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Everything posted by Kalfear

  1. Disagree, I loved the random loot generator because you COULDNT just run to point a, then b then c to get exactly what you wanted. If anything the random loot generater added to the game. Now why they put so much loot on Malachor i'll never know, but not having each character a identical copy of your last character was a great bonus! Nope, dont have to argue. KotOR2 story was its strong point IMO. KotOR1 was so linear it did drive me nuts at times, K2 had some surprised to it at least. example: Untill Atton told me his history I DIDNT guess it beyond generics. Kreia keep me entertained through out the whole story. Visas was a great character, as was Handmaiden. Frankly I think the K2 story was stronger then K1 in many aspects. JE has a better story then both of them but JE pulls the hammer on it about 15 hours (of actual game play) to soon. LOL, where you get 3 years from? Since we all guessing here, I predict KotOR3 releases not this xmas but the following holiday season. KotOR graphics will be upgraded for the xbox 2 but kotor3 will be a RPG and STORY is always more important then graphics in RPGs. Remember this isnt Halo or some other POS FPS game. LOL, new to the RPG genre are yas! Story is ALWAYS the most important aspect of RPGs. Halo wasnt an RPG so they could get away with having a throw away story. KotOR franchise IS an RPG so story is 80% of the battle!
  2. Bioware has their JE franchise. No licencing issues, no head aches from LA, no nothing. I can guarentee Bioware not doing KotOR3
  3. question Kali? Why is Carth important for the story? Bastilla is the tie to Revan, Carth was to part 1 what Atton was to part 2. Seems to me, if you dont bring back all the characters and only those important to story, Carth wouldnt be in the list. T3, HK, Canderous, Bastila (even Bastila questionable as Revan left her behind for a reason). Bastila is to Revan what Visas is to Exile after all. Not following your logic here
  4. LOL, and here I thought it was the chopping off heads and all the blood that gave JE the M rating! LOL The Gay aspect didnt even occur to me. Well homosexual relationship is what gave JE a M rating...
  5. Do you want a list? First, it allows pirated games to be played. Second, it allows cheating in online games. Third, it changes the Xbox in a way they cannot fix any damage without spending time to track down exactly what was done. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ill add one more to Drakrons list based on what I saw when KotOR2 released. -People with modded Xboxs encountered a far greatter number of bugs in KotOR2 then those playing straight from disk (I personally had almost no real bugs at all) and then filled the boards making it sound like it was Obsidians fault rather then their own actions causeing the problems.
  6. Really? Please expand on that statement! PS: last post for abit, outta smokes!
  7. ROFL Volo, you CANT name KotOR and then go outside the parameter you named! I can name a million evils better then Kreia as well. But she was still a good example of a thinking evil. Not a typical thuggish bully evil so common place to RPGs.
  8. Oh Im not saying Bioware the only one that does it. Im saying I expected something more when they took the time to describe this system in game. Just we were debateing it here so I went to the source for a answer on topic (as we could have debated for weeks and never really agreed. Now there can be no doubt on topic) hehe And actually Volo, Kreia was a great evil in KotOR2. She was what PC evils should be, yes I know she wasnt a PC, but she is what all companies should be striving for in the evil game. An INTELLEGENT evil. Someone who realizes kicking and stealing from everyone isnt always to your advantage.
  9. here yas go http://jade.bioware.com/forums/myviewtopic...27670&forum=101
  10. LOL, someone else posted basically that on BW forums almost immediately after the Dev responded!
  11. So after our discussion yesterday I posted a question to Bioware in the Spoiler Forums for a designer to answer about it. Here is my question, their reply, my reply. this should end the discussion regarding it LOL, for those not intested in reading it all. CF is just your run of the mill evil found in most RPGs. The whole thing with Smiling Mountain and description of CF isnt actually how it works in game.
