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Everything posted by Kalfear

  1. hehehe I can answer that for yas Jag (as Ive played them all in alpha or beta or subscription. Star Wars Galaxies: Dont bother. Has almost no star wars feel to it, the grinding of xp is insanely boring. Your PUNISHED for becoming a Jedi (only class in game to have a MASSIVE xp loss at death which is caused mostly by KNOWN exploitation of Bounty Hunters yet SOE refuses to fix the exploit). SWG has the MOST potential of any game out there but SOE seems determined to avoid that potential at all costs. Upcoming changes to game will include a combat upgrade that removes buffs but does nothing regarding the insane weapon damage so one hit kills in pvp will become the norm. Other upcoming change is forced grouping with no new content which means you will now need groups of 6-8 people to kill things you use to solo. -On the SOE multipgame pass (29.95 for accounts in EQ, EQ2,SWG,Planetside, and others less known) World of Warcraft: -Most popular game on market at the moment in North America -Casual players wet dream (ultra easy leveling curve, if you play more then 10 hours a week you will not be challenged) -Has PvP but is a waterdowned version of DAoC -Limited class choice (think its 8 in total) so not alot of variety to choose from -Cartoon Graphics (some like it, some hate it, have to decide for yourself) -Only 4 months old so the jury still out if it can hold on to players long term (I personally doubt it as half the players already maxed out level wise with no real end game to partake in)...time will tell the final story though. EQ2: -Very nice graphics but very high system requirements -LOTS OF QUESTS (have members in guild at level 30 who have yet to fight something not related to current quest) -NO PVP (none planned for at moment either) -On the SOE multipgame pass (29.95 for accounts in EQ, EQ2,SWG,Planetside, and others less known) -Expect regular expansions that make it much like EQ1 where Items and levels become the final goal. EQ: -Old but still popular game -VERY HARD level curve -game is totally item and level orientated -Decent graphics (kinda like kotor xbox) -almost no new players entering so that could create hardships for a new player -VERY group orientated (you can solo with some classes but its a challenge) -On the SOE multipgame pass (29.95 for accounts in EQ, EQ2,SWG,Planetside, and others less known) Final Fantasy XI: -KotOR style graphics and zones -FORCED GROUPING (solo is NOT a option) -interesting class make up (at level 20 you can start leveling up any class to half of your primary class) -play with PS2 players (very very very annoying) -multi-country servers (i liked this but others hated it, quite often you will group with people from japan, korea, china, ect! you communicate via set language macros) -first game to add cut screen movies to a MMORPG -Over all the forced grouping, PS2 players, and lack of naming restrictions make this game not very fun to be honest. Ashrons Call 1: -terrible games, both of them - AC1 is a pkers heaven -no level limit -PKers heaven -lots of Do0dZ in game -PKers heaven (getting the picture?) Ashrons Call 2: -Worse then AC1 (nuff said) Dark Age of Camalot: -Great initial start up -game now is very "extra" orientated -put to much emphasist on PvP bonuses (realm points, MLs, Artifacts) -use to be a very good but steady learning curve, now you looking at a year minimum before you can "seriously" partake in RvR because of levels, items, RAs, and MLs needed to compete realisticly. -If you buy a account it can still be a VERY FUN game. Planetside: Space (sci fi) PvP game (if you like pve look at SWG before Planetside) EvE: -Boring -You mine ore, buy bigger ship, ine some more ore, train a skill, mine some more ore.......repeat Ultima Online: -terribly dated graphics -still laggy after all these years -somehow still holding on but doing the slow death routine City of Heros: -Superheros MMORPG -easy leveling curve but not grade school easy like WoW - Im told (this only one I havent actually played) its a fun game if your into all that sorta stuff. Worth a look if premise behind it interests you Thats about it for whats out there currently. Im a MMORPG fanatic and currently have no plans to play any MMORPGs until something new catchs my eye. Upcoming is AD&D online but its being made by Turbine (creaters of AC1 and 2) so dont hold your breath on that product, history is not on their side for quality game creation (still worth a look tho) Matrix Online: No idea how this one will play out, just not interested in it to be honest. Side note: Dont visit MMORPG forums to find out about games, MMORPG players are the most fanatical players of any computer product (100000x where WoW concerned) so getting objective insite about any specific game is not really doable! Example: WoW fanatics so bad that while I was beta testing it people who never played the game would argue with me about it. The most common used phrase at that time was "Its Blizzard so it will be better then everything else". Was really quite sad to be honest! LoL
