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Everything posted by Kalfear

  1. For a while the penalty for a Jedi dying would be perma-death, but since they took that out all they get now are heavy exp reductions which doesn't really mean **** when they can earn that all back in 2 hours or less. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ROFLMGDAO!!!!!!! 2 hours or less? Wow you must never have played SWG. 200k (thats what the xp penalty at death btw) of jedi xp is equal to 10x that amount of force sencitive xp. FS xp is 30x that amount of normal xp! You CANT make 200k jedi xp in 2 hours! you CANT even get 200k FS xp in 2 hours! Get a freaking clue! Quite making crap up, we get it, you hate jedi! Its understood!
  2. Yes and no, it all depends what the game is made for really. DAoC idea was each realm built its own community and had a common purpose (defend your relics from the other two realms) so people for the most part were quite civil to each other in the realm (there was exceptions but there always is in any large gatherings be it games or life). on the flip side EQLive started strong with community and then became very anti social elitist attitudes (thats when I left, I had all the goodies but just hate attitudes like that). For the most part tho, rule of thumb I follow is 1) how important is pvp? , 2) what is the game design? (IE: is it designed for small groups? Large groups? Solo?) and 3) does it have a role play server that enforced? Reason for those 3 questions are, pvp breeds egos - egos breed the more obnoxious or greifer style of play. Long as PvP isnt the MAIN reason to play you can avoid these types usually quite easy. Games that are designed for only large groups or solo players really defeat the purpose of MMORPGs. You really want to avoid both styles. small comfortable grouping is by far the best design for a MMORPG (3-4 people groups, only larger for epic stuff). Lastly: Role Play servers are misleading by their title. They should be called mature servers as thats what they are and thats who they attract. You dont have to be a role player to play there, you just need to accept you need a real name not a stupid saying or something and know you will be ignored and/or ostrasized for speaking in dewdisms (IRoxer, L8TR, ect ect ect). For myself those the three rules I always follow and they work for me Usually find the mass majority are good people to play with and interact with. The biggest issue in MMORPGs I find is the different message boards are so misleading. Its sad but the vocal minorities of MMORPGs (Greifers, Hackers, Exploiters, ect) usually have the loudest voices on MMORPG related boards. PS: I can say I find more idiots then I can count when I play on battlenet then ive ever encountered (exception being World of Warcraft and FFXI because of PS2 players) in MMORPGs. Has gotten so bad that now when I play on BNet I post on my guilds Private forums a game name and password so guildies able to join my games and channels but just refuse to speak to anyone on BNet other then guildies.
  3. MMO's in general suck and are a waste of time (and money). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> thats not totally true either Jag. Maybe in your opinion but I myself had (and have) great memories from DAoC, EQLive, oNWN (on AOL), even a few from UO when it first released. MMORPGs are like anything else. If you look for the good in them rather then the bad, you will ALMOST always find it. I will say though, MMORPGs have gotten stale for me over last little while. Im really hoping Dungeons and Dragons Online or Imperator step up and become the games that most online folks know MMORPGs CAN be. For myself WoW isnt the answer (or even close to it), EQ2 has some great ideas but doesnt nail it yet either. Time will tell tho PS: I still wish Obsidian OR Bioware would get a new SW contract from Lucas and make a REAL Star Wars MMORPG! PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'll admit that there's probably good in them, just like any game (especially for the MMO connoisseur as yourself Kalfear ). But to buy a game and never stop paying just strikes me as a waste of money. You can derive just as much if not more enjoyment from a handful of titles where you only pay once. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If your speaking gameplay only, no doubt about it. In fact, Id go as far as to say KotOR 1 and 2 are better and more fun game play wise then any MMORPG out there currently. But the real draw to a MMORPG is the interaction aspect. Im not talking Roleplaying (altho some enjoy that) but just making friends and interacting. MMORPGs offer a much more sutible arena for making and maintaining friendships then say a chat room or a game of Diablo on Battlenet. One could go as far as to say because of the monthly rate you tend to attract like minded people for the most part to yourself. Thats really (when its all broken down and all that) the biggest selling point (advantage) a MMORPG has. Gameplay wise, id rather play KotOR1 or 2, Civ 3, Axies and Allies off line or over the net to be honest. They all are far superior titles and games to ANY MMORPG currently out there. Which is kinda a shame, MMORPGS should be at least as strong as everything else out there in gameplay. Its just the human aspect cant be ignored as its such a important part. (examples: Two examples come to mind to kinda explain what im speaking about. Back in EQ1 just after release I met a dwarf named soapwort (same guy that drew my Avatar I use). We would travel togather and became good friends actually. One day while he was bored at work he wrote up a song about guild and recorded it so we could place on guild site. Thing was freaking hillarious to listen to. *I cant post a link to it on my OLD guild site (first guild I created