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Everything posted by Kalfear

  1. only 3 or 4 time but be aware that if you have other party members they may gain influence instead. For instance, if you kill the mechanic on Dant and have HK-47 and Mandalore in group, mandalore will say "well he had that coming" and you will gain influence with Mandalore not HK. Same goes for Droid merchant on Dant, if you have HK and GO-TO in group, GO-TO will take priority over HK. Droid merchant on Dant is right outside the side entrance of Kondor (or how ever its spelt) You cant kill him till after the mercs attack (you find his hydrospamer inside one of the droids you repair). That opens up the conversation string that allows you to kill him or gain massive light side points.
  2. Aye, I think Kreia is saying the Exile cut himself off because of all the deaths he caused at Malacor. He was scared to be veiwed as a leader again so to speak. Thats the best I could figure out tho and have replayed game like 6 times now. I think Malacor V opened his eyes to the horrors of the universe. So while not causing the effect it was the main catalyst to his choice after that.
  3. no he didnt do it to him self perpusfully.(acording to the game) i dont buy that i think that the jedi cancle cut him from the force becuase of there anti-war positions. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You may very well be right, but when I wrote that the Exile had cut himself off from the Force, I meant that he did it inadvertently because of what s/he saw and what the results of their actions were. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> hehe, well thats what the council says to you, but at start of the game speaking to Kreai she says they did cut you off from the force. And while shes manipulative through out the game, shes also far more honest and forth coming then the Jedi Masters were or are in the game. I agree with other poster, Based on the dialoge and actions in game I think they did cut the exile off regardless of their claims. I really wasnt to impressed with the Jedi Counsil to be honest, they came across as everything they are not suppose to be. Atris was evil: you knew this from the first time you met her even if the game made your conversation choices sound like you didnt know. Zar was a coward: He was on Nar Shadar hiding outta fear. No other way to put it. Vrook was well on his way to being a Sith Lord: He had embrassed (and drew power from) his rage, envy, jealousy, and arrogence/conceit. He loved to manipulate things from behind the sceens to advance his own personal agenda's. He did this all under the "appearence" of doing good, but his words and attitude did not back up his actions. Kavarr was probably the closest thing to a real Jedi: He was counciling the queen but even he had embrassed the dark side for he was useing the Queen to expose his enemy at the risk of her rule and empire. In other words he used those around him as pawns caring little for the overall effect of his actions. The most telling point tho about all of them was when someone appeared that could fight the sith and win (something none of them had been able to do), rather then join togather to remove the danger, they tried to remove the person that could accomplish what they had failed at and endangered their reputations and status. Pure envy and jealousy.
  4. I believe it happens no matter what. It's part of the story that really bugs me. The death of the masters serves no purpose to further the story, it just seems wierd. Also going back to the jedi enclave as a Dark Sider makes no sense. I killed everyone, I know there is no one there, why do we have the same cut scene, then PAN across an empty room just to get different dialogue from Kreia and the same conclusion. It's really quite retarded. o.o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I havent reached there yet with my dark side character (female) but with my male character the death of the 3 masters DOES effect the story as your out cold and Kreia tells the handmaiden it was her that killed you so she reacts and takes Kreai to Atris for punishment! Definately advances the storyline! PS: It also makes sence Kreai does exactly that for the Masters being such Twits!!!!! Their reaction (if playing LS) to you saving Saving Dant, Saving Onderon, finding new fuel for Telos, and surviving the sith that they have been hidding from (lets call it what it is) is to strip you of your power??????? My only complaint at that specific encounter is YOU cant kill all 3 of them for either falling to the dark side for embrassing their jealousy and envy or just killing them for being to STUPID to live!!!!!
  5. Which is more foolish? Me bashing it, or Obsidian giving you the ability to? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> (passes him a bottle of phospathe) here go ahead and drink it all up!!! LOL, of course YOUR more foolish for bashing it, LOL! Oh and you do take a Dark side hit for killing the FIRST of the 3 exchange guards, just not the next 2. Also if you kill all 3 guards and THEN speak to Luxa you can get a bonus 4th guard for extra xp. Then use the NON bashed terminal to have receptionist buzz you in
  6. All you get for fighting and killing all 5 handmaidens is 750 xp, you DO NOT get the training skill. That can only be gotten from the last of the handmaidens on the Ebonhawk. Just like the Disciples Meditation skill can only be learned on the Ebon Hawk for females! In other words yes, they are only learnable depending on your gender!
