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Everything posted by Kalfear

  1. Depends how you answer the question to Capt whats his name. First time through I said they were on the planet surface and then I in fact met them there. Rest of the times I just lied and said I had killed them and got the reward...they dont appear after that if you do it that way.
  2. Strange I have done all that but the Redemption quest never completed. Maybe you need show you are a jedi when land on Dantooine and not hide it? Maybe, its always closed for me but I always forget to hide my Lightsabre when I land on dant! hehe. Also its easy darkside points if you order her around after seeing your lightsaber. Exactly. But G0-T0 doesn
  3. What I do ALWAYS with Bao is this Put him in light armor (and upgrade it obviously with attention to Wisdom as its so low on him) Give him some form of unarmed combat guantlets (I usually find one or two sets in game) Make sure he has reflex - wisdom - dex items on head/implant/belt and then put him on jedi support mode. Bao is the BEST unarmed combat character in game, and since he cant wear armor that doesnt restrict force powers I use him primarily as a tank/sheild that heals. Has worked out really well for me altho I find Bao to be MUCH more aggressive then other party members (seems to run off after things that are farther away then other character would chase after) which does get him in trouble alot of the time!
  4. Turn off the power in the main control room (which disables the cloaking device and allows everyone and their dog to attack the ship) then just fight your way to the ebon hawk and leave
  5. OMG, are you going to stalk me in EVERY thread I post in Ep! Seriously! Your not my type! Shooo, go away, go play in traffic or something!!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *shrugs* I dont know Phantom, the first question my friends ask me when I told them game was out was "does it still look like the first one?". So obviously people do like the engine and feel of game. I do agree they can do much more with the current engine tho as far as game goes (larger areas, more quests, more indepth storylines) things like that.
  6. LOL! 1) Leats see,! Oh ya! You were saying in a different thread I was a 10 year old! So im guessing your NOT saying to use you as a example! Good Advice! 2) Again, dont follow your lead! Point taken and understood! 3) Ouch! Anouther poor insult attempt! Seriously, you seem to have a preoccupation with 10 year olds and mothers! Are you trying to say something here? And you do know what your suggesting is illegal right? Please go back to your newsgroups and leave your pediphile fantasies off the boards! *cringes* some people just are to strange for words!
  7. This is why 10 year olds aren't allowed to manage stores. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wow, was that a (poor ) attempt at a insult? Im hurt! No really I am! Seriously! No no honestly! Ok not really but cant blame a guy for trying! run along little child, come back when your intellegence at least matchs your shoe size
  8. i doubt it. i played through the second time as lightside and was able to see the holocron. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nope, I have destroyed it as Lights and Dark as well. As I said, I think its dependant on wh you take into the Academy with you. Handmaiden and Disiple both have ties to the holocron storyline so they are probably the key to not destroying it.
  9. Nope, I "THINK" it depends on who is in your group! Only time I havent destroyed it is when Handmaiden in my group (which makes sence as she is apart of the holocron storyline). I suspect it would also not be destroyed if the Disiple was in group (for same reasons as Handmaiden). The other 7 times Ive played through the holocron has always been destroyed as neither of those 2 characters were in my group inside Korriban academy!
  10. Leave shipo and come back and ask her why she doesnt seem to like the handmaiden much. You do need good influence on Kreia for this option to appear tho
  11. Okies doc, here yas go. To turn Handmaiden into a Jedi 1) There is a number of ways to gain influence inside the Academy, I forget the exact paths but save and fool around with the conversation options. You can gain 2-3 influence gains there alone (and a ton of light side points) before she ever joins party. 2) When on Ebon Hawk, when you first meet her welcome her and offer her her own quarters! Influence gain for being nice to her. 3) Defeat her SOUNDLY in all 3 combats. If you take next to no damage when fighting her you do gain influence (Kreia hints at this when you speak to her about the Handmaiden and the combat rituals and what they mean). 4) IF thats still not enough, you can gain influence by healing the -ill man in refugee sector of Nar Shaadaar, -Saving Kumas on Dunx, (Bao and Handmaiden both) -giveing the open starport visa to republic spy on Onderon (Bao and Handmaiden both) -Not turning in and donating cash to the Droid vendor on Dant -Standing up to the Mercs when you exit crystal caves on Dant (after freeing Sith Lord Vrook). -Siding with the Queen when in the conversation about the Queen and whats his name with two local residents (she admires loyalty)......PS: I use this one to gain influence with Mandalore and Visas both instead. There is a couple more that escape my memory at moment but those more then enough to turn Handmaiden into a jedi. Lastly, be careful you dont do evil things when she is present.