after leaving AOL) if anyone wants to hear it...if they havent removed it that is* Anouther example is back in oNWN myself and a friend played Drow characters, very pro PVP. Since oNWN was a MMORPG turn based game we "tried" to roleplay our character between turns. Over a period of a couple of weeks (not by design) we ended up jumping and killing off every member of a different guild in game. One of their members was so impressed with this (SOL-Bard was his name) he wrote a entire ballad about the two of us (thing was huge and so well written, to this day I wish I had saved it when I had the chance). Thing is, if not for the MMORPG, you could never experience or enjoy interaction like the two above situations. The game provided the backdrop for the creative imaginations to expand on them. In a off line game or even a Starcraft or Diablo game the chances of finding people like this and interacting with them are impossible or HIGHLY unlikely. PS: Im not bashing Diablo or Starcraft btw, both games are fun to play but dont encouage interaction.) MMORPGs just give a different experience is all. They neither right or wrong, just depends on who is playing and what they looking for from their experience. PS: thats also why I hate this new complaint/whine/bitch you can find all over the internet about how MMORPGs should be solo and casual player freindly! They shouldnt because they are not that market. Thats what offline games are for. If a person has really limited time they CAN find products out there that are designed for their tastes. Why ruin someone elses favorite genre just to satisfy yourself? MMORPGS are about communities and interaction, solo play and casual play DONT fit that parameter! (sorry not directed at anyone in particular, just a huge pet peave of mine)
  4. Gotta say Im with Neverwinter here. I hate first person. If I dont have third person option I simply dont play the game, period. Also, storyline and content will always be the 1st and 2nd most important aspects for RPGs of any nature. Technology wont change that.
  5. Stopped reading right there! What is a PROPER FAN? I didnt even know such a term existed! Why cant someone who has only seen one movie be a fan of what they saw? Im a Dickens fan but admit I havent read every book/article/essay written by him. Im a LotR fan because of the movies but am unable to read the series because of Tolkiens writting style! Does that mean im NOT really a fan of LotR and Dickens???? I will say this though. I have hit those forums before and its the concieted and arrogent people (like yourself) that need to take a breath and step out in the real world that annoyed me. Star Wars (like Trek, like Rocky Horror Picture Show, like any fad) is just a series of movies or books or games. nothing more! They are enjoyable and fun. ANYONE who likes any of those things (movie, movies, all the movies, books, games) can rightfully claim to be a fan! You might not agree with them but that doesnt make them any less a fan!
  6. MMO's in general suck and are a waste of time (and money). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> thats not totally true either Jag. Maybe in your opinion but I myself had (and have) great memories from DAoC, EQLive, oNWN (on AOL), even a few from UO when it first released. MMORPGs are like anything else. If you look for the good in them rather then the bad, you will ALMOST always find it. I will say though, MMORPGs have gotten stale for me over last little while. Im really hoping Dungeons and Dragons Online or Imperator step up and become the games that most online folks know MMORPGs CAN be. For myself WoW isnt the answer (or even close to it), EQ2 has some great ideas but doesnt nail it yet either. Time will tell tho PS: I still wish Obsidian OR Bioware would get a new SW contract from Lucas and make a REAL Star Wars MMORPG! PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. apparently, if SWG wasnt being made, then KOTOR would have been online. I cant see anything bad about Star Wars Galaxies, i've been on the forums when the site/forums where released, took part in the beta from the begining and then space and I'm still playing.. the game, in my opinion, lacks content.. once you've done the quests, mastered your professions, taken part in PVP and been ganked by several Jedi. Jedi in SWG suck, there overpowered.. which.. they claim there not, but only the melee classes (unarmed guys, and those with swords) can last against a Saber?.. Range professions die in 2 seconds lol. The Game isnt bad... it's just not that good, "but in time, you will learn to accept it" yah seriously, theres new patches and publishes releasing which is gonna make the game better.. but it's no KOTOR <{POST_SNAPBACK}> thats not totally true. Even jedi cant stand up to the exploiters that use stacking in SWG. And most characters cant stand up to (or afford to even the playing feild) the older players in uber items, jedi or not. Jedi in SWG are strong (after they hit Knight rank, before that they are as weak as newly rolled characters and punished into submission by exploiting Bounty Hunters). But they are not the strongest, the strongest is the LONG TIME present AND continueing exploiters. Till SOE fixs those cheaters you really cant legitly complain about jedi. Also, you cant die to Jedi unless you are OVERT to begin with. Since its YOUR choice to go overt, pvp with ANYONE is to be expected as you CHOOSE YOURSELF to go overt. Stay Covert and jedis cant touch you what so ever. Jedi (at knight rank) is the ONLY class in game FORCED to go overt (which again makes no sence what so ever..... a covert Bounty Hunter???? Come on now!). Fact is, SWG is filled with exploits, bugs, lack of content, lack of storyline, BORING grind. Its just not a good game and getting worse as each patchs notes get released.
