He might not have the years or wisdom of a Yoda, the drive of Obi One, but his force bound definately gave him the advantage in getting and training new padawen unlike anyone else. Also the war stuff (Light or Dark) doesnt suit him as he walked away from War by choice. He did what was needed, when it was needed, and walked away after that. Definately not DS if you go by the story, in who is he as a person is all about his strenght in being able to turned down the dark side and everything it stood for when he had the option to go that route. He didnt stutter, didnt falter, didnt look back, he refused the dark side and went on his own way to allow himself to be judged by JEDI (not Revan or Malak or any sith). I think one of the most telling tales in KotOR series is Vrook though (to prove Exile was LS). Vrook was the same character in parts 1 and 2. A bitter old man that was lead by his Emotions and insecurities. YET, we as players accepted this failure in Vrook in part 1 because of Revans backstory. The mistrust was warrented and no one could really fault Vrook for his unjedi like behavior in Part 1 because of it. However, MANY MANY players (myself included) tagged Vrook as falling to the Sith (Dark Side) when he presented the same attitude and personality failures towards the Exile. Because unlike Revan, no one believed Vrooks mistrust, envy, and jealously to be based in any form of justification. Just the different reaction to the same character(Vrook) by us (the players) tells the tale clearer then the game ever could. Our own actions and statements clearly make it visable that The Exile was LS. For had he been DS, we would have justified Vrooks character flaws once again as being reasonable and justified. The game did a great job in minimizing much of this for continuity in the game storyline if you wanted to play a female or DS Exile but everything from the back story points to a Male LS Jedi Master as being his trade/vocation. Who he was.
  24. My Revised KotOR3 idea *Please note, I will refer to Revan and Exile as Male LS as thats what original 2 stories written as thus far (this doesnt mean Obsidian wouldnt add in the options of darkside and female Revan/Exile* Following is opening Film K3 should start off with a Exile leaving Malachor. (where part two ends off). On board would be Exile, Mira (picked up at entrance of academy), Visas, Handmaiden, T3 (picked up at entrance of academy just as Kreia stated in part 2), HK, Mandalore, Bao. *please note: Go-To and Remote were destroyed when planet blew up* You set course to Telos Academy *obvious choice because thats where you last saw Bastila/Carth as well as left Atris (if you spared her) in the Telos Academy. Second Opening Film You land at Academy and 2nd film starts where Carth/Bastila also land to join you and your group. (they have gathered the Alive characters from KotOR1 with them) You all gather in the Anti chamber to discuss what has happened and what direction you go from here and what to do with Artis. Bastila and Carth push for you to go find and aide Revan at this point (which explains why they gathered the party members from group one) Interactive choices start here with cut screen movies for open discussion. This is where you choose your party. Mandatory party members should be : 1) The Exile (obviously) 2) Bastila (as she has the most interest in Revan) 3) T3 (as he knows where Revan was the most recently even though you cant get the info quite yet) 4) HK (he is needed for the HK factory Quest that wasnt finished in Part 2) 5) Mandalore (as his quest of rejoining Clans not yet finished and needed for ending) 6,7, Are made up from the remaining Party members (that you choose) from both KotOR1 and 2. *please note: because of the large selection of NPCs, Obsidian could actually increase party size to 10 players* * You decide on what action should be taken regarding Atris (if alive still)* * Conversation leads you to belive you need to access the old Star Forge Maps from Part 1 to gather information on where and What Revan knows and went (this is the key in to finalizing storylines on those worlds* *conversation leads you to think information could be gathered from the Jedi Archives that remain on Corrusant (as this the most asked for new location/planet)* * you decide what and where each NPC not grouped is to go and what they are to do (giving a form of finalization for them but for true finalization you must replay game with them in party)* Main part of game ( the guts and action) You then should have to find clues as to where Revan went (which would make up the main story filler and have you visit different planets, each planet visited leads to a new clue to follow progressing the storyline). You should also have to goto and finish the HK factory that was left unfullfilled in KotOR2. You should also have to take Mandalore to Mandalore and finish off his storyline of remaking and reforming the lost clans of the Mandalorians. During this time (during the travels) -the Exile will be forced to choose his direction regarding NPCs (IE: is he with no one, with Visas, with Handmaiden, with Mira, does he try to be with all causing much jealousy and infighting, ect) -Learns more about the characters, their pasts, their goals -fixes T3 (as in part 2) to get more clues on where Revan ended up at before sending T3 back to him Please note: left out is actual interaction and Villan(s) as Obsidian far better writers then any of us will ever be so that stuff up to them The Ending -The end should be you finally meet up with Revan ( MALE , him and Bastila bump ugly! (joking, sorta) -Then you and Revan head off for the Epic Conclusion against the real sith. -This could either be a 2 person final battle like on the academy in part 2; -Or a Republic vrs sith War sceen like in part 1 with the Mandalorians helping the Republic) *this is where Mandalore reforming the clans comes in* Final movie Should be something along the lines of you setting up a new council and outposts for each NPC (from party selection in parts 1 and 2) and rebuilding the Jedi order! Epic style movies like in part 1 but with interactive choices on who goes where and does what! The other component for Part 3 should be the love stories! Not sure about anyone else but I was trying to make moves on Handmaiden, Visas, AND Mira in part 2 and would love to see how that plays out! (far as I can tell I succeeded with Handmaiden and Visas and have Mira seriously thinking about it, talk about a conbustable situation, hehe!) Please Note: This is a HUGE game, a good 2 to 3 times the size and content of either part 1 or 2. I feel for a fitting conclusion KotOR3 should be like this. Epic in every way and fashion. A fitting end to the series. PPS: As stated at the top, this is written for a LS Male Exile/Revan as thats how the main story of both previous games has been written. However I tried (and succeeded I think) to make the ideas generic enough that changing over to a DS or female Exile/Revan should be pretty obvious and not really effect the game play any more then the switching to Female or DS did in the original two games.