  2. I agree fully. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Tyr, there is a problem with that tho. I do understand (and actually agree) regarding being more like Kreia but here is the difference. Regardless of the Darth Traya junk, Kreia was neutral and walked the nuetral line for all of the story really excluding the end. She wasnt DS. By your analogy neither would the exile be DS. He was trained as LS, and jedi counsel be damned, his fundemental ideals (as he CHOSE not to follow Malak and Raven after Malacor V) would be based in lightside style of thinking (IE: help when he can, dont cause pain to other intentionally, ect). Sure he might not kiss babies and hand out credits but his thinking/morals would still be based more towards the lightside of the force. For that matter he might even choose to kill the 4 jedi masters for revenge, but they SPECIFICAL caused him pain and unjustly punished him. That doesnt mean he will go on a murderous rampage because he killed those 3 masters, doesnt mean he would intentional bring harm to others (IE: not healing the sick, not sticking up for the poor, not defending those who cant defend themselves). Just because he wants revenge and is no longer titled a jedi doesnt mean he forgets who and what he is at his core. The one key point that totally truely eliminates the DS path tho is the Exile walked away from war because of the damage and suffering he had caused. Last time I checked "REMORSE" was not a quality looked for in a DS character. As I said to Jag, there is to many things that dont make sence when you go DS in TSL, the lightside just seems to fit into place and make more sence over all. Not a perfect LS Jedi, but they stress the fact your NOT a jedi even tho you are LS throughout the whole game. Your idea of him being neither Sith nor Jedi but a Force user makes perfect sence, but if that s the case then you need to look at the characters history to see what side he would have tendancies towards. Everything we know about him suggests he would remain Lightside (with the one exception of taking revenge on the masters that exiled him). Think about it: Why did he goto war? Because the Mandalorians had to be stoped! (IE: in defence of others)......Honorable motives Why didnt he follow Revan and Malak to the dark side? Because deep down he knows right from wrong....Again a lightside characteristic Why did he return to the counsel knowing already he would be cast out (and yes he knew what the result of showing up there would be)....To explain his actions so hopefully they could see the GOOD that came from his actions. Everything about the Exile suggests GOODNESS is his normal characteristic. Agree not Luke Skywalker goody goody garbage. Exile has demons and more of a edge to be sure, but in the end he made a concious choice to remain LS before TSL game actualy started.
  3. should Bioware have done Part 2? Well the obvious answer (that has nothing to with STL that Obsidian made ) is yes. I still dont understand Biowares thinking process here of giving up a huge money maker in favor of (what looks awsome but is unproven) Jade Empires. Does it matter if Bioware or Obsidian made TSL? Naaaaa, both games top notch and fun. So both now have a solid product people can point to as examples when doing the whole bioware vrs Obsidian arguement!
  4. Jag, thats not true. I have a P4 3.2 gig system with 512 meg ram (ya ya I know I should be at a gig min) and 512 meg video card. Yet I prefer my "OFFLINE" RPGs to be on my Xbox. The main reason is (as said in PC forum) My TV is much larger then my pc monitor, my sofa much more comfortable then my computer chair, and coffee machine closer! hehe But seriously, XBox is nice, just plug in the disk and play! No messing around with settings and options, no cleaning the mouse after certain amount of use, no defraging and all that junk after installing. Just true plug and play! Now thats for Offline RPGs and sports games. Games like Civilization still PC only IMO (is civ even made for counsel games?). MMORPGs are DEFINATELY PC only area (god I hated FFXI with those PS2 players) Point is, I have the hardware to run any of these programs on my computer, just some games more suited to the xbox style. KotOR series just happens to be one of them
  5. LOL aye First time through was a power session of 40 hours (no sleep), game was really addictive (and I was use to SWG by SOE so was long over due for some well done Sci Fi content). I missed so much content that had to replay immediately just to try and find out what I missed. Rest of the games only really took 20 hours each tho. KotOR 2 just like any game out there, once yas finished once you basically know what to do and where to go so the difficulty curve is way lower. I will say this tho, on my 8th game I was STILL finding odd bits and peices here and there that I had missed (or taken different route so wasnt available to other characters). About to start 9th game as read about 2 things for sure Ive never done before. Definately has replay value
  6. ROFLMAO! No worries, once yas get KotOR2 yas wont even look at WoW. Course im Jaded, I beta tested that POC MMORPG and cant stand it! (Imagine if the difficulty level was halved and then halved again in KotOR1&2 and you get WoW normal game).