  8. heheh post way to big so Ill just say, replay it and pay attention to storyline Planet order doesnt matter but I have found it (personal opinion) best to do : For male characters: Good = Telos - Narshaddar - Dunx - Dant - Onderon - Korriban Evil = Telos - Dunx -Nar Shaddar -Onderon - Dant - Koriban For Female: Good = Telos - Dant (only enclave) - Narshadar - Dunx - finish Dant -Onderon - Koriban Evil = Telos - Dunx - Dant -Onderon - Nar Shaddar - Korriban Keep in mind I ABSOLUTELY HATE the wookie and GoTo. (for stuff in bold) I find as I read this is the major issue most have (even tho they refer to it as bugs and stuff). People so use to playing things like Halo and stuff that just direct you from point a to point b with out having to think along the way. This is the strenght of KotOR2 IMO, its a return to a SMARTER style of gaming. Heh, I did same thing tho to be honest. I was so use to being handed everything that I raced through the game with out looking and only skimming the conversations. Second time through made ALOT more sence as I took the time and paid attention to detail! Game is REALLY rewarding when you pay attention to everything happening around you PS: When I went through 2nd time I found out there is not a SINGLE broken quest in game. Which made the endless posts you found here at the time a real contradiction of the facts
  9. Thanks, Steve. But, I would always talk to T3 (as well as everyone else) after each boarding on the Ebon Hawk and I never noticed a string. Maybe you have to do it right after? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well I have gotten the T3 storyline as well but Vogga answers you about fuel regardless. Just have to make sure you speak to Vogga BEFORE you goto Gottos ship and after you finish the ship. He just tells you that he doesnt think Telos will be all that open to him but hes going to try as the two of you agreed upon earlier. And pays you for your trouble. Thats the end of the quest.
  10. Depends on the game If they make more KotOR games or RPGs in general, Ill happily purchase them. But if they make more Rupublic Command stuff (FPS), I wont. As I said, all depends on what they making. Only company I use to say I wouldnt buy from is Turbine, but even there I make break my own rule and try Dungeons and Dragons online. Other then that, I wont play new releases from SOE (online games). Just learned over the years to wait a year so your not paying for a beta product.
  11. Havent heard a peep other then some recent Xboxs being recalled do to faulty wireing in the controllers. I disagree tho. IF (big if) KotOR3 is in the works it should be for the current XBox. If for no other reason, mass appeal and financial repercussions. Not everyone is going to buy XBOX 2 immediately and if there is a KotOR3 in the works it should probably release sometime in the early next year. Thats not enough time for folks to upgrade after release of XBox 2. Course they could release it as a special title for the XBox 2 release. Probably would get people to Upgrade to a XBox 2 faster. Just have to see! Personally I would like Part 3 to release on current XBox's tho!
  12. In AD&D its almost always a wizard or cleric In MMORPGs (which replaced P&P for me) its almost always a Paladin style character. MMORPGs make Wizards so total offence with 0 defence that I find them unplayable online. Far to one dimensional.
  13. Surely WoW couldn't be that bad.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It isn't, that guy's just an idiot. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It is. All depends on what you look for in a MMORPG. Myself, I like group orientated combat, decent graphics (EQ style, DAoC style, EQ2 style), and mature communities. WoW has non of the above listed qualities. As I said tho, it all depends on what you are looking for in a game. You need to find out for yourself Pala, Dislikeing WoW doesnt make you a idiot contrary to Lithiums constant and mature comments she posts. Go take a look for yourself and see it its something your interested in is the best advice I can give you. Its definately not for everyone.