  12. i did all that. sided with vrook and the militia versus the mercenaries and was completely lightside and i never had the quest log say completed. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Once i finished the merc part and spoke to what her name (chick that meets you when you first land on Dant) the quest was completed. It has no grand epic ending or anything like that. After the battle when you save Dant she changes her tone from "you will find no welcome here Jedi" to a much more friendly acknowledgement. Side note: While im not sure if its part of the redemption quest or not, convince the militia guy in hallway (that asks you to check into the head of militia guys activities) to speak his mind to people about the jedi. As I said, I dont know if its apart of the quest but seems to tie in well (you need to do this BEFORE the mercs attack as he will not converse with you afterwards other then saying Zharron was right all along about the mercs). As for fuel quest, speak to the hutt, then blow up gotto's yauht, then speak to the hutt again. He will tell you he will honor your agreement altho he expects Telos to not be to welcoming to his negotiations. The Hutt then gives you 2000 credits for your efforts and the quest is marked as finished. You can go back to Telos but no one will mention the fuel situation again to you there.
  13. I gotta go with KotOR time line (more so the first one then the second one)! Not only because there are still Mandalorians (which I love as a race) but because of the rest of the back drop story lines! The corperations, Sith out in public, Jedi as real Jedi, and the exploration of the outter rim. Also because the clone wars are yet to come. Basically its because there is still adventure available! The GCW just always seemed to stringent for my likeing. It was to cut and dry, good vrs evil! The Old Republic seems much more politically driven creating different paths and options for a person to choose from. Also, while Star Wars will always be a classic, villians like Malak, Nimus, Sion, Kreia (or even the villians from the first two prequels) are much more interesting (for me) then Darth Vader. Just my personal opinion but the options available in the Old Republic just seem limitless which is something I love!
  14. ROFLMGDAO! Yas know, being called a fanboi usually ticks me off. But this game is solid enough that thats fine, yuppers I am a fan of it! Id far rather be a fan of the game because I enjoyed it and like it then some negative nag like Epiphany, moaning and groaning and creating fictional complaints just so I can bash the game some more! As I said above, did it meet my expectaions? Nope it didnt! (I wanted larger and more areas, I wanted a better ending, I wanted to blow up GoTo into a thousand little peices and then melt it so no record of it ever existed) Still a great game and best RPG on the market at this time (or since KotOR1 released). Far and away the best RPG of 2004! Nothing out there even compares or comes close! So if you really call that being a fanboi, welp guess you have a pretty liberal veiw of what fanboi's really are! LOL!!!!! Not surprised tho, reading the complaints about game have been rather humorous! Most complaints stem from anal retentive players that take the EU FAR FAR FAR to literal and need to get a life, or from those with reading disorders and couldnt figure out simplistic quests like Jedi Redemption and Talos feul quest (cough cough Epiphany cough cough). LOL, so from where I sit, if thats the worst people can say and create, thats a pretty damn good record Obsidian has for the game!
  15. I also ALWAYS find a cloak in one of the lockers where the Tank Droid comes out of. Might just be coincidence but its always there!
  16. Someone posted that if you go the opposite direction and lower your influence on those characters (IE: Play the evil to the lightside members) that also has the same effect as if your were raising influence! Appearently this will also open up the jedi turn for them and give you the full story line. I have never tried it so take that as 2nd hand info at best.
  17. she really doesnt have much to say about atris to be honest. If you have hit the part about "expressed feelings" then you have finished that string of dialog with her. Most of what she says comes into play when making her a Jedi and later after y ou have completed all 4 planets the jedi masters suppose to be on.
  18. I still say the worst Jedi ever was Sith Lord Vrook!!!! Bar none!
  19. I think how they are handleing it in the video games works well. If Revan ever became a TV or Movie character tho I think he would be a male! As I said in a different thread, the whole back story with the love interest with Bastila and all just fits and runs alot more smoothly with him as a male character. For the video games tho it works pretty good leaving Revans gender up to the player. Same goes for the Exile, if he was ever to become a TV, novels, movie character, the story works alot better with the exile as a male character (expessially with the inclusion of the Handmaidens Race).
  20. Welp, for me I enjoy the engine. If they switched to Halo engine I would probably still buy the game (as I enjoyed the first two), then get so disgusted with engine Id put it down and never play or purchase anouther one! The engine fits the game and works well, there is no reason what so ever to change it. Change for the sake of change is not a good thing! Perhaps you have heard the old saying "if its not broken dont fix it!" The current engine is not broken by any degree! Im sure all the old stuff (Items, forms, ect) will be brought over to KotOR3. No idea about land mass, I was surprised they made the same mistake Bioware did in limiting the land mass so much for KotOR2 to be honest.
  21. Did it meet my expectations? No Did I feel ripped off or discouraged from purchasing it and playing it? Nope! Not at all! I think Obsidian could have done alot of things better in the game but I wont hesitate for a single sec to suggest this game to my friends. Even tho it didnt meet my expectations, its better then ANY OTHER game title out there currently (PC or XBOX).
  22. Visas + Mira/Handmaiden!! Occationsally I would pull out Mandalore!!! hehe Visas, Mira, and Handmaiden all were AWSOME characters, Id take those 3 over ANY KotOR1 characters any day! (course Id take Bastila and Catwoman over any remaining KotOR2 characters).
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