  7. While I agree with many of your points they dont add up to dropping the ball. Yes we should be able to goto all the previously released places (Wookie land would have probably made Hanharr interesting rather then a throw away character). But not being able to doesnt ruin the game. YES, there is alot of things that dont make alot of sence but do they ruin the game? NO Obsidian did a average job on a great product. So while I would love to see the franchise improved each expansion, ill give them props anyways for not lessening the franchise.
  8. pick and choose your spots for HK Killing the old man (mechanic) and the droid vendor and the trapped salvager (inside lower enclave) on Dantoine gives influence. Killing Londas (the husband) in Nar Shadar docks gives influence and picking the right conversations give influence. Thats all I needed to do with HK (I was surprised he didnt react what so ever to the HK droids on Dunx when you first land.....designer oversite im guessing). Far as T3 goes, all you have to do is compliment him and reair his computer and repairs. That builds up more then enough influence to get your force point increase and full conversation effects.
  9. hehehe Mira is the Easiest of them all to make Jedi! Just speak to her to gain all the influence you will need to do so and follow the script! Its layed out really clearly!
  10. ACK! Bastila over Visas??????????????????? NO CHANCE! Visas > Mira > Bastila > Handmaiden > Jurari > Mission!!!!! hehehe, no doubt about it
  11. I didnt like the ending either but gotta say im lost as to the complaint about being forced to use characters in certain points. Only time you were FORCED to use specific characters in the game made sence those characters would be used, it advanced the storyline and atmosphere of the game over all. Sorry, think you being WAY to nit picky if your complaining about that.
  12. LOL! Thats all answered in the game! He would be giving the storylines away by telling you here!
  13. if you did the first stage of Onderon you have to go finish a different planet then you will get the message to return to onderon Least thats how it always works for me
  14. LOL! sorry for laughing but game does tell you to save often and in new slots
  15. heheh sure can, My entire party is jedis excluding Mandalore and the Droids (which im betting none of them can be jedi!!!!!) At least I hope Mandalore cant be, would create anouther huge whole in the game storyline if Mandalore is able to be trained as a Jedi/Sith. Revan would have done it first long time ago as thats where Mandalores first loyalty lays!
  16. hehe I loved the ending of the Bounty Hunter Scene on Nar Shadar! Aliens : jkhfehj fhjhdf.hjdfhkd Atton: Anyone catch that? All I understood is where! Bao: I think they want us to give up the General Atton: Oh, Thought so, which one you want? Bao: Ill take the stupid one that decided to threaten us rather then shoot us when he had the chance! The other one I liked was if you have Atton and Handmaiden togather when your approached about giveing up the Ebon Hawk. Choose to do so and listen to the interaction between the two, its quite hillarious!
  17. I trained him as well, all it took was 1) ask if hes ok after crashing in polar region of Telos 2) Thank him for helping on speeder 3) have him along on Duxan when you rescue Kumas 4) Have him along when you give the Open Shuttle Visa to the Rebel Agent on first trip to Onderon. (this bites as so far Ive found first trip to Onderon good for Visra, Handmaiden, Bao, and GO-TO for gaining influence), hehe and of course Mandalore.
  18. The speeder has 0 to do with the Exchange plot, so its a mute point. The Serpicos (or how ever they are spelt) is a refugee quest, nothing at all to do with the Exchange (heheh unless you convince them to attack the exchange).
  19. heh, well I have played it through 5 times now so the Exile been rather different each time hehee I think the best Lightsabre I had was somthing like 20-60 damage with massive blaster bolt deflection. Always go 2 single handed LS's (tried double bladed once, didnt care for it). Usually Violet or Silver in color
  20. I have found it once on what his name (the droid dealer in Nar Shadar) and once on Droid dealer on Dantoine! (rest of time was in Warehouse).
  21. I was REALLY REALLY fustrated with the Jedi Masters story line. First off, Vrook hardly acted like a Jedi Master. His arguements in the Holo report from Atris's and then the holo recording of him and Vandar showed him to be lead by his emotions rather then intellegence. So WHY would he be on the council to begin with? Makes no sence. 2) Weird named guy on Nar Shadar TELLS you that YOU were right in the choice you made and the council was wrong and hes left the council because of it! So suddenly he rejoins a newly formed council and tries to cut you off from the force even tho you helps Nar Shadar, Saved Onderon, Saved Dantoine (as all 3 masters togather they MUST know of your actions). It makes no sence! 3) Kavar, he appoligizes and sucks up and then tries to cut you off from the force????????? I understand why Obsidian did it (to advance the Handmaiden/Atris part of story) but it made 0 sence. They are punishing you for doing good deads and being the ONLY one of them to thus far survive by NOT hiding and cowarding away. Honestly, after playing it through once I veiw the 3 Jedi Masters as more of a Threat then Sion or Nimbus. As they hide their actions as GOOD guys rather then openly embrace the Dark Side. (PS: Other thing that REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY bothered me in game is, here you are the LAST of the Jedi? But in 2 seperate games I got a cut screen (present time) of Bastilla speaking to Carth (as a jedi, not as a Sith). Ok I can see how Vroom, Name with to many letters, and Kavar can not be called Jedi (as explained above) but Bastilla was HUGE in the battle in the first game. How does she suddenly appear and never been noticed by Sion or Nimbus??????? Makes no sence.
