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Everything posted by Kalfear

  1. LOL, credit????? Maybe a psych test would be more fitting. Im a old school DIE HARD Power gamer from MMORPGs so the long sessions not that hard! Cant count the number of days I would play UO/EQ/DAoC for like 10 hours, get 2 hours sleep, go work for for 8-10 hours, and repeat process! LOL
  2. Charisma also helps get more conversation options (in adjunction with persuation) if I remember correctly I always tried to have a 16-18 charisma myself
  3. LOL, just what Telos would need for their resteration project huh! heheh
  4. I actually like Handmaidens back story! Altho I think everyones back story could have been more extensive to be honest! Mira and Atton also had interesting backstories.
  5. Dont know if I agree with Nihilus as a top villian just because of his limited exposure in game (definately a great idea for a villian tho). But Id personally put KotOR2 in the top 1 of the games for 2004! hehe, best game by a freaking mile IMO
  6. Aye but Kreia is arrogent so of course she would pass it off as the literal future. It plays to her personality But her not being able to see Bao Durs future tell us that what she sees doesnt mean its written in stone. Also shes pretty vauge on most of it really if yas think about it.
  7. That's no good at all. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> naaa speeder is a side quest. Doesnt effect your exchange rep at all. Just do things that will either please OR annoy the exchange. (dont mix and match as thats where you run into trouble). *Spoilers below* Pay the furry guy 2000 credits Piss off the male Rodent Merchant Refuse to give up Ebon Hawk Kill the Droid Merchant (after you get droid from him for the repair guy). Kill the leader of exchange in refugee sector Wander around the night club (with a breath mask on) Accept the quest to remove Gotto from the Hutt Fix the Pylons so Hutts ships can land Kill the 2 different sets of Exchange Thugs (in landing area). Thats far and away more then you will have to do to get their attention. I have managed to get their attention by doing stuff with out ever stepping foot into Refugee sector once (altho thats a waste as there is no encounters that give influence to Mira in that area).
  8. I was LS and was able to find them, a fter that I just lied as much less hassle For the poster about being max ls and not getting bonus, there is a period between max ls before bonus appears, just do a couple more ls moves and it will appear. Its not a bug,glitch, or word of the day.
  9. Just finished watching Episode 5 on tv and something hit me. Awhile back (forget which thread it was) someone was complaining about game and said something along lines of "how can Kreia even see the future, thats not a jedi or sith power, what makes her so special". So anyways, watching episode 5 it was actually Yoda teaching Luke to use the force to see into the past and the future that sets up the story line for him going to try and save Leia, Hans, Chewy, and CP30 to begin with. Just found it interesting that with all the people that post about SW and the EU and things many of us have never heard of before, that something so obvious had been missed by everyone in answering who ever the original poster was of that statement
  10. is lucasarts incapable of making a good game now? battlefront was crap, kotor2 was rushed, and now it seems republic commando is crap. mercenaries looks decent, but with the lucasarts tag on it, im a little worried and will wait for more reviews before attempting that one. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> heh Night, Maybe my opinion differs them others but I always found LA games to be poor far as Star Wars was concerned. I would never even have gotten KotOR1 if not because of a very persuasive sales guy (and fact I grew up ion Edmonton and know some folks associated to Bioware). LA being involved really made me hoooo and hummmm tho before buying it (obviously glad I did). So for me anyways (again just my opinion), KotOR series is the change from normal operating standards, rather then other way around. Course that could also be just I hate FPS type games as the norm and thats what Star Wars for the most part seems to like their games to be.
  11. Oatmeal! OATMEAL!!!!!! thats not a cookie hehe
  12. LOL I had same question when I played through as a LS player and said Raven was LS. As as sith it makes sence, not last jedi because shes a sith (altho Ive never been able to figure out why Nihbus cares if its sith or jedi), food should be food, both use the force after all.
  13. Ive opened all items with a 20 (thats with bonuses, not 20 base skill) security skill. Footlocker is like everything else, its random generated
  14. You will have to take some DS hits if your going to influence them, its nothing you cant over come tho (depending on where in game you are). Honestly, I wouldnt bother influencing GoTo or Mandalore. Mandalore doesnt really say anything you arnt aware of from knights 1 and GoTo is right up there with JarJar in worst Star Wars Characters ever made!
  15. Ive found them on the surface my first go through. After that I just lied to Glenn to be honest. Its just much easier to lie far as that quest goes.
  16. i havent bothered trying the demo that comes with kotor2, bu thats disappointing. i was actually looking forward to that game. <_< <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Better look elsewhere. <_< <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So true, Im not a FPS fan to begin with and only played Halo because it came with my XBox (along with Amped which is a great game btw), but compared to that Republic demo POC, Halo is game of the century (even with its bugs and freezes and limited storyline)! Even to a person that dislikes FPS's.
  17. it does change the ending (depending on which ending you got) in regards to Bastila but not ending in regards to actual game. You can find more info on the spoiler forums about this.