  7. LOL I actually DO know where its from but hell if I can remember the book series names or author all this time later! (heh, reason I know is was a Garret Jax in my guild in NWN 14 years ago who told me and more recently saw a Garret Jax in SWG who felt he had to tell me again! hehe)
  8. Interesting, never even occured to me about Boba and Jango to be honest. I got a different theory from the ending and that line but I dont read Star Wars novels and such (movies and "good" (IE KotOR series) computers games where I draw the limit now). Heh, I was probably wrong in my theory but works for me! No sence saying it as its soooooo far off from what yas all talking about its not even funny, heh.
  9. All items are random so Im guessing that means there is a chance of Malaks Lightsabre and armor appearing if you are DS. I neber saw them in my DS games either for the record tho
  10. You couldn have fixed him completely because the last repair is what triggers the movie. The last computer upgrade AND Repair (both) triggers the moving meditation skill. Int plays no part at all in the process. PS: Influence is used to be allowed to fix/repair him.
  11. She didnt go with Raven, in both LS and DS games you are given the answer of where and what Bastila is doing or did. Wont go further then that as not a spoiler forum but rest assured, she DIDNT go with Revan, nor did Carth, Canderous, or finally T3. Thats one area of the story there should be no questions about at all
  12. Honestly Jeff, For maximum exposure and opinions I think you should hold off on topic untill after the PC and Euro releases to be honest. I have some idea of what your trying for here (altho I dont agree with your over all opinion of game faults), so to get everyones veiws they need to play the game first. If you disagree then Id say the spoiler forums would be best just because it allows folks to go more indepth at this moment in time with their reasons and explanations for their ideas
  13. Disagree Jebus, The story does make more sence as lightside. Lets look at the whole picture, As Lightside it makes sence you would chase after Revan to eliminate the upcoming threat. As DarkSide you "Might" chase after Revan, but more then likely now you have followers and the jedi are all but gone you would instead solidify your position in the known realm before trapsing off after Revan. Dantooine is ripe for the pickings (IE: setting up operations and controling the world of Dantooine basically Korriban is waiting for you to uncover lost secrets and solidify your hold over it. Onderon is ripe for setting up either a evil alliance UNDER your command or flat out takeing it over under your command (with the aid of the mandalorians). Telos is already under your command but Atris (depending on your choice of actions) needs to be watched and not just left to grow in power. The exchange has been broken on Nar Shadaar and ripe for you to set up a underground network there. Not to mention you solidifying your hold on Malacor V. Point is, as DS there is a ton of stuff that will need you immediate attention, Revans quest really isnt one of them. That is unless you wish to play a dumb evil that doesnt understand the finesse of power other then simple slaughtering. Even before the end the story makes much more sence on the lightside. If you played Evil you most likely killed the jedi masters, yet there they are after you have killed them in the jedi enclave waiting for you. As lightside you dont kill them and while them trying to seperate you from the force makes little sence it still plays better then th e dead coming back to life in a matter of days/weeks. Lastly there is the party your with. Every character in party makes alot more sence (joining you wise) when you go Lightside! Handmaiden realizes Atris has turned Sith, seriously , why would she join you since you also turned sith. Story is incomplete there. Inconsistant. Bao Dur same story. Bao (even at full ds rating) is not evil. Hes not. Force bound be damned, Bao is not going to turn evil, from what he says and does that is very appearent. Atton is the same way, he already ran away from the sith once, do you think hes going to stick around for a second try? Of course not! All 3 of those characters are Lightside characters (even when you go DS), they are going to follow the Jedi ways in the long run. Not flaming but I dont follow how you can say there is greater immersion or story makes more sence as a DS Exile. The game just doesnt back that claim up is all.