  14. Welp having played all of them that are out there, only two things Id truely like to see. One is AD&D which is currently in the works Other is Id like to see a REAL Star Wars MMORPG I think the design of KotOR 1 and 2 lend its self greatly to the MMORPG format with just some minor changes to fit the genre. Would be a hell of alot better then the current SWG by SOE that passes as Star Wars content. PS only upcoming Sci Fi MMORPG can be found here : http://www.imperatoronline.com/ BTW, you can find AD&D MMORPG here: http://www.ddo.com/
  15. Is the 2nd, 3rd , 4th play through worth it? For me it was! 8 times as a matter of fact! Always filled in more and more of the story each time I played. End might not change much but the journey there almost always did. So for me was money totally and completely well spent. Only you can decide if it is for you im afraid
  16. Same here. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LOL, Id say Bioware just cause it would get me back to Edmonton where I grew up! Other then that, Id say any company that was stable and paid me
  17. Not the spoiler forum so cant reply. If you search the spoiler forum I know myself and couple others answered this exact question a few times over in exact detail of what you need to do and how
  18. Id definately buy it. Would I be disappointed? Sure I would. But not enough to not purchase a new game in the only worth while rpg series in last ten years
  19. WoW lots of pro KotOR2 threads today! Good to see after the endless whining threads of late! PS: I actually think K2 better then K1 when ALL aspects of game looked at Not be much tho, just a little better!
  20. Ive always ended up between 28-31 level. Of course thats adding your starting class and prestige class togather for the end total. Im guessing if someone used Kreia in ALL adventureing groups they could probably push it to 32 (maybe 33) at the most with Kreias xp bonus. Course I never use exploits, whats the sence in playing, you only cheating yourself when you do!
  21. LOL, you people to funny! Why does it have to be a love or hate relationship???? I dont love Obsidian (and I stick up for them more then most). They made a good game that was fun to play. On my version I encountered very few bugs. End of story! When Obsidian makes anouther game ill see if it interests me, if it does ill buy it. If its buggy ill complain about ACTUAL REAL bugs only. If its as good as KotOR2, ill say its a great game. dont have to love or hate a company folks, its only a game after all
  22. i don't really care what you or other people think about it, but since i have good taste it might be useful for the hoi polloi to know that i think the game is good... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> hehe, right there with yas poolofpoo
  23. Which Three? The final three at the start of the ending sequence or 3 of 6 at the holocron message about when you are exiled? While I dont TRUELY consider the three remaining jedis that try to cut you off from the force as real jedi, Id only really call Vrook a sith of the three. reason why is as follows: Whats his name from Nar Shaddar admits he is no longer a jedi and has left the order after you were exiled. Why he is even on the counsil meeting on dant at the end makes no sence to me, but hes left the Jedi order and is now just a cowardly x jedi hiding on Nar Shadar. Id say hes pure neutral if anything as he admits to seeing all the troubles and hardships the exchange is doing to the refugees whom ar e unable to protect themselves yet he decides to do nothing and just watch. Kavar is about the closest there was to a real jedi (prior to the final meeting that is). Hes aiding the Queen with advice and council and playing the political game. Thats very in keeping with Jedi. Now granted hes basically using the people of Onderon as cannon fodder which doesnt sound very jedi like, his goals are based in whats good for all. Hes close to being a real jedi, definately wouldnt clasify him as a sith tho. Vrook is sith all the way. If you see the holocron message of his attempt to have you punished when you were a student you see first hand his motives are driven by jealousy and envy. If you see the council meeting holocron, again him and Atris come off VERY unjedi like. And as others have mentioned else where, he uses one of the militia guards as target practice when training you the Lightsabre style. Also, pretty much everything he says in game in way of conversation comes off as someone who is led by their emotions rather then knowledge. To dig even farther into the Vrook is a sith theory, if you think back to KotOR1, Vrook comes accross VERY unjedi like there as well. Refuseing to see the good in Revan regardless of actions and totally against the councils choice and making that very public and well known. heh, even though I knew Atris was sith from my first meeting with her, Vrook comes across as much more sith like then Atris ever really does.
  24. Voted Gameplay designer as thats the closest choice. hehe, cant program worth a lick and am not a great writer. But dang do I get ideas and visuals in my head about what sells and how things should progress/look like/feel like as far as RPGs, MMORPGs, and startagy games go.
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