  12. Hopefully you'll meet Black Whirlwind, coming from the south muttering something about polar bears and penguins. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LOL, I loved black Whirlwind! Whats scary is I grew up with a FRIEND that was the identical twin of BW (just he wasnt black). Since I grew up in Edmonton, one cant help wonder if Bioware had some strange encounter with my friend! LOL! *PS: Whats scarier now is hes a 1-3rd grade school teacher over in Korea now!*
  13. From what Ive seen in Trailers it looks awsome and cant wait to see it! errr check that, I can wait till the fanbois are gone and I can actually enjoy the movie with out them in theater
  14. yes they actually do Ghost I found Thousand Cuts to be much more challenging then Legendary Stike because of the range issues. Ended up having to add a whole lot more jumping into my combat style to make sure I was in close enough range to hit. Also found the sword styles to be WAY more powerful then the polearm style. Oh and I HATE HATE HATE the ice and fire magic (using it I mean, heheh) PS: Volo, I was refering to character appearence. You could customize your stats alot with the dragon amulet and the techniques you learn. Just you always looked the same from start to finish. Which wasnt that terrible a thing as the women were scantly dressed :PPPPP heheheh
  15. Aye, in the video they admit its based on LORE and FABLES (IE: Loosely based) on China. I read the whines on bioware site about how bioware being disrespectful to chinesse and I just dont get it. I thought it was very respectful of their lore and ancient customs and tales. LOL, why? Whats wrong with Budda? lol, yas made yas point heheh heheh disagree there. FF (all of them) really dont impress me. Havent played them all but have tried some here and there when RPG times were lean and really wasnt impressed what so ever. I think JE is far better then any FF game. All comes down to personal opinion tho.
  16. LOL Volo, Think your grasping at straws here to be honest The only reason to leave it open (far as actual game content goes) is financial from the wine merchant. But there is financial gain to be had by closeing it as well. So really comes down to just causing strife for no reason. If they had put in the arguements in game about toughening up the villagers I could agree but they didnt. Which brings us back to thuggery.
  17. Ahhh but by closeing it you send a clear message to their masters as well that you do not fear them. Thats definately something a CF would do! Remember, Smileing mountain said "the REASON" for the act is what dictates op or cf. a op would close it to help the villagers a cf would close it to insult his enemies! a thug would leave it open to hurt the villagers for no appearent reason or gain. (should note: the only reason in game to leave it open is financial gain (yet again), thats the only situation that effects your reasoning on leaving it open or closeing it)
  18. LOL okies, missed that somehow! Aye, I dont mind the loading times to be honest. Course I was a huge fan of the old gold box games and Might and Magics so use to it after all these years Besides, loading screens have good hints sometimes
  19. LOL, trust me when I say Lotus Assassins have a HUGE HUGE Advantage over normal townsfolks. PLUS: Lotus assassins kidnaped your master, destroyed your school, killed everyone (but 1) you grew up with, and are the reason your on your quest. Never thought of it before but closeing the dam just to piss off the Lotus Assassins also more then enough reason to do it. By closing it you are PROVING your stronger then they are!
  20. LOL, ummm who complained about loading times? just wondering as I dont see that in this thread anywhere! LOL
  21. Its about self reliance You would really have to talk to Smiling Mountain in game to understand it (I dont have his answer memorized) but he gives a GREAT example about what a closed fist would do if he saw someone being beaten up. Basically, (very loosely translated) if he saw someone being beaten up, a evil person would stand back and watch for the sake of watching. A closed fist "MIGHT" ignore it and walk by. Both result in person taking the beating but the reasoning is different. Where as the evil enjoys the strife of others, the closed fist person would justify it as the person needs to be stronger to protect himself. BUT (to expand, based on explanation given by Bioware on their site) if say two people were beating on the person he might jump in because 2 on 1 is not a fair fight so that would change the outlook of the closed fist person. So if you go by that definition, since no one in the town is strong enough to fight the Lotus Assassins, the closed fist very well might close the dam as he veiws it as a unfair challenge. But no where in the game do you get to justify your actions. you take the evilest most hurt full option and get your increase. Regardless of principles of the philosiphy. Hope that explains it better, its kinda hard to explain, when you play the game you will see what Im refering to here. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Just thought up the perfect example!!!! THE ARENA vrs the Ravanger!!!! Black Whirlwind asks you to take your place in the final battle. To get a CF increase you need to refuse him (and insult him yet again). To get a open palm increase you accept his request. But wouldnt his request, in itself (since hes ASKING to show his power and str) be something a CF follower would not only acknowledge but respect?? Yet the only way to follow CF is to refuse his request and insult him for no reason (something like go back to the ship, your useless, blah blah blah).
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