  14. Basic Economics This series been a huge win fall for LA and Obsidian/Bioware. I was really surprised Bioware agreed to allow a diff company to make part 2 to be honest, They must have high ambitions for Jade Empires to let this go. Long as the sries makes money their will be more KotOR made
  15. Heh, names I use are the same 4 I am known as in online games 1) Kalfear D'Elanthra (Originally a Lawful Evil Wiz/Cleric/Fighter from D&D. The last name comes from a Drow Role Playing Guild I was a member of back in original NWN on AOL 14 years ago) 2) Lygar D'Elanthra (Originally a Theif/Fighter in D&D, The last name comes from a Drow Role Playing Guild I was a member of back in original NWN on AOL 14 years ago) 3) Shadosin (was my drow Wizard for NWN. I dont use last name for him because of normal restrictions on letter amounts in games) Was originally created as the brother of Drathsin (friends drow assassin in NWN. 4) Grud Bludgeonbeater (this one only used for trolls or Ogres in fantasy based games). Originally created as a half orc fighter in D&D that had a complex where he wanted to be liked by everyone. Was Chaotic Good and a blast to play as because of appearence the chances anyone will like him are slim to none. hehe been useing them all (except Shadosin) for 25 years (original P&P D&D character names that I transfered over to RPGs, then MMORPGs)
  16. Dont know of any fan created stuff but there is a old D20 Star Wars system (basically the same system KotOR computer games using) out there. How easy to find or if its still in print I cant tell you tho.
  17. heh im sure long as the game keeps making money the way it is there is many more KotOR coming our way Might be single story games, might be trilogies, who knows but long as its profitable its pretty much a given Far as Galaxic Alliance and time period after ROJ, maybe im jaded because of how badly Sony dropped the ball with SWG but I hope they keep it Old Republic. The time frame just works so well for telling stories. Its alot more interesting IMO then any of the other Star Wars time frames
  18. hmmm interesting Ephany on a different forum thread states she plays KotOR2 via XBox live! LOL I dont have xbox live so cant answer your question (as doesnt relate to me). I have a decent computer for my online content
  19. simple answer about kreia and influence: because she was about manipulation, not about pure violence. if you slaughtered someone for the sake of slaughtering them, she might reprimand you for it because in her mind you could have used that person as a pawn to further your own goals instead of being a butcher. shes all about manipulation, so senseless violence is obviously going to draw a lecture from her. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> To expand on Nights great answer, This area seems to be causeing alot of misunderstanding in TSL. Kreia is evil, but shes a intellegent evil. She realizes that to truely be in power and have power over others you need them alive and broken into servitude. This IMO was one of the great aspects of TSL's. They moved away from the "kill everything and everyone that disagrees with me" type evil that is protrayed much to often and instead brought forth a interesting Evil character. Killing as a evil might be nessessary but manipulating people to go against their nature and submit to your own rules and ideas is much much more interesting when all is said and done. After all, you cant be a ruler if there is no one around to be ruled. TSL breaks the normal patern in a few cases during the game and players (myself included) will have to break old 1 dimensional gaming habits to recieve the full storyline and experience.
  20. PS: Jeff I really think you need to define what you clasify as a Glitch. Is it a minor bug? A exploit? A game stopping bug? A graphic error? What exactly is a "GLITCH" to you. To me glitch means very minor mistake far far down on the list of importance but how you use the word suggests you think of it as something else. Please define your meaning of glitch. Thanks
  21. errrr, answering the question would be a spoiler tho so your asking us not to answer your question LOL, if yas change your mind let us know!
  22. LOL, np! Glad I could help (cheques are in the mail right???? hehe)
  23. Dang yas Night! I stopped even reading her posts a week ago, but read yours so inadvertantly read hers because of yas! <mutters> Yas pretty much on the money about miss negativity, but why argue with her? Its not like she will suddenly realize what a B**** she has been, im sure she knows full well what her actions make her appear as and doesnt care. Some folks just like attention no matter how they get it, so just ignore her comments and such, or if they really bother yas, report her (troll flaming, and thats all she does is troll and flame, are usually against privately owned forums TOS's). Anyways thats my take on it, I just check names and scroll past so no clue what she has written in the last week, those few seconds I save have been put to much greater and better use
  24. heh, Lightsabre is actually fairly easy to make. Just speak to Bao for the parts you need and check out vendors (or you can also get parts through quests). The special part is in reference to Dant. You will have to go there to find out about the special aspect (sorry not a spoiler forum so wont go into more detail then that).
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