  22. I liked: Visas - I loved this character from start to finish! Found her entire storyline to be very interesting and was left wanting much much more! Mira - Loved the idea of this character and the storyline it started but it was so underdeveloped she ended up being only so so. Still tho, far more interesting then some others so goes in my like area. Handmaiden - Again, started off great but by mid way through game you were done with her. Also HATED the fact that (when controling her) I kicked Atris's butt only to have Atris stand back up and zap me down! Great promise for this character but failed to deliver in the end. Mandalore - He h, what can I say, loved this character in KotOR1 and still loved having him in group. Storyline was really weak this time around but still a favorite character of mine! Atton - This caught me off guard because I was NOT a fan of Carth in Kights 1. But Atton was sarcastic enough to make him a enjoyable character, as was the case with every other character, he just wasnt developed enough (that seems to be the real downside of kotor2). After Telos and the refugee area of Nar Shadar I didnt pull him out again once as had the full story already! HK-47 - Classic character! Him and T3 are the REAL droids of Star Wars in my opinion! Hell with CP-30 and R2-D2! Those I didnt like: Kreia - Didnt like is strong, maybe didnt feel the pay off equaled the time invested. I mean who didnt know by Onderon she was the villian???? It was so transperant! I loved the cut screens of her teaching tho, that was very well done, just all in all a transparent character. Bao-Dur - LOL, I got sooooooooo bored of this character so fast! I literally only use him in the Telos Military area (as I have no choice), pull him out specifically for specific quests and stage one of Onderon. Other then that he was boring to speak to and boring to play. Hanharr - Hated whats his name in kotor1 and hated Hanharr, what else there to say. 1 dimensional characters that get old 3 minutes after you get them. Mira was 100000000000000000000000000000 times the character Hanharr was hands down. GO-TO - I just don't like this character flat out. Nothing about him is interesting or compelling. He's probably my least favorite. Also he has a terrible voice! I sure hope Obsidian didnt PAY the person that did the voice! It was painfull to listen to and gave me head aches to the point I turned sound off! Disciple - Didnt understand the use of this guy when I played first time but when I made a female character I got to see that he joined the group! It was about then I started a new game again as male! That should really say it all. Annoying and boring! All in all, I found even the character I liked to be limited because the game was obviously rushed (tho it shouldnt have been for the time it took to make, I think Obsidian needs to hire some MORE programmers fast. For the time the game took to make it should have been MUCH larger with much much much more dialog (rather then areas being cut out and incomplete). Like the first game, I liked the female characters the most along with the Droids. The male characters just seem so stereotyped and genaric really!
  23. The sure fire way to get the exchanges attention is as follows:<I forget some names> 1) Do the 2 merchant quest (found on either side of the entrance to the bar zone) and refuse to kill the female rodian. 2) Goto Hussan in the Refugee area and agree to kill Squimish (or what ever his name is). 3) Refuse to give up Ebon Hawk and taunt the requester of the action. Any two of those 3 things will get the exchanges notice. If you fail to do two of those 2 things Ive no clue how long you have to wait for the invite!
  24. I dont think you can really compare the two honestly other then say both excellent for different reasons. KotOR story flowed very smooth and had a Climatic ending complete with cut screen movie. KotOR2 has the more indepth (adult orinated) storyline which is a huge plus in my books, but doesnt seem to run as smoothly, and its ending is rather a let down to be honest. I think alot of issues in KotOR2 could have been solved with having all the areas they originally planned on in game (sub level of military base on talos and the HK story line fully ingame). Both games fall short tho in the fact the are just to small. I love both games like nothing else but the world size for each of them is just puny! Imagine the enjoyment if the world was 3 times as large for each game! Thats my biggest complaint about the franchise!
  25. Not going to post a spoiler, instead ill say Read the holocron on the body by the door, then you will have your answer
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