  18. Well Jeff, maybe the 25 that voted "YES" didnt experience any problems. I know I didnt other then occational slowdown, but thats not a game breaker by a HUGE margin. I completed all the quests, didnt have any graphic bugs (other then slow downs), played through it 8 times now. To me "other then ending which wasnt great but wasnt terrible either" the game was as close to perfect as Ive seen in a really long time. Had far less bugs then KotOR1 or Halo. Biggest bug to me in KotOR2 was that POS demo they included with it (gawd that was terrible, even for a no mind FPS game). I hope Obsidian does do part 3 and keeps everything status quo. *missing content (HK factory, 2nd level of telos military outpost) was annoying yes but game was still same size as knights 1 so even tho i wanted the additional content I cant "REASONABLY" complain about it as I would be contradicting myself for enjoying Knights 1 as much as I did.
  19. Wow, 2 skills are what he refers to as ALL???? I expected to see a long list of things when I opened this thread! LOL, silly me, I shoud have known better!
  20. Comes down to what you give up to get the diciple! If your saying replace Handmaiden for him, not a chance in hell If I could replace GoTo for Diciple! Well thats a trade Id be totally and completely for
  21. The One is the boss that gave me the most trouble! I must have tried 6 or 7 different character combinations and starting tactics before finally defeating him (and his supporters). Was a really good fight, hardest I had in Knights 1. Vrook is the hardest for Knights 2.
  22. heh Mes, this is one of the things I been pointing out. KotOR2 makes folks think alot more then KotOR1 did. Its a more complex storyline and that might be why some folks have issue with it. Think of recent releases (halo 1&2, KotOR1, ect) They all just lead you from dot a to dot b to dot c, ect. You cant mess them up (other then dieing). KotOR2 makes you think of multiple strings at the same time, unlike those games. Thats the biggest change I noticed in KotOR2. And while its just my opinion, when I hear people complain about the game but then say that Republic Commando demo (think thats the name, only tried it for like 10 minutes before shutting it off) is a great game, it tells me those players dont want to have to think while playing. They want a point a to point b to point c game. Different tastes is all, I always get a chuckle thinking back to a old Wizardry game where you find the Thermal Pineapple early on but its used much much later in game and you couldnt finish game with out the item (meaning you HAD to save it all that time) and wonder/imagine the types of complaints that would be spamming the forums for that game! LOL, I mean KotOR2 no where even close to that extream and look at the complaints for it! Anyways, thats my theory, todays gamers just not use to being challenged mentally, they expect a map telling them to do A,B,C,D,E,F and KotOR2 just doesnt do that. To them the fighting is the challenge, not the story. I back that theory up by pointing out all the "What happens to so and so" questions that were completely answered in game by completelying all the side influence/quests. People just not paying attention to the story of game and then upset when its not handed to them.
  23. heh np Jag, Being one of the rare 14 year vets of MMORPGs still left involved in MMORPGs (first mmorpg was NWN on AOL 15 years ago, I joined a year later as Canadian and AOL had no local numbers to connect for Canadians at that time) Im more then happy to let people know the pros and cons of the games out there I also have no intention of really playing any of them to be honest. If LA would remove SOE from SWG I would give SWG anouther chance but that doesnt seem likely (but with the steady cancellations SWG had over last 6 months its not a imposibility). Course Ill still Alpha / beta test new products (LOL mostly cause I keep getting invites to do so even when I have now stopped applying for betas and such). Heh, just wish I got paid for it! Could make a nice comfortable living hehehe. Anyways, if yas ever have any questions about MMORPGs just ask As I said, I been around for all of them since the start and have played pretty much all of them with couple exceptions (and I refuse to drink companies kool-aide so judge them strictly on their actual merits/faults). Or drop by my guild website (link in signature), we are a extention of the FIRST MMORPG guild ever created. heheh Darth Ni, thats why I told folks looking for sci fi PVE to look at SWG instead! hehehe
  24. sure Jebus, but again. Hating the council doesnt make you DS. LOL, in fact a arguement can be made that killing the council members is REALLY a LS act (well ok im pushing it, but killing Vrook and Artis are NOT DS acts, that much for sure). The council was cowardly and their cowerdess was costing innocents their lives. So calling them cowardly doesnt specifically mean your DS. The end result was you broke the coucils commands to server the greater good by going to war. You walked away from Revan and Malak once that war was finished so it wasnt the call of power or the dark side that guided your actions. True about the options (Obsidian did a great job), but there is holes in the Dark side story that dont add up. I mean if your following the Dark Side, why not follow Revan as he was the strongest? Why return to the council as you know you will be outnumbered and punished. Everything in that pre story suggests remorse (not afraid as Kreia states). Your anger at the Jedi Counsil is understandable, heck its valid! But that anger alone isnt going to push you over the edge when your priciples are set so strongly in the LS. Even by Star Wars lore it would take someone breaking you or other things as well to push you over the edge. And those extra things are never mentioned what so ever so one has to assume you time away while exiled was spent in reflection. There just isnt anything in the pre story that suggests you have gone to the dark side. So while you "CAN" play dark side in game, it still all fits more snuggly into place going lightside. There isnt nagging little questions left on the whys and whats and such that are found in the DS story.
  25. LOL, well Ive never had under a 16 int so I just never noticed...Sorry. As for telling you, the video changes so no cant tell you what it is. Ive had ones from Cart and from Bastila, message similiar tho but these things half the fun in playing them Ock, you may have finished repairing him (repair skill) but have you finished the computer skill side as well?
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