  25. My idea more indepth heh so ace can pick my version apart, as only fair after what I just did to his *Please note, I will refer to Revan and Exile as Male LS as thats what original 2 stories written as thus far (this doesnt mean Obsidian wouldnt add in the options of darkside and female Revan/Exile* Following is opening Film K3 should start off with a Exile leaving Malachor. (where part two ends off). On board would be Exile, Mira (picked up at entrance of academy), Visas, Handmaiden, T3 (picked up at entrance of academy just as Kreia stated in part 2), HK, Mandalore, Bao. *please note: Go-To and Remote were destroyed when planet blew up* You set course to Telos Academy *obvious choice because thats where you last saw Bastila/Carth as well as left Atris (if you spared her) in the Telos Academy. Second Opening Film You land at Academy and 2nd film starts where Carth/Bastila also land to join you and your group. (they have gathered the Alive characters from KotOR1 with them) You all gather in the Anti chamber to discuss what has happened and what direction you go from here and what to do with Artis. Bastila and Carth push for you to go find and aide Revan at this point (which explains why they gathered the party members from group one) Interactive choices start here with cut screen movies for open discussion. This is where you choose your party. Mandatory party members should be : 1) The Exile (obviously) 2) Bastila (as she has the most interest in Revan) 3) T3 (as he knows where Revan was the most recently even though you cant get the info quite yet) 4) HK (he is needed for the HK factory Quest that wasnt finished in Part 2) 5) Mandalore (as his quest of rejoining Clans not yet finished and needed for ending) 6,7, Are made up from the remaining Party members (that you choose) from both KotOR1 and 2. *please note: because of the large selection of NPCs, Obsidian could actually increase party size to 10 players* * You decide on what action should be taken regarding Atris (if alive still)* * Conversation leads you to belive you need to access the old Star Forge Maps from Part 1 to gather information on where and What Revan knows and went (this is the key in to finalizing storylines on those worlds* *conversation leads you to think information could be gathered from the Jedi Archives that remain on Corrusant (as this the most asked for new location/planet)* * you decide what and where each NPC not grouped is to go and what they are to do (giving a form of finalization for them but for true finalization you must replay game with them in party)* Main part of game ( the guts and action) You then should have to find clues as to where Revan went (which would make up the main story filler and have you visit different planets, each planet visited leads to a new clue to follow progressing the storyline). You should also have to goto and finish the HK factory that was left unfullfilled in KotOR2. You should also have to take Mandalore to Mandalore and finish off his storyline of remaking and reforming the lost clans of the Mandalorians. During this time (during the travels) -the Exile will be forced to choose his direction regarding NPCs (IE: is he with no one, with Visas, with Handmaiden, with Mira, does he try to be with all causing much jealousy and infighting, ect) -Learns more about the characters, their pasts, their goals -fixes T3 (as in part 2) to get more clues on where Revan ended up at before sending T3 back to him Please note: left out is actual interaction and Villan(s) as Obsidian far better writers then any of us will ever be so that stuff up to them The Ending -The end should be you finally meet up with Revan ( MALE , him and Bastila bump ugly! (joking, sorta) -Then you and Revan head off for the Epic Conclusion against the real sith. -This could either be a 2 person final battle like on the academy in part 2; -Or a Republic vrs sith War sceen like in part 1 with the Mandalorians helping the Republic) *this is where Mandalore reforming the clans comes in* Final movie Should be something along the lines of you setting up a new council and outposts for each NPC (from party selection in parts 1 and 2) and rebuilding the Jedi order! Epic style movies like in part 1 but with interactive choices on who goes where and does what! The other component for Part 3 should be the love stories! Not sure about anyone else but I was trying to make moves on Handmaiden, Visas, AND Mira in part 2 and would love to see how that plays out! (far as I can tell I succeeded with Handmaiden and Visas and have Mira seriously thinking about it, talk about a conbustable situation, hehe!) Please Note: This is a HUGE game, a good 2 to 3 times the size and content of either part 1 or 2. I feel for a fitting conclusion KotOR3 should be like this. Epic in every way and fashion. A fitting end to the series. PPS: As stated at the top, this is written for a LS Male Exile/Revan as thats how the main story of both previous games has been written. However I tried (and succeeded I think) to make the ideas generic enough that changing over to a DS or female Exile/Revan should be pretty obvious and not really effect the game play any more then the switching to Female or DS did in the original two games. PPPS: heheh have at it Ace! hehe, have fun!
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